140 mm wide
89 mm high
Current Draw
? mA / ? V DC / Negative Center
$240 Price in €

This Pedal is discontinued.

If the 4046-m and our old squarewave generator pedals had a child, that child would be named generator 7446. It’s kind of hard to explain what it is but we can try... A thick gated and modulating filtered fuzz, square wave hard tremolo, hyper modulating ringmod with three distinct (wave/phase modes) and a stable pll synth all controllable with a passive expression pedal, moog ep-3, etc. Also controllable with your foot or hand on the front panel with a ldr (light dependent resistor) that can sweep through all the modes and sounds. It’s truly a wild and unique pedal.


submitted Today, 06:10 by _dub_ | last Change Today, 07:40 by _dub_
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