Popular Modules in racks

  1. Solid State Logic B-DYN 500 Series Dynamics Module in 35 Racks
  2. Cranborne Audio Brick Lane 500 in 24 Racks
  3. Cranborne Audio Vintage Wallpaper in 7 Racks
  4. Drawmer MQ-2 in 5 Racks
  5. Heritage Audio OST-8_ADAT (Front) in 3 Racks
  6. Drawmer MQ-1 in 3 Racks
  7. AudioScape CL-20 in 3 Racks
  8. Elysia Xfilter 500 Vinyl Allstars in 2 Racks
  9. HRK CS655 in 2 Racks
  10. Stam Audio 3A-5 in 1 Racks
  11. Bereich03 LED-Meter in 1 Racks
  12. Harrison Comp in 1 Racks

The list of Popular Modules is generated from Modules that have been added to Racks AND have been released in the specified time period.