I am building this modular, 4-voice polyphonic, + monophonic, + a subsequent moog embedded in the structure, many modules are already in place but you can always change your mind ...
I state that I use the synthesizer to play and not just to make noises ..
I accept advice and comments of any kind

ModularGrid Rack

ModularGrid Rack

I like the idea of the separate "control pod"...I'm assuming this goes next to/near a keyboard controller for any sort of "expression" activity that might come to mind...?

BTW, with that joystick there, you might want to have a peek at Ladik's Joystick Math. 4 hp, does arithmetical voltage operations based on the X-Y movements. Very useful for doing things like opposed modulations, etc.

I just bought a new 4U Intellijel case to make a control case for the rest of my set-up: sequencers, attenuverters, and the SSSR Wobbla (4 units) looks pretty tasty.

It's difficult to critique the system because it seems like everything is covered and it's a question of personal taste. As far as control units and since you play (rather than make weird noises), have you considered something like a Waldorf case/keyboard unit?

I am building this modular, 4-voice polyphonic, + monophonic, + a subsequent moog embedded in the structure, many modules are already in place but you can always change your mind ...
I state that I use the synthesizer to play and not just to make noises ..
I accept advice and comments of any kind

ModularGrid Rack

ModularGrid Rack

-- Auik