8 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
5 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$233 Price in €

This Module is currently available.


MOCSY is based on Mutable Instruments Plaits with a smaller form factor.
It is built, calibrated and tested with the highest quality standards.
The Module is proffesionally built and assembled in Germany and comes ready installed with the newest firmware.

16 deep synthesis models
8 synthesis models for pitched sounds
Two detuned virtual analog oscillators with continuously variable waveforms.
Variable slope triangle oscillator processed by a waveshaper and wavefolder.
2-operator FM with continuously variable feedback path.
Two independently controllable formants modulated by a variable shape window (VOSIM, Pulsar, Grainlet, Casio CZ-style resonant filter...).
24-harmonic additive oscillator.
Wavetable oscillator with four banks of 8x8 waves, with or without interpolation.
Chord generator, with divide down string/organ emulation or wavetables.
A collection of speech synthesis algorithms (formant filter, SAM, LPC), with phoneme control and formant shifting. Several banks of phonemes or segments of words are available.

8 synthesis models for noise and percussions
Granular sawtooth or sine oscillator, with variable grain density, duration and frequency randomization.
Clocked noise processed by a variable shape resonant filter.
8 layers of dust/particle noise processed by resonators or all-pass filters.
Extended Karplus-Strong (aka Rings' red mode), excited by bursts of white noise or dust noise.
Modal resonator (aka Rings' green mode), excited by a mallet or dust noise.
Analog kick drum emulation (two flavors).
Analog snare drum emulation (two flavors).
Analog high-hat emulation (two flavors).

Dual output
The AUX output carries a variant, sidekick or by-product of the main signal.
Patch both OUT and AUX to Warps for weird hybridization experiments!

Internal or external modulations
Dedicated CV input for synthesis model selection. No need to activate a mysterious METAmode!
An internal decay envelope is normalled to the TIMBRE, FM and MORPH CV inputs: the amount of internal modulation is directly adjusted with the attenuverters.

Internal low-pass gate (LPG)
Dedicated LEVEL CV input controlling the amplitude and brightness of the output signal.
The internal LPG can also be directly plucked by the trigger input.
Two parameters of the LPG can be adjusted: amount of low-pass filtering (VCFA to VCA), and response time of the virtual vactrol.

All inputs: 100k impedance, DC to 2kHz.
FM, MORPH, TIMBRE input range: +/- 8V.
HARMO and MODEL input range: +/- 5V.
LEVEL and TRIG input range: 0 to +8V.
V/OCT input range: -3 to +7V.
16-bit CV capture.
Audio output: 48kHz, 16-bit, DC-coupled.
Internal processing: 32-bit floating point.


submitted May 7th, 14:35 by TLM-Modular