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I would like some feedback on my build. The help would be greatly appreciated :3 Racks by 7 226
Assistance with Rack Build (Intellijel 7U) / Returning to Modular after many years Racks by 22 389
My zen eurorack - sequencer advice wanted! Racks by 2 75
Rack for rhythm based live Techno Racks by 6 177
viable 84 hp? Racks by 6 174
New to Eurorack - Generative/random/rhythmic/live sampling is the vibe Racks by 6 180
Rackbrute 6u for signal processing/recording loops (beginner, feedback appreciated) Racks by 4 120
4hp module suggestions Racks by 12 230
For the Noobs (aka What This Noob Learned in Quarantine) Racks by 7 161
new to modular, any thoughts? Racks 5 156
First Eurorack adventure! 352 (176 free space) HP Racks by 3 87
Eurorack (+BeatStep Pro) Racks by 14 48
Advice on my Rackbrute/Minibrute 2s Eurorack Rig Foray Racks by 8 132
first baby Racks by 5 2
Gradual Rackbrute 6U build / Ableton Live MIDI integration Racks by 9 160
Live Rack for Techno Racks by 35 772
Beginner 6U/104HP rack for techno/EDM Racks by 8 181
Audio and Music Director Building First Modular Rack Racks by 2 130
Another Newbie Looking For Advice Racks by 16 269
10 hp + 4 hp left, what do I miss? Racks by 5 88
Buchla System 100 Red Panel Racks by 5 185
Does anyone own the Modulör 114? Opinions? Racks by 1 71
Please critique my rack . Racks by 5 93
New to modular, advice on my first rack, signal flow Racks by 8 188
Feedback on rack im currently working towards. Racks by 2 107
First Eurorack... Feedback? Racks by 3 135
Eurorack companion for Neutron Racks by 9 443
...and I paid WHAT? Racks by 2 98
two to four voices in a Rackbrute 6U? Racks by 6 176
ClintRack Racks by 6 212
Autism Rack Racks by 11 340
First experimental/ambient rack Racks by 5 147
Pallette Rample Percussion Looper Racks 7 116
Dear god, is my rack almost complete?! 36 hp of luxury space available! Help me fill it! Racks by 11 493
totally noobular Racks by 2 4
Live rack module suggestions Racks by 2 81
Sequencing Modular - The Guide Racks by 11 330
rack feedback request: what (utilities) would you add? Racks by 7 178
L-1 Cwejman Racks by 7 303
Want to minimize my Rack Racks by 6 177
Starting Generative Racks by 8 231
DIY Berlin School oriented Eurorack Racks by 5 220
My 2018 New Alpha Rack Racks by 1 1
My 2018 Pedalboard Racks by 2 3
Constructive criticism on my first rack build? (ambient, generative) Racks by 12 1571
Pittsburgh SV-1/KB-1 - 6hp left Racks by 6 52
My Rack for Dark Ambient,What do i need? Racks by 19 623
Still have 40HP - What do I need? Racks by 11 223
Almost finished Skiff Rack. Need opinions:) Racks by 11 271
88HP Eurorack Beginner Ambient Racks by 6 220
First Ambient Rack Racks by 12 319
64HP and a backpack Racks by 13 668
Beginner generative ambient rack idea? Racks by 2 167
Advice for first rack Racks by 6 219
JakoJako Racks by 8 11760
is this a good first rig? Racks by 3 7
303-centric rack with external sequencer Racks by 5 160
Roast my rack Racks by 4 418
42hp Lubadh Racks by 5 295
(updated) Matriarch companion Racks by 1 109
Dreamrack Racks by 4 179
Too many VCO's? Racks by 4 14
Seeking Opinions/Advice for Optimizing my First System Racks by 16 421
Help Needed - Rackbrute 9-12U (a work in progress) Racks by 16 466
DIY Berlin School with matrix mixer Racks by 2 139
Black Hole Racks by 8 16
Drumken Racks by 7 8
Feedback on starter system for Atmospheric sounds, experimentation and techno Racks by 8 171
20U Current - Ivo Ivanov (Glitchmachines) Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 36 2163
Instruo 84 Racks by 5 161
complete newbie needs help for starter rack Racks by 16 587
Rack thoughts? Racks by 3 106
How to expand on Moog Mother-32 and DFAM? Racks by 8 1402
Last 8 Hp Racks by 12 215
Beginning my 1st build...gulp! Racks by 34 827
Rack Input - What am I missing? Racks by 6 124
What utility/function modules to get? Help is much appreciated Racks by 9 237
Planning my first system Racks by 13 268
First system! Finally complete! (for now...)??? Racks by 2 2
Planning on Doing an All-DIY Rack Racks by 2 4
My Matriarch Companion Racks by 1 110
First Rack. Would this work? Racks by 8 11
Thoughts on this digital rack Racks by 17 45
Continue my journey Racks by 7 183
Newbie, creating a Taiga + DFAM + Quadrantid Swarm rack Racks by 22 504
My first 2 Row Case Racks by 2 25
Rickrack (plan) Racks by 7 847
Lama's Fav Modules by Function Racks by 2 31
Let me try this again... Advice welcome. Racks by 6 131
New to modular, where to go with my rack? Racks by 2 138
Small synth/first time Racks by 7 12
Experimental Techno Modular Idea - feedback please? Racks by 16 269
First rack (2x104HP) - Need help with a rare opportunity! Racks by 17 567
Moog triple case 60HP Racks by 6 199
My prickly Eurorack Racks by 1 2
Feedback on my rack Racks by 4 12
My Performance Rack Racks by 1 222
Low cost modular - under $400? Racks by 25 519
I know I know... antoher guy getting some advice to complete his eurorack. Racks by 8 297
Looking for advice on how to plan my first Eurorack system (techno/drones/percussion) Racks 25 471