113 mm wide
109 mm high
Current Draw
50 mA / 9 V DC / Negative Center
$279 Price in €

This Pedal is currently available.

version 2 of the great Supa-Trem2, stereo tremolo

A while back I started wondering what would happen if I took two completely separate Supa-Trem circuits and joined them together! Not fake-stereo like other Tremolo, Chorus, Phase, or Flanger pedals, these merely invert the signal at the output and send it to another jack...boring. The CS-ST2 v2 has two identical seperate circuits in TRUE-STEREO with two INs and two OUTs! It’s got enhanced-bypass thanks to hi-quality JFET buffered outputs. The CS-ST2 v2 is the IDEAL device to place at the end of your chain...run cables as long as you want, use it as your amp splitter.


much smaller, only 4.46" W x 4.3" Deep x 2.5" (top of knobs to floor)

**Fairchild JFETs **on each input! The very first thing your guitar hits...and I LOVE the way these JFETs feel and sound.

Tap Tempo with speeds so slow that it takes 6+ seconds to pan between the outputs, or super-fast speeds in excess of 200bpm.

True Half-Speed/Double-Speed function by holding down on the Tap Tempo switch for 3/4 of a second.

Phase Correlation Knob: a Fulltone exclusive allowing you to throw the outputs ANY degree IN or OUT of Phase with each other. You've never heard it and it's GREAT, with a hint of "naturally occurring" Harmonic Phase-shift as your guitar pans between the amps with knob set full OUT of phase. Or enjoy one massive throbbing Tremolo with no panning when knob set full IN-phase! Or then there's 12 o'clock, which is hard to describe. Look, even if you're not a huge tremolo fan, the ST-2 is the most tuneful, and slowest AUTO-PANNER ever made so it is the ideal device for the foundation of a great stereo rig.

Instrument Volume Knob with 15db of available Boost... turn down the Mix control and this pulls double-duty as one of the finest Clean boosts ever.

3-way Waveform switch:
(1) Standard pure SINE wave for your everyday gigs (2)True SQUARE wave..brutally abrupt and choppy at any speed even with hi-gain amps, something the most Tremolo pedals cannot do, and (3) my favorite "Warble," that's not on ANY other tremolo and crafted by me to approximate vintage Leslie and Univibe waveforms ... so organic and rollicking that you will not want to stray too far from this setting.

The v2 is about Half the size of the ST-2 and debuts the incredible “Super-Chop” square wave mode. V2 also adds an external tap-tempo jack for if you locate the pedal in a rack draw.

Same JFET Inputs, JFET opamps, and JFET outputs. But with the latest Fulltone Custom Made Optocouplers offering a far wider range of Tremolo intensities than previously available.

submitted Sep 2nd, 17:51 by bkbirge | last Change Sep 2nd, 18:31 by bkbirge
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