RK2 XS-VCA + RK3 Ringer Shaper + RK4 FILTER / VCO
This module combines the functions of three Metasonix RK-series modules, the RK2 VCA, RK3 waveshaper/mangler, and the RK4 bandpass filter, in a panel that should fit most Buchla 200, 200e and BEMI cabinets. It is equipped with banana jacks for CV and audio connectors which should accept Tini-Jax (they will be a tight fit) or standard 3.5mm jacks.
Attached are the manuals for the standard RK Euro modules. Everything in them applies except for the mounting, form factors, power and connectors. Note that Metasonix RK modules tend to have hotter outputs than Buchla modules; they will not damage anything, but be careful adjusting input and output levels if you want to avoid clipping the inputs on Buchla or other solid-state modules.
Providing correct power is CRITICAL. This module uses the +12v supply line to power the vacuum tube heaters and plate supplies, and -15v for CV drivers. +15v and +5v are not used. Included is a special adapter cable that powers all three RK modules from most Buchla 200e series power supplies with 10-pin edge connectors. Please be warned that pre-2005 Buchla 200 and some DIY cabinets MIGHT NOT have enough current capacity to run this module, or might not have the correct connector pinout. Install it in a 200 series cabinet at your own risk. Early 200e supplies were usually equipped with good quality 4-amp linear supplies and recent BEMI supplies use a 12v 5.8-amp power “brick”; the latter was tested and runs one Metasonix module, along with other Buchla/etc. modules, without problems.
Don’t worry about the “clean” vs. “noisy” grounding; this module has no digital electronics or other substantial RF noise sources. No, it won’t work with the preset manager. You must be joking.
The vacuum tube heaters in Metasonix modules draw a great deal of current when powered up cold. Oversized switching supplies to handle the startup surge, or linear supplies (which are inherently able to handle the surge), are strongly advised. Do NOT try to use low-cost power supplies. They simply will not work.
The RK module printed-circuit boards protrude past the sides of the module panel slightly, about 1 mm. Can’t be helped. They should fit next to regular Buchla/BEMI modules and various reissues without problems; placing this module next to an Eardrill ModuleModule enclosure is doable but may be a tight fit.
Also note that this module is violently unlike anything else previously available for the Buchla format. We are offering it because a number of Buchla users have begged for it—repeatedly. In general Metasonix tube modules are erratic, inconsistent, ill-mannered and incapable of making the classic “bloop-bleep” noises most Buchla fans expect. I spoke to Don Buchla in 2005 and he thought the idea of tube synthesizer modules was “idiotic”, but he did admit “people seem to want that stuff”. The problem in the past was mostly due to the hostile reaction “Buchla purists” had to Metasonix and other “abnormal” products (meaning those not designed by Don). We would not be doing this if a demand did not already exist.
If the module’s assorted issues, power consumption, and general weirdness bother you that much, send it back to the dealer and please don’t email us with complaints. We know fully well how awful it is. Thank you.
The RK2 XS-VCA is the ultimate vacuum-tube VCA. It isn't merely a tube VCA, in fact. It's also-
It can be set to simply be a plain vanilla VCA, with moderate tube distortion. Overdrive it for beautiful slow-onset clipping distortion. Or turn up the FEEDBACK control and beware.
What does it sound like? Imagine a slightly tubby tube amplifier, suddenly turning into a screaming chainsaw. And flying around the room to break your sappy bleeps and bloops. A bulldozer on fire crushing your nads. Strange tentacles of doom rise up from the bottom of the ocean and slap your mother's asscrack.
Or you can have anything in between. All voltage controllable with one CV input.
Trigger and CV inputs have 100k ohm impedance. The maximum audio output is "hot" (up to +10 dBu) and able to drive a 600-ohm load. The CV input may be anywhere in the -10v to +10v range – the effective range is -2v to +10v.
We've boiled the circuit down to its bare minimum size and form factor: one tube (a 14BL11 "Compactron" originally used in TV sets) in the 4U Buchla format.
It's very difficult to explain the RK3 in terms of "conventional" solid state electronic music equipment. It uses the tube in a way never seen before -- until Metasonix came along. Waveshaping is provided by our special vacuum-tube "pulser" circuit that spits irregular pulses onto the input waveform. The pulses synchronize erratically with the input pitch (if a waveform with sharp transitions is used). Interaction and a strange sort of "resonance" occurs with the input pitch. The effect is very roughly similar to a (very weird) PLL sound effect. Combined with true vacuum-tube circuit distortion and primitive ring modulation, this can provide a vast range of complex, aggressive distortion effects, utterly unique in the world. It will take you years to fully exploit the RK3's range of effects.
A basic ring-modulation function is also available in the unit--applying a carrier pitch from an external oscillator to the screen grid of the pentode, this allows making inharmonic sum-and-difference pitch sound effects, with a unique vacuum tube pentode sound. The carrier input can also be fed with control voltages.
The RK4 is the minimized version of our R-54 Supermodule,
It uses a triode-pentode in a unique Wien-bridge circuit, to provide clean sine-wave oscillation. Using a Vactrol, the pitch of the RK4 is sweepable from less than 20 Hz to more than 2 kHz, continuously, via front-panel control or a CV input. By adjusting the waveshape/resonance control, the sinewave signal produced by the RK4 can be trimmed to less than 10% THD (depending on operating pitch)---with NONE of the problems inherent in solid-state oscillators and sine waveshapers. Because the Wien bridge contains no piecewise sine shaper or amplitude-control circuit or component. The tube itself performs that job. So the distortion products are entirely low-order, unlike the "sine waves" that solid-state VCOs or samplers produce.
Turn up the RESONANCE, and the oscillator output gives a unique soft-clipped square-wave sound. The simplicity of the RK4 will fool you--its behavior is odd and radical, and years will be required to fully explore all of its quirks.
Now for the special trick. Plug an audio signal into the audio input. Instantly, the RK4 transforms from a VCO into a bandpass resonant voltage-controlled filter, with the same range as in VCO operation -- 20 Hz to >2 kHz. Its behavior and sound are unique. Again, you will be kept busy for years exploring all of its strangeness.
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
USA | The overall condition of this *Metasonix TRIPLE SUBLIME ASSEATER [200R]*... | $1,100.00 | invalidexception |
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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?