4 PU

This Module is currently available.

227 (Black Corporation Reissue)

System Interface Model 227 by Black Corporation & Buchla

The Model 227 System Interface provides equalization, location (CV-controller quad spatialization), mixing, monitoring, and routing of audio signals in 4-channel studio and performance environments. Not only does it provide a capacious interface with sweeping controls and visual feedback (with VU meters and LED indicators), but you can configure sophisticated mixing/monitoring configurations as well as full quad panning under CV control. There’s even an internal spring reverb in addition to various external effects send routing possibilities.

The four primary inputs have spacious controls for mixing, bass/treble timbral controls, and assignable and reverb sends. You additionally get two pairs of four-channel “tape” outputs to use as additional multichannel aux sends or for multichannel recording. This can be easily configured for four-channel front and rear operation, with fully voltage-controlled panning and ample selections for monitoring both to the main monitors and to headphones (headset).

• 12 signal inputs in total.
• Four primary inputs with bass and treble controls, reverb send pots, and locations/assignment controls.
• Eight additional inputs (configurable as two quad buses) for mixing and dubbing without additional processing.
• Four-channel panning possibilities, with either knob or CV control, with visual indicators for feedback (front L/R and rear L/R configurations).
• Two four-channel tape outputs with faders and four dedicated inputs.
• Two quad outputs, program and monitor bus.
• Dedicated headset output with main and monitor levels, plus a toggle switch to select front, rear, or all channels in 4-channel configuration.
• Toggles for monitoring program output, reverb return, and each input, with indicators.
• VU meters driven from the monitor bus.
• Internal spring reverb, or patch an external reverb (mono, stereo, or quad).
• All 29 inputs to the system can be connected via a single front-panel connection for fast setup.
• Both minijack and solder terminations (for fixed installations) available.


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submitted Feb 12th, 22:15 by renierra | last Change Feb 12th, 22:39 by renierra

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