This Pedal is currently available.
Short sampler / stutter / repeater / pseudo looper
1- Input Jack: Signal from your instrument or output from another pedal.
2- Power Jack: 9v adapter input, 9v center negative 40mA or higher
3- Output Jack: Output to other FX pedal or Amplifier
4- Play option: Allows to keep and play the last recording when you go to bypass and turn on the effect again (up), or it will only play the
buffer once you had recorded a new sample.
5- Play Length: In the down position it will play the whole buffer from the previous recording, the rate knob will set the amount of time (pause) between the reproductions, while in the up position the rate knob will select the length of the buffer, so in this mode you can have more of the CD skipping fx.
6- Playback: Sets the speed of playback, changing the pitch, the playback toggle needs to be up.
7- Playback toggle: Select if the playback is fixed (down) or variable (playback knob or expression)
8- Rate: Works with the play length toggle. Set the amount of pause between each playback or the length of the size of the buffer that it
will play.
9- VOL: The amount of volume at the output of the sample.
10- Dry: The amount of volume of the instrument signal at the input.
11- Expression: External control of the playback via TRS expression or TRS 0-5v CV signal.
12- LED Indicator: LED will turn on, when the pedal is on.
13- Record Footswitch: Press the switch to record a sample (up to 5 seconds) as soon as it is released the recording will be played.
14- Bypass Footswitch: Activates the pedal.