Hey, what's good? This is my very first post on the forums, feels like a great place.

I started assembling my rack in April and now I was looking to quantizers. I've got two voices in my rig and noticed the modules I've been having in mind only support a single input channel. Then I found this nice comparison chart¹ and extracted some candidates, but I'm still not really convinced and thought I'd ask for help.
My requirements would be 2 input channels, customizable scales, no screen, not wider than 10HP if possible and bonus points if microtunable.

ADDAC207: Unfortunately quite pricey
Kassutronics Quantizer: I don't really have good experience with soldering and stuff
Tenderfoot Quad: Only one custom scale and 12HP
Tubbutec µTune: Screen :\ But also a tuner and slim module
Shakmat Bard Quartet: Yet to be released

At first I was leaning towards the ADDAC, but now that I've gone through all of them again for writing this post I'm quite astonished as to what the µTune can do. I'm also looking for a way to get a clock from my MIDI sequencer and the µTune seems to be capable of handling that as well!?

So does anyone have any recommendations on this or practical experience to share in these regards?

¹ https://doudoroff.com/quantizers


You could get multiple 2hp Tune modules, fairly cheap, you could get 4x for less than the price of the ADDAC.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


True, but I don't really love the idea of changing two modules at the same time and they don't allow for custom scales or adding and removing notes. They do have the nice feature of CV-controllable transposition, though, which the µTune doesn't seem to sport.


It all depends on your musical goals.
Random and quantizing was important for me, so I first got Marbles (quantized random), then Bloom (opposite way).
And after a while, deeper 'ADN cooking' with URA plus Rnd Step, and... (the winner is :) ADDAC207, the solid choice.

It took me several months to discover (YouTube and forums), buy (Money, desperately a big key: 'That's What I Want', 'It's a gas', etc.), and learn (Manuals). And I'm still learning, and still resolutely don't want any traditional sequencer in my modular.

We must choose tools for the music we want to listen to.
So truly, which kind of music do you plan to ear from yourself?
The answer will be there. I'm not saying anything new...

PS: l use µMidi for Midi clock. Perfect.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Gonna throw this out there even though it might not exactly meet your criteria, but I've been considering buying a Crow by Monome to make a flexible microtonal quantizer, and similarly you could make a multichannel one, though given the number of inputs and outputs a multichannel one would require you to update the script to switch scales or change notes.