I've been playing with VCV. I enjoy it.
Thank you guys!! This is exactly the kind of feedback I need. I'm extremely new to this. I was thinking of getting the pre build Doepfer A-100 things. Is that a good direction to start? Or by pieces. Thanks
Thank you.
I had the two 2hp Adsr originally and I can’t remember why I took them out. So basically I should get a 104hp and add an output. Thanks it’s very much appreciated
It varies from VCO to VCO. Some are very good about having a very low voltage drop due to the exponential converter. Others, not so much so. But four VCOs does start to get you into the zone where having a buffered mult to divide your VCO CVs is a wise idea. Better safe than sorry, if tuning is critical.
Yes...but have a look at this variation instead:
This changes the arrangement to help with signal/programming 'flow'...control left, output/final processing right, etc. I swapped out the Maths with a pair of A-171-2 VCSs, each of which is more or less half a Maths. This then allowed two more 2hp ADSRs, which will be useful for the A-135-2 Quad VCA Mixer to give you dynamic control over your outputs and/or the Clouds redux. No space for an output module, though, so you'll either have to run into an outboard attenuator or a mixer that can handle synth-level signals. Use a handful of inline mult widgets, and you're set!
Both, as they're not the same sort of thing. The Sisters is a very weird sort of multimode-meets-formant arrangement, great for overall spectral reworking. But the Optomix is actually a pair of lowpass gates with a summing mixer, which means you can take your Sisters outputs on into that and apply the percussive Buchla-esque 'plooks' with the Optomixes LPGs. Put a normal Sisters output on one LPG and the "Centre" on another, and you can tandem your sound back and forth percussively in patterns between "clean" and "FMed" filter responses. Fun stuff!
Say you I'd like to have four oscillators that can play at the same time, in order to keep them in tune over time and over different octaves they require an active buffered multiple correct? Or at what point do they require a multiple to stay in tune? Maybe I'm confused
received my VCA-4MX from @Groove_Addict
Portugal to the USA has you on pins and needles - but, I got it!!
Thanks, man!!!
Thanks for the positive feedback. Really glad to hear I'm going in the right direction, especially from such an experienced synthesist like you Lugia. The quad VCA will be on the "first to buy" list :)
Morphagene seems like a great choice too. I'll give myself some more time to think about that. But I gotta agree, Rainmaker seems to be an amazing delay module with endless possibilities. Definitely going for this one.
As for sequencing. Outboard gear is an option, thanks for the suggestions. At first glance, I like the Squarp Pyramid. But since I will be moving the system from my apartment to my studio quite a bit (which is another reason why I went for the Intellijel Case), I think the best option, in the long run, will be a sequencer in the system itself. Just not sure which one to get. Voltage Block + Varigate looks also nice. So many options.....
One more question: is the Sisters Filter enough to start, or should I put the Optomix on the "first to buy" also?
Thanks @Jamma for the module Tiptop audio ONE! Mint condition and fast shipping!
nice, thanks a lot! follow up question: is there a hack to convert the xor into a mix 1+2 out?
they are limited and exclusevely made for ModularAddict.
here is the link:
Total agreement here, Ronin...that Model D really has no place in a small cab of that sort...or, potentially, any cab. Consider that a Minimoog (which it's a copy of) is actually a very simplistic build, one which these days could theoretically be assembled in Eurorack in half the space of the Model D (or less!). Leave it in its own case where it belongs, use the space for something more productive.
As for that, again, Ronin's spot on. There's a serious, crippling lack of modulation sources, VCAs, timing/logic, filters, processors (pretty critical for ambient!), mixing and utilities. Stop working in this direction; instead, take some time to explore what other experienced MG users are doing, as well as looking at classic modular and patchable synths to see how they're designed and what implementations those designs help create. VCV isn't a bad idea, either...start with emulating something basic such as the Minimoog architecture in it BUT with the patchability that modular allows. See how this functions on that simple level...then begin experimenting with how to extend that. Translate the results into practice builds back here in MG. Also, examine what artists you enjoy and respect use, how they use it, and again how you can build onto that to make something that's very much your own.
You won't nail a design in 'one' unless you do massive research, and even then, it would be a real fluke to get EVERYTHING right. Make mistakes. Make lots of them. Screwing up on MG = no money lost. Not so much so if you try this with real hardware first.
You did your research well here...I don't see anything that I can really fault in this build. As for the VCA implementation, go ahead and put the Quad VCA in, since VCA control is such a basic function and you'll want all of the basics in place before making the final decisions.
As for the later bits: the Nebulae isn't a bad choice, and another option to consider if you can find the space would be MakeNoise's Morphagene. Replacing the Rainmaker, though...I wouldn't. If you want an insanely-comprehensive and complex delay line, that module rivals even some of the most complex and celebrated outboard gear, and that makes it an optimal pick for its purpose.
Sequencing: have you also considered outboard? I'm planning for a KOMA Komplex, myself...the concept seems very open-ended, capable both in studio and live work. It would also free up space for additional modules in the cab itself, while defining the sequencer as a proper controller by placement. But there's plenty of possibilities beyond that one, like the Squarp Pyramid or Kilpatrick's Carbon.
Either the 2hp ones or the Intellijel. With the former, you get quantity. But the latter offers functionality in that you get summing and a variable response curve.
Here's what I see... I'm not trying to beat up on your decisions. But I see a lot of issues.
First, don't rack mount the Behringer. Your Eurorack space is expensive and the Boog is huge. Use that rack space for more modules. You can always patch to and from the Boog next to your rack.
There's a complete lack of LFOs. There's one in the Boog but it's extremely basic.
Envelopes. You have one envelope. But it's just a standard ADSR with no frills. Check out the Tip Top Audio Z4000NS. You get a ton more features including the ability to modulate each stage of the ADSR. That will be helpful for ambient in my opinion. You probably want more than one ADSR in your rig.
Filters? Filters can shape, blend your sound and modulate it when connected to modulators. There are many types and set-ups. I would investigate a two channel multi-mode filter.
Sequencers? Are you going to run this as a stand alone rack or connect it to your DAW? Both? How are you going to generate CV, gates, triggers?
VCAs? What's on the Boog isn't going to cut it.
Utilities? Buffered Mults, logic modules, envelope followers, quantizers, etc., there's an entire subset of utilities that you should have.
My thought is this. You're not ready to put together a rack. You need to learn more of the basics before spending your money so you're not wasting it or regretting your decisions. I would download VCV rack (it's free) and start patching. I think there's a virtual "Clouds" simulator in it as well other digital versions of Mutable modules. Put in the rack 2-4 ADSRs, a sequencer, two to three VCOs, and lots of VCAs. Make some things and modulate them.
Looking for some advice, tipps & tricks before jumping into the world of modular! Heads up - Long post ahead!
Some Background information:
I've been researching and learning about modular for about half a year now. Mainly from watching tons of videos, checking out this forum, reading Pacht&Tweak and now I finally want to get my hands on some modules. I think I got some basic knowledge built up but I learn a lot faster if I can actually try out some stuff I read and hear the outcome. I've been producing mostly electronic music (dub techno, micro house, deep tech) with Ableton and some outboard gear like the Nord Lead A1, Korg MS-20 mini and TR8.
What kind of sound would I like to achieve?
I really like the sound from Plaits and Tides. Absolutely love the chord modes on those modules, which I would like to use for making rhythmic, evolving patterns / soundscapes. I really like the sound of clouds. So I decided that I would get a secondhand Module or go for the microburst or microclouds, whichever is easier to get my hands on here in the Europe. I want Plonk to be my source of percussive sounds, which I would like to run through Rainmaker to create some interesting rhythm. Love how you can modulate the pitch of all 16 taps from Rainmaker. Batumi will be my main source of modulation. I also really like the way Nebulae works, especially the option to manipulate speed and pitch separate. I want to use Nebulae to record random samples from Plonk to create little Sample Packs. I once read that with a firmware update, you can record directly onto the USB stick. With Sisters I think I got a great sounding Filter, but I'm also open for suggestions. And I really dig the analog sound of the STO in combination with the Optomix Lowpass Gate, which also gives me some mixing capabilities.
Starting Plan:
For the Case, I want to go with Intellijel's 104HP 7U Case (+12 V output at 3000 mA, -12 V output at 3000 mA and +5 V output at 1500 mA. - I think that should give me enough headroom?)
For the first Modules I'm considering Plaits, Tides and Plonk as my soundsources, the 1U tiles for Midi, Ins & Outs, VCA/Mixer, a multiple, as well as a headphone amplifier for some utility. In the Future, I want to set-up Pamelas New Workout as a slave from the 1U Midi Module, which syncs to ether some hardware or Ableton (I hope that makes sense?). I also want to start with the quad VCA (or is the 1U tile enough for the start? From all I hear, you can never have to many VCA's :D), the Envelope Generator from Erica Synth, Batumi für modulation, and Clouds for effects. Does it make sense to start with these modules or am I going to fast?
I want to hold up on the eloquencer. At the moment, I'm not sure which sequencer ist the best choice (I'm also thinking about voltage block or 1010s Toolbox). So for the start, I thought I would use Arturia's Keystep.
I want to get to know my other soundsources first, before getting the STO. And I don't want to start with to much.
Next up in line to purchase after getting to know my first modules in the Starting Plan would be Rainmaker and the Nebulae V2. I looked at some alternatives, like the Tape Delay Unit Magneto from Strymon, Morphogene, or the sampler from 4MS, but kept coming back to these two. Maybe someone with experience with these Modules can give me some insight to why they chose one over the other?
Sorry for the long post, but I hope I could give some insight on what I would like from my future Modular System. I'm really looking forward to not only a great learning experience, but also the little sonic surprises you get while experimenting with different patches.
Thanks a lot for reading and any kind of feedback will be highly appreciated!
where can i get the black panel for my moons?
Yes, nothing against the Malekko 4hp via; I just meant that you might have trouble finding one.
You can't go wrong with the Intellijel vca. Xaoc Tallin or the Malekko Vca in 6hp should also be nice.
I don't know the 2hp-vca, but this has the advantage to give you two additional vcas of course, which is nice...
Eurorack enthusiasts have 2 disreputable sources of quantitative data on the community: random MW polls and ModularGrid's "in rack" count.
I wanted to provide the community with something a little more reliable and robust. Do you have 5 minutes to take this little survey? It will close on 31 December, and I'll publish a results report in January.
Your privacy will be respected. The results of this survey will be shared in aggregate only; individual responses will not be shared with any other individuals or entities. I'm a data analyst by day, have no Eurorack-related business interests, and am receiving no compensation for this survey or its analysis.
Thanks Phineas! Great to have your point of view. And thanks for the complements, too. :)
At first I took yr comment to mean that a quantiser could replace the VCA, but I see what yr saying - I could go for a smaller hp quantiser and then free up some space for a bigger VCA. :)
Any recommendations for VCAs I should be looking at? Maybe something like this?
Or this?
Hey noob here. Building first rack. Going for ambient and soundscapes. Thoughts?
I've built a few of these modules. They are super-fun builds, and handy functionality. I've used the AND gate and the VCA on several patches to good effect.
Also super helpful when your rack is running low on HP or power...
The "OR" gate saved me the other day; i wanted to patch together to modules at opposite ends of my rack and I didn't have a long enough cable. So I used the OR like a cable extender. Of course, then I decided it would be interesting to plug an LFO into the other input,... :)
Would love to see these listed on Modular Grid! Mystic Circuits is already listed as a vendor, so should be possible.
This looks like a cool set-up!
I think the Malekko vca is out of production (at least the 4 HP version), so you would have to buy that one used.
An alternative could be to choose another quantizer, for example from Intellijel, Doepfer, or Topobrillo or the Penrose quantizer... lots of possibilities.
This way you could free some HP and then choose another Vca.
Anyways, seems like a cool set-up that will sound absolutely great!
How's this look?
Re: the sampler, I was hoping for something that'd allow me to ‘slice and dice’ the samples in real time (hence my inclusion of the Morph). I'm guessing the TipTop Sampler is a little more basic than that. Not a biggie, tho...
I should also mention my other gear: Moog Sub 37, Korg Minilogue, Korg SQ-1 sampler, a bunch of Volcas, an Arturia KeyStep Pro, a Mackie 1202, chorus and compressor pedals. And a Lava lamp - without cv. ;) And the DFAM is under the tree for Xmas...
Re: the pipe, I'm not a big pipe guy by any means. Apart from synths, I'm also into motorcycles and blogging, and that was a pipe I purchased for a charity event called the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. More here: https://www.gentlemansride.com/ - I like the idea of smoking a pipe, but sadly the actual act itself didn't live up to my expectations. I think I'll just stick to whisky...
Thanks for the heads up on the Aria! I do plan to keep the Neutron out of the case, I mainly just have it included for the visual.
Agenda item #1 for you: remove the Neutron from this build. If you look at the functions it provides in the space it takes up, you'll notice that it's a bad use of space vs functionality. Try keeping it in its own cab instead. The Roland Aira module can go too, unless you have one, as it's discontinued AND the Eurorack Airas are notorious for huge power inrush draws on power-up, which could spell trouble for your P/S.
Nah, keep the Marbles. If you're shooting for that weird, jagged, tangential Autechre sort of direction, it'll help the whole rig (mis)behave in just the right ways. One point, though...move the P/S module to the left side to get it away from your audio sources (One, VCAs) in the top skiff to help avoid any noise that might sneak in through the P/S brick. This thing should sound crazy as hell, especially if you tandemed it with some sort of outboard granular processing.
BTW, what's that quarter-bent apple you've got in the thumbnail? It's a sharp look...
Nah. Obsoleted modules abounded, plus there was a lot of 'predictable' there. Instead, I tore it up, came up with this instead:
Now this is a superior piece of kit, tooled for the exact purpose. Around $750 cheaper, too. Maths (the correct one) stayed, added a Marbles for random sampling of CVs and the like. RCD got its expander (great for live performance). Went with a single quantizer with an analog shift register which allows subsequent CV levels to pass on to another destination times three. The 0 Sugar deals with weird logic-based gate scrambling, and a Pithoprakta Euclidean gate/trig sequencer was dropped in for generative timing trickery.
Second row has a dual mix/attenuverter/offset, two linear (for CVs) VCAs. I added a 4ms QPLFO for multiple slow (or fast) LFO sources to create gradual modulation shifts (important for good generative work)...and then a Rubicon2 for warped, spacy crossmod and TZFM. Kept the Plonks, then there's a 4-1 audio mix to sum it with the Rubicon2. After that, a Disting, because...it's a Disting, which is pretty much a Swiss Army Knife for most anything. The Doepfer A-106-1 (variation on the Korg MS-20 VCF pair) has an insert in its resonance path, for which the lo-fi Noise Reap delay is intended, although you could use it as a regular delay. And then a final VCA + envelope to send the results back down to the 2S for the final mix with the MiniBrute's audio and output.
Now these should get you where you want to go. Note, also, that some of these modulation sources can also be aimed down at the MiniBrute 2S to make it act in tandem with the Rack. No mults, also...I suggest using either Stackcables or inline mult widgets, as these save space in smaller builds like this.
Trying to plan out my first rack.
I'm going to start with just the Neutron and from there add the Plaits or a Braids, and then start adding whatever else I'm itching to add to the case. Planning on sequencing/playing everything with a Keystep.
Thanks Lugia! OK, here's the updated set-up below. I'm looking to create some ambient/Autechre type stuff with a heap of randomness in there and plenty of scope for the unexpected. I'm wondering if I should maybe lose the marbles and sampler and go for something like this (below, below):
How would this pair with the mini brute 2s for generative+unpredictable? I'm thinking of removing something for a delay, but do you guys know of any really weird modules that would help it?
A demo of the detune functionality provided by the latest firmware update 1.3
NEW EP: https://fastus.bandcamp.com/album/terra-incognito
Latest works: https://soundcloud.com/fastus
Modular studies & sketches: https://soundcloud.com/problivion
using the detune functionality from the latest firmware update (1.3)
NEW EP: https://fastus.bandcamp.com/album/terra-incognito
Latest works: https://soundcloud.com/fastus
Modular studies & sketches: https://soundcloud.com/problivion
The Angle Grinder seems pretty rad, though it's a bit big in hp and price for this rig. The 119 is cheapest and is probably as good as anything, so I'd go with that.
Aaannnnd right now I'm in multi vca land... If anyone has used and has opinions on the Sputnik Valve Mulitplier, Cynthia Octal, Doepfer 132-4, SSF Muton, Zlob Vnlcursal vca, Bubblesound Hex, please blip it here!
Yep...and with the LaserBox's output levels also working with normal synth CV levels, that would make for one crazy LFO bank...lots of phase-correlated modulation, weird Lissajous-based control methodology. Definitely not a sequencer, but if/when the need calls for something like that, it's convenient to flip that functionality.
Extra VCAs would be useful, yep...my suggestion would be to pull the buffered mult (you don't have enough destinations to cause a voltage drop that would necessitate one...use some stackcables or inline passive mults instead and save your space) and the blank and have a look at Malekko's VCA...it's a dual VCA module with switchable functions for linear and exponential response, fits in 4 hp.
The A-119 is probably the more cost-effective of the two. As for BOTH waveshapeable VCOs and a warped idea of what a filter is, Schlappi's Angle Grinder might be something you'd find entertaining. You get those, plus quadrature outputs which can come in handy when using the Angle Grinder as a phase-correlated modulation source.
You might add a mult into 2 hp of that 10. And with the remaining 8 hp, have a look at Doepfer's A-171-2 VCS. Basically half of a Maths, a very useful modulation source to say the least.
'Course, I wouldn't have put the M32 in there, though....it has a cab, plus it eats up a lot of space that could be better used for discrete Eurorack modules.
had a flawless buying experience with @yrn1, quick shipping, great comms, 100% would buy from again!
Plus, I think it was you, Ronin, that made the point that you can blow new firmware onto the Toolbox and change its function. That's also potentially a plus inasmuch as you can shift the entire working paradigm of a build just with a switcheroo on the Toolbox's EPROM.
-- Lugia
Corrent. But 1010 Music has TWO series of units. The first series can run BitBox, FXBox, and SynthBox. The second series can run ToolBox and LaserBox. I believe the difference in the series are the physical inputs/outputs.
great seller @Jungleofwires - thank u 4 the SDS RiTm ; working perfect!
I have dangerously little idea what I'm doing and I'm 2/3rds the way through a bottle of red wine. Please don't call the cops...
Case would be a 3-tier jobby from Moog. I based the whole thing it one this:
Effects will be applied at the mixer (Eventide Space & Boss DD-550)
No, it's not the most impressive beast right now. Anything I need? A VCA?
All thoughts welcome!
I agree that it would be useful with a clock to drive Rene. Your existing synths may already have one that you can use. In principle, any LFO will do. For more features, Tempi is a good choice. Another popular option is Pamela's NEW Workout.
I am not sure about the quantizer, though. Rene2 has a pretty good one built in, so that may not be as urgent.
Cool. thanks for comments. yes will definitely add in audio out.and look at a quantizer. other make noise bits look useful too.