News from the Labs all of them

mnemonic devices Gin
28 Jun 2023 mnemonic devices


Announcing MD-002 Gin, an expander module for JUNIPER 
Noise Engineering Univer Inter
22 Jun 2023 Noise Engineering
Univer Inter is now available! It serves as an all-encompassing MIDI-to-any-format converter, elegantly packed into a compact 6 HP unit. Whether you’re looking to map clock, note, CC, aftertouch or something else that MIDI can encode, UI can do it: we built in over 20 settings for each of the 8 outputs. It's easy to configure Univer Inter using our Customer Portal! 
Fully Wired Electronics Mini Quad Mute
We are pleased to announce that both the MQM and the MQSM will be shipping the week commencing the 3rd of July (2023)! Thank you everyone for your patience, we can't wait for the MQM and the MQSM to finally be in your hands! You can purchase both modules via our store:  
Fully Wired Electronics Mini Quad Stereo Mute
The MQSM front panels are now HERE! We are pleased to announce that the last of the front panels for each of the I/O boards for the MQSM have arrived, and both the MQM and the MQSM will be shipping the week commencing the 3rd of July (2023)! Thank you everyone for your patience, we can't wait for the MQM and the MQSM to finally be in your hands! You can purchase both modules via our store: 
Guru Gara Synth
21 Jun 2023 Guru Gara Synth
Discover new releases and discounts! Follow our eBay shop for updates. 
16 Jun 2023 ModularGrid
Some design changes and feature updates! 
Fully Wired Electronics Mini Quad Stereo Mute
The finalised front panels for the MQSM are on their way. Assuming they meet our quality standards, the MQSM will be ready to ship within 2 weeks! 
Olivella Modular GRAVEDAD
12 Jun 2023 Olivella Modular
Introducing GRAVEDAD, our new VCO with TZFM capabilities, sub-harmonic generator with stereo panning, CV-able octave slider and more! Watch the live demo here: 
Wavefonix W137B Trigger Bus
10 Jun 2023 Wavefonix
We've just released our new W137B Trigger Bus - a companion module to our popular 8-Step Sequencer. It adds two additional trigger buses for added versatility. Find out more and purchase here:
8 Jun 2023 Vaemi
New Video for Osi-Op & XFMR VCA / Future House (EDM) Patch 1 with OSI-OP & XFMR VCA : Vaemi (Eurorack) / 
Wavefonix P401 Poly-4 MIDI Interface
6 Jun 2023 Wavefonix
Looking to add 4-voice polyphony to your modular system? Our new P401 Poly-4 MIDI Interface offers a wide range of functionality in a compact design. It is now available to purchase from our online store. Find out more here:
Joranalogue Audio Design Pivot 2
Masquerading as an inconspicuous 4 HP VCA synth module, Pivot 2 has a hidden superpower: being able to change the signal flow of an entire patch with a single knob. Curious to discover how? 
6 Jun 2023 Malstrom
Malstrom now available at Found Sound in Australia! 
31 May 2023 BearModules
So the 1U format is catching on and BEAR decided to jump the wagon too. We present to you a few of our favorite modules in a new format and more are coming up in the near future for now: STEREOMIX, SMASHY & VOLTY small useful modules that fit every setup! with a 1U row of course :) have a nice day! 
Olivia Artz Modular Time Machine
28 May 2023 Olivia Artz Modular
We are building the Time Machine. In under 48 hours we hit our Kickstarter goal for this 8-tap delay unit. With nine high-quality Bourns faders, Time Machine let’s you mix time together in the simplest, most expressive way possible. Check out the Kickstarter to order one: 
Tokyo Tape Music Center TOKYO GATE
back in stock.  
Klavis Grainity
24 May 2023 Klavis
Manuals: English, Deutsch, Français. Discover how an Analog Granular Filter is made possible! Download it and read it in your language :-) 
Fully Wired Electronics Transistor Ladder Filter
The Fully Wired Electronics Transistor ladder Filter now shipping: The Transistor Ladder Filter (TLF) by Fully Wired Electronics is an affordable 8HP 24dB/Oct resonant low pass filter, which embodies classic timbres and characteristics. Our full demo can be found on our Youtube: 
Malstrom Mandrake
18 May 2023 Malstrom
thesolutionband won our Mandrake in the Perfect Circuit giveaway. You can see the unboxing and sweet jams here! 
12 May 2023 ModularGrid
ModularGrid is at SUPERBOOTH. See us at booth Z245! 
Noise Engineering Roucha Legio
11 May 2023 Noise Engineering
New module day! Roucha Legio is a 12dB/octave state-variable stereo multimode filter with settings for lowpass, bandpass, or highpass operation. Its filter frequency can be adjusted manually or with an extremely accurate 1v/8va CV input. Its CV-controllable Resonance and Fold parameters add massive character. All processing can be bypassed by tapping the frequency encoder or by sending a gate signal to the module. 
Klavis Grainity
10 May 2023 Klavis
With the availability of the Grainity in a few days, it might be time to have look at its User Manual. Discover the uniqueness of Klavis' analog granular VCF ! Pre-orders are open.