This Module is currently available.
Eight channels VCA
2^4^8 is an eight-channels VCA desinged for polyphonic and stereo operation.
There are two stereo-paired sets of VCAs and four mono VCAs.
The two stereo VCAs each have two inputs, two outputs, and shared CV input and CV amount control.
Better argonomics - CV attinuator swapped with CV input for ease of access,
5V normalization for each CV input - so it can act as an attinuator.
CV Led indication for each channel.
VA Link output for chaining other VoicAs products that support this feature.
4 Mono VCA.
2 Stereo VCA.
Input impedance: 200k for all inputs.
Noise filtering and resettable fuses on the module's power input.
Reverse current protection.
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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?