97 mm wide
115 mm high
Current Draw
? mA / ? V DC / Negative Center
$230 Price in €

Available as an assembled Pedal and as a DIY project.

This Pedal is discontinued.

Oscillating Fuzz

Swash: sweetspot heart of the noise circuit
Noisegait: music-noise flow control
Volume: plenty of it!
Tone: Bass/treble mix
Pregain: first stage gain
Postgain: third stage gain
Preclip: diode clipping select
Low power: simulates low battery, each setting is a whole new swash
Self-osc: amount of internal feedback, knob clicks off to disable
Postclip: third stage clipping select



submitted Feb 26th, 09:19 by _dub_ | last Change Mar 29th, 08:25 by _dub_
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