Hal_9000 petiso


My farthest Serge awnbtopjnh

My farthest Serge

Dual Serge Modular at RISD (copied from femifleming) MW022

Dual Serge Modular at RISD (copied from femifleming)

My casebook Serge kukavolgy99

My casebook Serge

My tight Serge almostghost

My tight Serge

My tripping Serge loudestwarning

My tripping Serge

My downstair Serge sabasan

My downstair Serge

My controlled Eurorack odkres

My controlled Eurorack

My controlled Eurorack odkres

My controlled Eurorack

0. PAPERFACE 50 luketeaford


My cool Serge adriano

My cool Serge

My sinning Serge ParliamentLite

My sinning Serge

My unploughed Serge Sidiblue

My unploughed Serge

Serge 73-75 atothemfc

Serge 73-75

Niamph xatja


My distraught Serge AmbientUniverse

My distraught Serge

My Mantra Ch_53

My Mantra

BOG Patch psychic_driving

BOG Patch

boom papa


My first Serge koshimazaki

My first Serge

Current 4U System jondale

Current 4U System

Serge 1 B4rbarossa

Serge 1

Customer Panel Concept low-gain

Customer Panel Concept

My lucid Serge Autosuggestion

My lucid Serge

Serge Panels: 3 wide mestlick

Serge Panels: 3 wide

Serge Frenzy Vsyevolod

Serge Frenzy

4U Dreams jondale

4U Dreams

8.2 - My 26HP Serge RadicalQuiver

8.2 - My 26HP Serge

Serge (copied from mudlogger) Vladimirshandybin

Serge (copied from mudlogger)

My haploid Serge MALIVEL

My haploid Serge

butt stuff muggerfugger69

butt stuff

My tender Serge leturbo

My tender Serge

My arching Serge rogerlaturlutte

My arching Serge

My frowzy Serge Jonnybravo

My frowzy Serge

My seeking Serge stalysmusic

My seeking Serge

My karmic Serge DanielW

My karmic Serge

Eleh Kevdino


My gracious Serge analoglsd

My gracious Serge

My desperate Serge Michaelonur

My desperate Serge

My crabby Serge sammm

My crabby Serge

My arrhythmic Eurorack Iminlovewithwires

My arrhythmic Eurorack

Slopes and More Slopes X180R19

Slopes and More Slopes

My test Serge ujav52

My test Serge