This Module is discontinued.
Versatile Dual Voltage-Controlled Switch
This versatile utility module contains two independent voltage-controlled switches and is useful for creating a wide range of unique and interesting patches when used with other modules like sequencers etc.
Each switch has two I/Os (input/output), one common O/I (output/input) and a CV input. The switches are bi-directional i.e. they work in both directions for increased patching options. So an input signal can also be connected to the common O/I and output through the two I/Os.
The CV input responds to a specified voltage range; more specifically, when the CV is approximately 3.0V or higher, it will switch from I/O 1 to I/O 2 and vice versa when it falls below 3.0V or if no CV signal is present. There is also a manual CV button for each switch that acts in a similar way. So when the button is held down, it will switch from I/O 1 to I/O 2 and will revert back to I/O 1 when released.
Voltages in the range -8V to +8V can be processed by the module and LEDs indicate which I/O is active.