4 HP
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$56 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

York Modular DIV2

4HP power-of-two clock divider

I thought long and hard about how to make a clock divider sound sexy.
I gave up.

This is the successor to my original divider module (and it's short-lived 1U counterpart) but is slightly different in that it now has divisions down to /64 - that's it. For best results, use a trigger voltage of around 5-6V (more is better, within reason) although anything above around 2V will work. At audio frequencies you could even use it as a sub-octave generator, and feeding individual outputs into a R2R DAC can yield some interesting sounds.

Exciting, eh? Nothing to see here, move along.

100% hand-made with surface-mount components, the panels are laser-cut and engraved 3mm perspex in opaque black.
Mounting hardware (M3x10 machine screws) and a power cable are also supplied.


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submitted Oct 26th 2018, 19:11 by nylon_viper | last Change Mar 4th 2022, 21:10 by tsope