A month ago I bought the 2hp delay module. The best I could get from it was a blurring of the sound, whether I applied cv to the delay time or not. I figured it must be a result of buying a cheap piece. I just hooked up the Pittsburgh Modular lifeforms delay and I got the same thing. Internet searches have revealed that no one has ever encountered any problem with a delay module whatsoever. This is frustrating.

OK...well, for starters, those two delays are set up rather differently, with the Pitt having CV over only delay time, and the 2hp having CV over delay time, feedback depth, and wet/dry balance. Given that these aren't exactly alike, it would follow that both of these shouldn't manifest the same problem. One or the other might be malfunctioning, but both? Not likely.

So, let's look at potential user error. Put the 2hp back online and see if this is what you're doing:

1) Connect an audio source to the "IN". This MUST be a synth level audio source; if you're trying to input a LINE level, it won't work without stepping the audio UP to synth level. Line level audio is either .775Vrms (the "consumer" standard) or 1.4Vrms ("pro" standard), while synth audio in a modular typically runs between 5 - 10 Vrms depending on synth format, etc.
2) Set the "FDBK" to about 10 o'clock.
3) Set "MIX" to 12 o'clock.
4) Connect an audio destination (like a mixer input) to the "OUT"
5) Now, while listening to this, sweep the "TIME" control back and forth. If you're using a pulsed and/or rhythmic signal, you'll hear the change of echo time AND a pitch-shift as you sweep the knob. If you use a sustained sound, you might not hear the delay, but you should still hear the pitch-sweeps.

The 2hp module has since been returned. I still have the Pittsburgh. The source is the saw and pulse outputs of the patchbay of my moog mother 32. After the delay, the signal is fed back in through the external input jack with the moog mix knob set accordingly.
With the delay mix knob set to dry, the sound comes through just the way the moog made it. In all degrees of a wet mix, you begin to hear the distortion. It ranges from barely noticeable at short delay times, to like a pw modulation type effect at long delay times. I do hear some familiar sounds when the delay time is moved back and forth.
I have tried all logical settings for each knob involved and then some.

Maybe I misunderstand, but if you are patching the VCO outs directly into the delay, you probably won't get much -- just some weird phasing effect mostly. Sounds like what you are getting.

Put the an amp envelope between the VCO and the delay and see what happens. The VCA out of the M32 will probably do the trick.

Maybe I misunderstand, but if you are patching the VCO outs directly into the delay, you probably won't get much -- just some weird phasing effect mostly. Sounds like what you are getting.

Put the an amp envelope between the VCO and the delay and see what happens. The VCA out of the M32 will probably do the trick.
-- the-erc

OMG thank you so much! Spent over 12 months not patching this right and wondering why I could never get delay to sound right! Now I've nailed it with the correct patching lol