152 mm wide
229 mm high
Current Draw
210 mA / 9 V DC / Positive Center
$489 Price in €

This Pedal is discontinued.

Moogerfooger MF-105 MuRF

Better known as the MuRF, the MF-105 or Multiple Resonance Filter Array is an original effects processor, designed by Bob Moog in 2004. The MuRF has 8 band-pass filters whose levels are controlled by 8 sliders which resemble a Graphic Equalizer. The filters' center frequencies are set at 200 Hz, 300 Hz, 450 Hz, 675 Hz, 1 kHz, 1.5 kHz, 2.2 kHz and 3.4 kHz and their sliders adjust the gain of each filter. The Bass MuRF or MF-105B, designed for bass guitar players, has slightly lower center frequencies of 110 Hz, 160 Hz, 240 Hz, 350 Hz, 525 Hz, 775 Hz, 1.2 kHz and 1.8 kHz. In addition, the 110 Hz filter was changed to a low-pass filter.

The gain of each filter is further controlled by an envelope that is triggered by any of a number of preset animation sequences. The user can select one of 24 animation patterns. Rhythmic variations can be created by adjusting the levels of the filters, speed of animation, and envelope amount.

Moog Music upgraded the MF-105 by combining the two units into one box where the user could switch between having the 8 resonant filter sliders to operate either in the range of the MF-105B or the MF-105. This new version also had MIDI control and was released as the MF-105M MIDI MuRF. The unit has two outputs for either Mono or Stereo operation. When both the left and right output jacks are used, the odd-numbered filters are sent to the left channel, and the even-numbered filters are sent to the right channel. This allows for the spreading of a sound's frequencies between two speakers.

(Please note that the image depicts the MIDI version)

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submitted Jun 2nd 2017, 17:25 by garmonbozia | last Change Jan 8th 2024, 08:56 by arlaharen

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