4 PU

This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.

Verbos/Buchla Hybrid Touchplate

Modified Verbos Touchplate

Verbos Touchplate modified to fit in a Buchla 4U boat. All 3.5mm outputs are hard-wired to Banana Jacks. Gate and Trigger outputs are wired to custom circuit that boosts their voltages to 10V. In addition there is a clone of the Buchla 218 Glide and a Barton Musical Circuits CV Arpeggiator, with it's gate and trigger also wired the booster circuit. Lastly there are 3 3.5mm to Banana jacks.

submitted Jun 4th 2015, 14:35 by muksys | last Change Dec 14th, 04:51 by muksys
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