4 HP
40 mm deep
Current Draw
150 mA +12V
150 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$299 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer


DB25 Balanced Output Module Pre/Post Fader for Performance Mixer/Channels MKII

Balanced outputs for your Performance Mixer MKII

PM DB25 MKII is an expander output for the MKII versions of the Performance Mixer and Channels. 

Pre-fade and Post-fade connections are available for all channels. The DB25 has 16 outputs. All mixer channels are stereo, so one DB25 handles the main PM MKII (either pre or post), and the DB25 can handle 2x Channels (either pre or post).

Simply connect the cable to the Pre or Post headers on the back of the PM MKII or Channels MKII modules to choose pre/post. 

The PM MKII has an additional header with both Aux Sends, Master Bus, and Submix Bus.

Connect a DB25 cable of your choice to the front connector and then straight to your DAW or recording interface. 

For use with original WMD Performance Mixer, an adapter board can be added on. Please note that width behind panel is increased by 8mm when adapter board is added on. This may require some clever position in your case. The original Performance Mixer still only offers Pre Fader Outputs. 


submitted May 16th 2024, 07:44 by WMD | last Change May 16th 2024, 07:45 by WMD
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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?