Description: Two square waves are sent from Peaks into 2 WMD/SSF MMF Filters (with 2 other LFO's/OSC's from a second Peaks going into the Filter FM Inputs), whose cutoff points are modulated by channels 3 and 4 of Quadrax. The volume of these two audio signals (panned left and right) is modulated at Quad VCA's Channel 1 and 2 CV Inputs by channels 1 and 2 of Quadrax. All 4 of these envelopes are related via CV/Link Modes, where just one trigger from Quadra ENV1 creates a world of interplay, with techno elements, especially past half way through.
Colour Scheme:
Black - Quadra (ENV1)
Red - Quadrax Channel Outs
Green - WMD/SSF MMF Lowpass Outputs
Blue - 1st Peaks Outputs
Orange - 2nd Peaks Outputs
Yellow - (Stackcables) FX Send/Return w/ Euro DDL
Quadrax Settings:
OUT1 - Receives trigger from Quadra ENV1. CV Assignment: None, Mode: AHD
OUT2 - CV Assignment: EOF (End-of-Fall), Mode: AD
OUT3 - CV Assignment: EOR (End-of-Rise), Mode: CYCLE
OUT4 - CV Assignment: EOF (End-of-Fall), Mode: AD
Quadrax Channel Destinations (after Mordax):
OUT1 - Quad VCA Channel 1 CV Input (Amp. Envelope for 1st Square Wave)
OUT2 - Quad VCA Channel 2 CV Input (Amp. Envelope for 2nd Square Wave)
OUT3 - 1st WMD/SSF MMF Cutoff (1v/oct CV Input) (Filter Envelope for 1st Square Wave)
OUT4 - 2nd WMD/SSF MMF Cutoff (1v/oct CV Input) (Filter Envelope for 2nd Square Wave)
Mordax DATA Settings:
Oscilloscope, All Channels 5.0V, Time: 500ms, Trig: Auto
CH. 1 - Pos: 8.80V
CH. 2 - Pos: 0.00V
CH. 3 - Pos: -10.40V
CH. 4 - Pos: -24.20V
Mordax shows:
CH. 1 - Quadrax OUT1, controls Quad VCA CH. 1 level (1st Square Wave) via CV w/ attenuator
CH. 2 - Quadrax OUT2, controls Quad VCA CH. 2 level (2nd Square Wave) via CV w/ attenuator
CH. 3 - Quadrax OUT3, controls 1st WMD/SSF MMF Cutoff (1v/oct CV Input)
CH. 4 - Quadrax OUT4, controls 2nd WMD/SSF MMF Cutoff (1v/oct CV Input)
Playing Instructions:
1. Introduce sound by turning up CV pots on Quad VCA one channel at a time
2. Introduce more sound by turning Level pots on Quad VCA one channel at a time
3. Add Resonance at MMF, one at a time
4. Slow 2nd Peaks CH. 1 to LFO-rate, then turn up FM Level on 1st MMF a bit
5. Slow 2nd Peaks CH. 2 to LFO-rate, then turn up FM Level on 2nd MMF a bit
6. From here adjust the following parameters to taste:
- Filter Resonances
- Filter FM Levels
- 2nd Peaks LFO Rates and Waveforms
- Quadrax parameters (the lower the Channel number being changed, the more overall effect on the patch, as they are chained
- Speed of Quadra envelope (maintain low Rise time so it stays a trigger, but adjust Fall time)
7. Eventually, introduce Eventide Euro DDL, turn Send Level pot to noon, then turn up CH. 1 Send 1 and then CH. 2 Send 2 on Hexpander
8. Euro DDL parameters to adjust to taste:
- Filter cutoff point
- Dry/Wet
- Tap Tempo
- Drive (careful of level spikes)
@ peak tension, use these:
- Multiply (ease off on the D/W just as you press the button, then reintroduce Wet signal)
- Loop (especially when reaching peak activity)