This Pedal is currently available.
Junction Box / Looper
AC/EL's purpose in life
You may be asking yourself, 'Why would I need a junction like this?'. Firstly, this box is not for everyone! It is designed specifically with musicians that want to bring one pedalboard to a gig and use it for both electric and acoustic guitars.
How does it work?
In short you can plug in both of your instruments into the inputs, 'Elec' and 'Ac' (this may blow some minds but 'Elec' stands for 'Electric' and 'Ac' stands for 'Acoustic'). You are not bound to acoustic and electric instruments! Use whatever you like. Synth, Kazoo, Bass... Just so long as it has a 1/4" unbalanced output.
When 'Electric' is live, signal will go through both the Electric Send and Return loop and the stereo Wet Effect Loop of the box ('Wet.Send, L.In, R.In) and signal will be routed to the 'El.L' and 'El.R' outputs.
When 'Acoustic' is live, signal bypasses the Electric Send and Return loop ('El.Send' and 'El.Rtrn'), sends signal straight to 'Wet.Send' (Wet Effect Loop) and also changes the outputs to the stereo outputs dedicated to acoustic ('Ac.L' and 'Ac.R').
The best thing about this?! The 'Tuner' out jack is shared between both inputs and loops. You can use one tuner for both instruments!
As well as the 'Mute' footswitch will act as a master mute across all outputs!
IMPORTANT NOTE - Even though this box is stereo capable, you can use it in mono. Just don't connect anything to the 'R.In' jack and keep the box in 'stereo' mode (white push button 'out')