I found 380 threads containing 200 in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Mental Experimental - poor man's buchla. Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 175
Adrift in the Clouds (copy) (copy) (copy) Racks by 1 7
Empleh Hybrid ES8 or Hermod? Racks by 1 28
Curetronic/Moon Modular/Cases for sale 4200,- Please PN Racks by 1 4
JupiterPlus Racks by 4 3
Beginner rack, am I on the right path? Racks by 5 40
new to eurorack...trying to make a wavetable polysynth build for live performance..few ... Racks by 6 97
Replacing Arturia DRUMBRUTE with MIDI Note-controlled eurorack system Racks by 14 130
Transitional helper rack Racks by 5 122
My Eurorack #1 Racks this user has left ModularGrid 1 102
My Eurorack #2 Racks this user has left ModularGrid 3 113
New here, help: after an ARP Odyssey, what else ? Racks by 6 97
9u Current +12V/2000 mA, -12V/1200mA, +5V/4000mA Racks by 3 58
First eurorack setup - West Coast Racks by 2 211
Any advise? Racks by 8 89
Need advice to extend my semi-modulars set Racks by 11 495
New to Eurorack Racks by 11 404
Need feedback on my first Eurorack Racks by 9 173
My under 2000€ Eurorack project, I ask for opinions. Racks by 3 218
Generative help Racks by 12 658
First of his name Racks by 5 162
˳̊̊̊̊̊ ˳̥̥̥̥̥̊̊̊̊̊̊̊˳̥̥ ¯̊̊̊̊̊̊̊̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̊ ͓̋̐̋̋̋̐̋́̋̐̋̋̋̐̋́̋̐̋̋̋̐̋̋̋̐̋̋̋̐̋́̋̐̋̋̋̐̋̋... Racks by 4 593
Pittsburgh Modular Structure EP-420 review ? Racks by 3 239
A-100P9 Concept 1 Racks by 7 191
Would you consider this to be a good point to start from...? Racks by 5 299
Drone rack, thinking of adding another row Racks by 3 273
Negative Space CVP in my Buchla 200e? Racks by 1 41
ambient_rack.60hp Racks by 14 423
Suggestions for semi modular synth as modular starting point in Rackbrute? Racks by 4 329
Synth voice startup setup - what would you chose? Racks by 32 944
First set up for Junny Racks by 3 111
First semi-modular synth suggestion Racks by 8 221
My live Eurorack set up Racks by 3 165
Bought first case yesterday. Looking for feedback on phase I design. Racks by 9 115
Pod 48x Nerdseq synth phrase machine Racks by 5 76
Korg ms20 Racks by 22 467
My first Eurorack Racks by 5 203
Next step? Racks by 7 137
My Current setup Racks by 3 73
Intellijel Palette Groovebox Racks by 7 453
Additional rack towards Octatrack live set Racks by 10 279
PT metro 16 ampless Racks by 1 23
Need a bit of help with my current rack..(prob need more modulation) Racks by 9 170
My first rack Racks by 6 139
Replacing the Erica Synths Black Wavetable VCO Racks by 14 844
Advice on my Rackbrute/Minibrute 2s Eurorack Rig Foray Racks by 8 132
Another Newbie Looking For Advice Racks by 16 269
Hello Friends!......Sooooo......I already bought 12 modules.....what next? Racks by 7 249
_nanoRack Racks by 1 90
My Eurorack Case #3 Racks this user has left ModularGrid 5 79
First/Final Euro Project Racks by 9 222
All-in-one Eurorack (with Fender Rhodes) Racks by 4 175
Boards of Canada style rack. Racks by 14 575
Roast my rack Racks by 17 236
Roland/AcidLab/Doepfer/TTop Racks by 11 162
Any thoughts about my complete Noob Rack?? Racks by 2 109
Acrylic modulaire Racks by 1 74
First Build - Looking for Suggestions and Criticism! Racks by 19 271
My Pittsburgh EP-420 Racks by 5 78
First Eurorack - Advice Racks by 6 125
First Eurorack Design - Please Critique Racks by 13 296
200912: Manis and Clouds with OT kick Racks by 4 85
Morning Jam for 20 09 14: Manis, bOSC, Clouds, and more Racks by 1 28
200916:: Manis, bOSC, Clouds, and more Racks by 4 70
20U Current - Ivo Ivanov (Glitchmachines) Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 36 2160
Beginner setup. filling up a rackbrute to make a wavetable synth Racks 8 355
Tiny experimental-ish rack Racks by 20 464
Need 52hp of Opinions Racks 12 190
A tip for last 8 hp Racks by 34 552
Need recommandations for 88hp techno sequences rack Racks by 27 750
New rig Racks this user has left ModularGrid 15 148
Maxing out your PSU: How far can you go? Racks by 12 696
Building my first modular. Looking for some feedback and any advice Racks by 27 339
Please evaluate this A-100 (Doepfer) system Racks by 21 272
Kallax Racks by 9 390
Rickrack - final Jan '21 Racks by 1 457
Long time lurker, first time caller. I need assistance with my rack. Racks by 8 218
Advice for minimal setup Racks by 14 233
noobest of the noobs - advice needed Racks by 21 349
A final rack review request Racks by 17 416
My First Rack - About 70% complete Racks by 19 392
Enough utilities? Racks by 8 201
Thinking about building a noise rack Racks by 8 129
Just some thoughts about my Rack and my Musical Direction Racks by 5 154
First attempt at rack, happy about feedback and suggestions Racks by 12 448
Gradual build for live ambient + techno beats (ambient techno, I guess... but also glit... Racks by 8 156
Help me build my beginner setup! Racks 7 204
Intellijel Palette 62 Battery Racks by 2 112
First rack, beginner Racks by 15 435
I will build my first modular rack. In the learning process.... 624HP (3 cases) 19U Racks by 15 8438
Hikove's 416 redux Racks by 16 197
Hypothetical Rack Racks by 18 523
My first modular synth for Max/MSP Racks by 10 218
Low cost modular - under $400? Racks by 25 519
My Next Rack Racks by 30 684
I need a new sound source?! Racks by 8 204
This should NOT exist! Racks by 27 795
Buchla System 100 Red Panel Racks by 5 185
What utility/function modules to get? Help is much appreciated Racks by 9 237
Rickrack - actual (Oct '21) Racks by 1 601