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So as my modular system grows, I need to add even more new utilities like attenuators, cv/matrix mixers, and envelope generators. What are your favorite new envelope generator modules and why? I just added new modulation by ordering an Abstract Data Octacontroller to pair up with my Batumi for plenty of modulation channels as many modules beg to be heavily modulated by cv for cool patches. Now I find myself a bit short on the envelope area since my monster case only has Quadrax and one Doepfer ADSR module and with lot of drum and other voice modules, I need more ADSR type modules. Thoughts? My other case (MDLR) is good since that has an Erogeneous Tones Radar for EG stuff. I also ordered a Happy Nerding FX Aid XL to complement the Make Noise Mimeophon for spicing up patches with effects.

It’s not “new” so I’m not really answering your question but really like the original Quadra, it has a different character to the Quadrax and I dare say a different sound, like a sizzle and it’s just such a playable module in such little hp…it doesn’t hurt to have it along if you just need more envelopes. For something different that can do other things I like stages which is a goto for gate like percussive envelopes and multistage. Then there’s Maths of course which gives you a lot of other functionality. But my favorite ultimately is Quadra, with or without the big ass expander.

I'm a huge fan of the Soundforce ADSR. I've found an exp adsr is really necessary to get the "pluck" out of my LPGs and VCAs/Filters. Also having control over all stages with attenuation is so great. Plus it has the ability to choose end of cycle gate, has cycling, and s/m/l stage length. It's big but it's worth it.

Especially for drums or short percussive envelopes I really like the old (and cheap) Doepfer A-142-4 Quad Decay. Sure it's decay only, but sometimes that will do just fine. A little harder to track down, but worth it for the amazing EG/HP ratio is the Bubblesound HEXa(s)r. The envelopes are all on the short side (something like a max of around 4s or so per stage) but again, lots of applications where a full ADSR is overkill. For more complex envelopes I love the Xaoc Zadar. My favorite classic ADSR is the Roland 540, but I guess the Frequency Central clone System X Envelope is just as nice.

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How about the STG Soundlabs Envelope Generator?

Another one is Klavis Quadrigy

Third option could be Zadar

Hi Sacguy71,

Looking for a good EG isn't that easy, isn't it? I am facing a similar issue. Some ideas here for you to consider:

  • Hikari Instruments - Triple AD, I love this one, can be nice snappy if wanted
  • ACL - Envelope x3, is a classic ADSR but of (very) good quality
  • Vermona - fourMative Countours, is also a classic ADSR and also of (very) good quality, I am considering this one myself
  • Waldorf - MOD1, if you still can find one, good Waldorf underestimated modular quality, it has 3 decay levels and parallel to this AD3SR also trigger, gate or LFO functionality and yet another AR as well, tons of possibilities with this module (I will be honest with you on this one, it has a quite high learning curve though, that might be seen as a con)
  • Make Noise - Contour, if you have already a Maths and you still like to have an additional Make Noise style EG, this is the one you need :-)
  • Xaoc Devices - Zadar, you mentioned that one yourself already, it's on my radar as well but I am hesitating... too much menu diving or acceptable?
  • Doepfer A-140-1 it's the standard/classic ADSR from Doepfer, I love this one, straight simple forward but you get what you expect, good steady quality and it has an inverse output that can come in handy in certain situations. I guess you have this one already since that might have come together with your Doepfer system, however there is nothing against a second one, now is there? I am using three of them :-) Doepfer does have other ADSRs/EGs as well, check their website under the A-14x series
  • Then there are brands of which I don't have experience with but I know they have ADSRs too, like: AJH Synth, ALM Busy Circuits (Quaid Megaslope is on my wish list), Dreadbox (Ataxia I am considering), Frequency Central (System X EG, might be a nice and affordable one), Instruo (Cèis), Intellijel Dual ADSR but since you have the Quadrax you might want to look at other brands, I can understand that, Malekko Quad Envelope is an AHDSR might be interesting, no experience with yet though, Mutable Instrumanets (Stages and/or Tides - II), Pittsburgh Modular ADSR Mk II, ReBach Catch - ADSR-A, and WMD (Javelin, Multimode Envelope, ADSRVCA)
  • And of course don't forget Erica Synths, I actually love their envelopes. After Doeper's EGs I would go for their EGs. I have myself a Black HADSR EG and Black VC EG and both are great, availability might be a problem though. They recently released Black Dual ASR EG, I consider that one for the future perhaps as well. Oh yes and don't forget their Fusion Modulator if you want something else as the usual EG :-) That's one with a tube!

That's what just comes to mind for the moment. My top recommendations are Vermona, Erica Synths, Doepfer, Hikari Instruments (this is a lovely module consider this one!) and ACL.

Good luck with the search for a suitable EG and kind regards, Garfield.

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Haven’t tried Zadar but looks easy to use. Hikari and ACL look great. No rush as I’m good for now until I need for travel case then Zadar or Hikari would work,

Operation on Zadar is fast enough IMO, in fact the presence of the screen makes it easier for me than my new Quadrax for which I have to remember button combinations, whereas I built muscle memory much faster on Zadar. One thing to remember though is that it only accept triggers, so if you need the envelope to respond to gate length, it won't work, gate lengths are ignored and considered as a trigger. It is particularly good at very complex modulation, either very fast or very slow, amazing for ambient types of music.
Stages is also very useful because it's not only a configurable EG, it can be LFO's, S&H, so it can adapt very well to your patching needs, you can even mix & match. But if you're looking for ADSR, it might not be your best bet, it can only do one at a time (you need to use 4 out of 6 available stages for an ADSR).
I had my eyes on the Quadigy before settling for a Quadrax instead, it may be a good choice for quad ADSR. It has menus but the UI/UX design seems clever enough to make it a non-issue I think, although I never actually tried it and would recommend one does before purchase.
Good luck with your research and hope you find something that makes you musically happy ;-)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Interesting question, I am also currently looking for a compact menuless Env Module.
I currently use some make noise function modules (which i would prefer over the contour), some malekko Envelator modules and just recently added the dreadbox attaxia because its cheap compact and offers 2 Env or LFOs.
I would also recommend a function generator: Maths, Rampage, DUSG of Falistri (of which i only had the maths)
The döpfer A-143-2 quad adsr is also a nice and interesting env-generator, if you don't mind the optics and space.

I have:

  • Doepfer A-141-2 VCADSR (ASDR/LFO) module
  • 4MS PEG (Dual Envelope Generator)
    and I also had, but sold off
  • Befaco Rampage (Dual Envelope Generator)

I'm fairly new to modular, but so far, I like both in different ways.

So far, I use the Doepfer more so for applying ADSR to audio signals, and it seems fairly versatile with separate CV inputs for A/D/S/R, variable CV triggering levels for each, End of Attack / End of Rise triggers, Inverted output, and a couple other potentially handy options. Be aware that like many Doepfers it is a sort of obnoxiously deep module though, won't fit in a shallow skiff.

The 4MS PEG was frustrating at first (as was the Befaco Rampage) because I expected it to work sort of like an ADSR (or an AD anyway) and was trying to apply it mainly to audio signals. That can work -- sort of -- but not very well. I got the impression it was really intended more to manipulate CV levels as opposed to directly effecting audio signals, and once I started applying it that way, it came into its own a lot more so. It's way less predictable and a lot more finicky than a digital equivalent would be in a DAW, but I guess that's true for pretty much all modular, and now that I've gotten the hang of it I like it quite a bit. It's very versatile and can add a lot of complexity to a patch. The Befaco Rampage was pretty much the same thing, I only had room for one at the time and chose the 4MS because I've generally liked the modules of theirs that I have.

I'm looking into more ADSR options myself, so interesting reading through this thread to get some ideas.

My three standouts:

Vanilla EG:
Intellijel Dual ADSR

Most modulation:
Tins Edgecutter

All-Around Favorite:
Tip Top Z4000 NS

There are plenty of great EGs... and most do what they say on the tin.

I love Instruo Ceis . Its a vc-ASDR but also has trigger outputs for every stage of the envelope. 🤯
For ambient slow motion things i love XAOC ZADAR

Edgecutter looks pretty cool.

Zadar accept gate in the trig input. You must set the point (knob D / sustain mode) on the envelop where the gate will be held.

I love Instruo Ceis . Its a vc-ASDR but also has trigger outputs for every stage of the envelope. 🤯
For ambient slow motion things i love XAOC ZADAR
-- mamonu

I was looking at that one very recently, bc I'm thinking about picking up another ADSR. Definitely appealing ... all of the Instruo stuff looks really cool, but they're so pricey, I worry it just won't be worth the extra $ for what it does.

I have 2x ALM PipSlope and a WMS/SSF ADSRVCA, I find they are both great for different things, the PipSlope's Attack Decay isn't as good as the full ADSR if you want something chewy for a filter to get its teeth into.
If I need more I'll probably build a Befaco ADSR as it does pretty much the same as the Instruo Ceis but a touch cheaper.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

I'm a huge fan of the Soundforce ADSR. I've found an exp adsr is really necessary to get the "pluck" out of my LPGs and VCAs/Filters. Also having control over all stages with attenuation is so great. Plus it has the ability to choose end of cycle gate, has cycling, and s/m/l stage length. It's big but it's worth it.
-- KMAbrams

I picked one of these up recently. It does a better job of removing unwanted “clicks” in the trigger/attack than my Doepfer ADSR by far, and I generally like it better than my Doepfer one. Modular ADSRs still feel really weird to me, though, coming from digital…. they never seem to perform as well or in the way I expect. But I think the Soundforce is likely going to be a keeper. I just wish it was smaller, like you you say.. it’s a lot of HP for what it does.

Hi Eexee,

That's strange that Doepfer ADSRs give you "clicks". One hint that might help is that the potentiometers should never be exactly zero for (Doepfer) ADSRs, well, of course you can do it, but perhaps that's why there are "clicks"? Just stay a little bit (really not much just a bit) away from the zero and you shouldn't face any "clicks".

I hope that helps and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Eexee,

That's strange that Doepfer ADSRs give you "clicks". One hint that might help is that the potentiometers should never be exactly zero for (Doepfer) ADSRs, well, of course you can do it, but perhaps that's why there are "clicks"? Just stay a little bit (really not much just a bit) away from the zero and you shouldn't face any "clicks".

I hope that helps and kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

Hmm. Paired with the Doepfer Quad VCA I have, I often have to dial the attack up to almost 5-6 to eliminate clicks on some things the Soundforce will handle more easily. Maybe it’s a linear vs exponential thing? Though the SF has both modes and they both seem better at eliminating clicks than the Doepfer does. I wonder if there’s something else I’m doing wrong…

If I were buying Eurorack right now and needed cost- and space-efficient EGs, I'd go right to the Ladik listings. Not only do they offer both AD/AR and ADSR gens, some of their ADSRs offer envelope delays, initial envelope levels, variable holds, and so on that you don't tend to see elsewhere in Eurorack...or, at least not for Ladik's prices.

Hi Eexee,

If you have to put the attack up to 5-6 then I am afraid you might have another issue going on, that shouldn't be the case. I don't know which Doepfer ADSR you have, if it's just the A-140, the one I am using too, then make sure that how often you trigger your ADSR should be roughly in the rhythm of the ADSR itself as well, that's how I call that for myself, not sure how to put this properly under words.

What I mean with that is that if you offer very fast gates to a (Doepfer) ADSR/EG then make sure you put the ADSR in fast mode, i.e. put that time range switch to L (low time, so high speed) or M (medium time/speed) but not H (high time thus low speed) and visa versa so if you provide a slow trigger set the ADSR to H (high time, thus slow speed). Once that's corresponding to each other than I don't think there is a need to put the attack so high to avoid clicks.

Let me know if that works out for you and good luck. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I've just bought the Spherical Sound Society Vortex Generator. It's available as a kit for around 80 bucks, super easy build. It's a dual function generator, two rise/fall envelopes with CV control over both, EOC outs, a clock out (sends a signal every 4 loops of envelope 1). Envelopes are loopable btw. And it has a nice Benjolin-Style Rungler output for some additional modulation (only works when both EGs are running in LFO mode!). It's smaller than Maths, cheaper and less confusing :D

The Befaco ADSR is also pretty tasty. It has modulation capabilities for each stage PLUS... it will output a gate for every stage the envelope is in.

Hi Eexee,

If you have to put the attack up to 5-6 then I am afraid you might have another issue going on, that shouldn't be the case. I don't know which Doepfer ADSR you have, if it's just the A-140, the one I am using too, then make sure that how often you trigger your ADSR should be roughly in the rhythm of the ADSR itself as well, that's how I call that for myself, not sure how to put this properly under words.

What I mean with that is that if you offer very fast gates to a (Doepfer) ADSR/EG then make sure you put the ADSR in fast mode, i.e. put that time range switch to L (low time, so high speed) or M (medium time/speed) but not H (high time thus low speed) and visa versa so if you provide a slow trigger set the ADSR to H (high time, thus slow speed). Once that's corresponding to each other than I don't think there is a need to put the attack so high to avoid clicks.

Let me know if that works out for you and good luck. Kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

I have the A-141-2 VCADSR/LFO unit. That's the worst case scenario, I suppose. This has three modes, x1, x10, and x100. Those seem to be like S/M/L on my other ADSR (Soundforce Dual). Patching a basic sine through a VCA and using this module to attenuate the amplitude, at x1 I need at least 3-4 to crop out the clickies, at x10 I need 2-3, and at x100 I only need 1-2 -- though all these require at least equivalent delay times. I guess that's really not so bad, though some signals fare better than others it seems to me, and in fairness, I think I do confuse the x1/x10/x100 setting at times, and haven't always chosen the most appropriate one.

That said, with my Soundforce Dual ADSR I barely have to have any attack to elimate clickies on the same wave, no more than 1 in some cases, regardless of the setting (S/M/L - Lin/Exp). I feel like I generally have more problems with clicks/pops from the Doepfer one.

I'd actually thought about selling off the Doepfer one, since I mainly use the Soundforce now, but the A-141-2 does have CV ins for each stage of the envelope with -5 to +5 attenuverters for each (which I quite like), EOA and EOR triggers, and can be patched in ways that turn it into a crazy sound source. If it could get a couple hundred for it I'd probably list it, but you can get them new for like $180-190, so I'd probably have to settle for $150 or so before shipping/fees. It's handy enough to keep around for now, though I might eventually sell/replace with a different type of envelope generator.

Klavis Quadigy is a fantastic envelope generator. Tonns of functions, but very easy to access. Many stages, and possibilities for exponential or logarythmic curves. And 2 CV- and one „direct“-knob-modulation. It seems to be a complex one, but it is not by far. But under the hood so many nice add on‘s. You can discover functionalities for a long time, but use it straight out of the box… love it.