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$250 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual balanced modulator

The AD633 is one of my favorite IC’s available to this date! The AD633 is a 4 quandrant multiplier chip that requires next to no external parts to make it work! It can be used as ring modulator or an amplitude modulator. But the beauty about this chip is when your modulator signal goes negative it actually inverts the output signal’s phase. So it becomes a thru zero(“TZ”) VCA.. or a VC Bipolar attenuator. Lots of fun can be had with this function block! And every system should really have at least 1!!! if not a bank of 8 of them!

Version 1 of the LGE022 PCB was mostly designed as a pcb to install between modules on a system panel. To add a simple 3 jack Ring Mod / TZ/BiPolar VCA. When I got more into the circuit a bit and saw how Ray Wilson had implemented a dedicated AM mode I was inspired to expand on the pcb a bit. It now has dedicated AM and RM modes. I tweaked his concept a little to allow for equal output signals between modes and removed the coupling caps to make the module be DC coupled for CV applications. I cannot recommend Ray Wilson’s website and book enough if you’re looking to learn more about modular synth circuit design and understanding! The main PCB was designed to be easily snapped in half should you need to fit just one into a smaller space or behind a panel, etc. That said, the power header, 10uF caps, 100n caps and 10R resistors on the power input section is not needed on both sides if you’re building it as a Dual AM/RM. This board could also be used in conjunction w/ an existing module as CV input processors allowing you to “modulate the modulator” w/ VC Bi-Polar Attenuation!

This project has so few parts it makes for a great first time builder project! The AD633’s aren’t cheap but they simplify the assembly and sound amazing!


submitted Sep 8th 2023, 04:50 by low-gain | last Change Jan 21st, 05:33 by low-gain
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NoisebugControlMidwest ModularSynthcubePerfect Circuit

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?