Sorry my previous post is tripled! I don't know how that happened but any moderator who sees this is welcome to delete two of them please! :-)
Anyways, I was just thinking, at least for my uses, it would be great if there was a new "float" section option that would be somewhat like the pedalboard builder? It could be setup similar to how the 1U row option is now but if "float row" is selected for 1U rows, all adjacent float rows would be combined into one big space, and even adjacent 3U rows could be set to "float"? Modules could be placed in a float row, rotated horizontally and vertically like pedals, and their power specs and cost would be added to the totals (if they are modules). And any modular rack that contains a float row can be opened in the pedalboard builder so that pedals and other gear like desktop synths and mixers etc. can be added to the float rows?