Thread Subject Author Latest Post Posts Views
no way to save layout? by 3 94
Why is there 168 HP limit in MG ? by 5 201
Modules disappearing from rack by 4 85
Marketplace notifications for uk buyers by 1 21
Show power consumption & "row name" next to the end/side of each row? by 1 32
FYI: EU marketplace and the Republic of Ireland: NO CUSTOM FEES! by 6 99 banner ad! by 6 104
Separate rows in same rack? by 4 70
Could not duplicate: numeric by 2 38
Messages dissapear from inbox by 6 61
ModularGrid Maintenance by 12 145
Feature Suggestion : merging racks this user has left ModularGrid by 3 35
Rabbit Hole Electronics by 5 83
Screenshot issue by 4 39
Wanted please, suggestions for final modules to add some oomph by 11 113
UK Option in Marketplace by 26 295
Bug report, maybe? Concerning a pedal by 3 21
Not *that* similar... by 1 25
New section for modular related gear? by 10 104
Feature to disable keyboard shortcuts by 14 156
Feature Request: Firmware Update Notifications by 2 43
MG possible new features by 1 23
Help needed: How can I see all the modules I've added to a rack? by 2 77
Replace pots Make Noise Maths by 43 842
Feature Req: "DC Offset" module tag by 1 25
Braids good deal 89.00 by 1 45
Feature Request: Module Consolidation by 5 118
Email Notifications? by 7 61
Venturing into Quadrophonic ambient modular synthesis by 11 167
Feature request: Max knob height by 3 38
Feature Request: Emojis in posts by 8 30
Issue with one of my Racks by 3 37
Feature request: duplicate module on module edit page by 7 112
How can I erase a duplicate module? by 2 33
Random User Rating by 3 78
5 Rows Rack not possible? by 5 608
Feature request: filter and sort public racks database by 1 9
site certificate error by 4 31
Sketch a Patch bug? by 1 40
Modular: do you need it? Really? by 8 532
Problems with moving from IE to Firefox by 12 64
Slow Loading (up to 1 minute) of Racks in Command Center and Me section. by 13 116
Add to rack - active/destination rack? by 3 35
View module price history by 3 130
Links to VCV Rack modules by 1 139
Adding Pedals: How do you make the picture the right size? by 13 196
Black Panel for MI Yarns missing from the module list by 2 16
Another bad trader- username ambientandambience by 10 300
The reCAPTCHA timeout in the forum? by 3 22
WIN THE 1010 MUSIC BLACKBOX!!!! by 1 50
careful with the user salocinnomis by 1 51
Optimizing the resolution of a module image by 15 265
Reverting to an earlier layout Not working by 1 18
A simple Eurorack tile labelling proposal by 1 33
Modulargrid bugs on iOS by 4 53
Managing my Gear by 3 53
List of spam users by 3 73
Calculate power consumption of series 500 modules by 1 21
I think I got scammed... by 3 237
Pedalgrid by 12 610
patches by 2 16
Is this a good beginner compact setup by 1 65
Marketplace Mailing Problem by 2 28
delete? by 3 32
How to insert photo in ads? by 1 112
What happened to TrueGrid? by 5 141
Scammed by 1 159
TrueGrid Not Working by 9 53
Feature Request: "Sketch a Patch" for Pedalboards by 1 18
Feature Request - database of Eurorack Cases by 2 35
search by racks with 2x or 3x of a specific module? by 1 10
search by racks with 2x or 3x of a specific module? 0 2
No modules in Racks? Search broken? Check Adblocker! by 3 49
muff wiggler by 6 141
Suggestion: Similar modules by 3 64
Favorites, WTB by 3 36
Unicorn Account by 3 85
Edit manufacturer approved modules? by 3 29
Add information to modules? by 7 160
MG server down tonight 5 a.m. CET by 1 15
Chinese Spam by 11 114
A rack planner for 4ms pods? by 2 38
Bug Report by 3 25
Audio into CV by 14 538
My eurorack cable hanger is on Kickstarter by 1 51
feature request: personal/private-view price adjustments by 1 26
Rack high-res snapshot for poster printing by 11 179
Suggestion: Total Collection Value by 3 56
How do I link my account? by 1 21
Rack Lock, can still add modules by 2 180
How to find and follow users and their racks? by 8 357
Pedalgrid - White section of pedal image automatically made transparent, how to prevent... by 2 18
Warm Star Electronics by 2 42
modular grid broke on IE11 by 2 18
Should we make modules unlisted by default? by 6 56
Problems with viewing/editing Racks/Modules by 3 95
ModularGrid Owner Contact by 2 135
Discontinued modules by 5 184
URL Update by 4 27
magpie versions missing from search? by 3 27