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Pretty much! The only thing I'd move is the Erbe-verb, putting it between the Quad VCA and the outputs. That way, you can take the mix out of the Quad VCA and feed that directly to the Erbe-verb's mono in, and stereo out from that goes to the HN output. So you can use the Erbe-verb not only as a reverb, but as a 'stereoizing' module as well. Toss in a couple of multiples for the open space remaining, and that's got that build nailed.
Happy Nerding has a couple of nice ones, actually...their Isolator not only gives you a final stereo level trim plus transformer-balanced 1/4" outs, it has ground-lift switches per channel so that you can eliminate any sort of ground-loop hum with a switch-flip should that occur. That feature alone, especially if you play any live gigs and DI the modular into some random club PA, is very worthwhile!
Not bad...mind you, Clouds is discontinued, but third-party builds can still be had. I'd also swap the uVCA for a Quad VCA, because more VCAs are useful. And some sort of stereo mixer into a proper stereo output module, and that'd do it. Maybe a passive mult if there's room, but if not, just use some in-line mults.
One last riff on the Clouds: maybe this would be a good swap: ...2 hp more, but it samples and mangles too, but with a lot more interface capability.
I was thinking of starting off with a moog mother 32. If not I was thinking of starting off with a SV-1. Do I have everything necessary to get started? What do I need/what would you suggest to get started? And is the flow good or can it be rearranged. Thank you and I look forward to the responses!
Noise Reap's doing some really interesting, deviant design work. Not only is their stuff cheap, but it's quite weird as well. The uBermuda VCO's another bizarro device, with its internal self-regeneration behavior and so forth. They're doing things people need to pay attention to...
I reveived my Radio Music this morning from @toneburst
good job (assembled module), communication and efficiency, maybe why not 5/5!
from a belgian sound maker.............
Could a "19" rack" category be added to the already listed Buchla, Frac etc. categories ?
I need some visual feedback on how to mount those genuine dust collectors/electric heaters units and am tired using PowerPoint for this. I think it's not THAT off-topic as it's always handy to have listed items and easy access to it (no "Reason" pun intended ?) precisely when there is already a "500 Series" one listed.
Any possibilities to have a poor traders thread? I had an incident where a guy from this forum sold me genuine Mutable Instruments Peaks but the module I received was a clone (verified this from Mutable instruments and they said it looked like a factory made clone, so most probably there are more clone units than the one I have).
The user who sold the module won't respond my messages anymore. Would like to warn everyone else as he seem to be selling a lot.
I haven't had any issues with cables being so loose that they fall out. It could be down to the brand of cables and possibly the weight of the cables and angle of the module. That rape joke is totally not cool though...
In order to get all the in/outs when used as a plugin you have to use Reaktor as an effect and not as an instrument. Hope that helps!
This could also be a bad jack in combination with grounding issues. To help troubleshoot, when the humming starts, try touching a wire to the lip of the jack at each end of the cable at the same time and see if the humming goes away. Also, does additional wiggling of the cable ever stop the humming?
That sounds like a ground loop, actually. Do you know if the powered speakers are on the same AC ground line as the synth, or whether they're grounded at all? If not, that would explain quite a bit.
Probably the best thing you can do is to take the time (and hookup wire) necessary to set up a star-ground to get all of the equipment on the same ground plane. It's time-consuming, but very worth it in terms of cleaning up noise and hum, and might only be necessary for a few pieces of your gear. Have a look at for a very basic explanation of what needs doing...and as I noted, if you can do this only with certain offending devices to clear up the ground loop issues, that works just fine as well.
Here's a couple of feature requests regarding power.
- would be helpfull to have the 'manufacturer Approved' tag also in the datasheet
- it would also be helpfull where you show the total power consumption of a rack to add 'x of y Manufacturer Approved'
I recently started w modular and use the Malekko 8NU8R to get out audio to my speakers.
The issue is that as soon as I (accidentally) thouch the patch cable from the 8NU8R to the speaker the speaker starts humming and I can only stop it by unplugging/re-plugging the speaker. I have different cables from different manufacturers--no joy.
When I patch the cable to my Focusrite 2i2 soundcard instead and from there through the laptop/PC to the speaker all is fine and there is no humming if the patch cable is accidentally wiggled.
Yep, that's an excellent choice! Not only does that give you VCA audio level control, you also get the panning under CV and CV on your AUX send as well. With that 2hp Verb, that's perfect...just patch the AUX send on the Toppobrillo to the Verb's Left input, and you get one-point stereo out. Patch that to your AUX returns, and you've got full CV over the reverb! Note also that the CUE send can work here, too...for example, patch that to the frequency shifter, and return that via a strip on the mixer, and you can drop signals in a similar manual AUX path from your cue sends. Just be careful to NOT activate the cue on that one strip for the frequency shifter, or bad feedback happens (unless you think that might be fun! as in...cue out to delay, delay to frequency shifter, FS to strip one with cue on, and manually control the feedback of that loop to get stairstepping pitch-shifted echoes of your other thru-cue signals! nuts!).
The other changes are primo, too! I see you went with the VCA control over the Quad VCO trick...that'll be loads of fun. Plus the VCSs. Yeah, this is shaping up to be a killer rig...
So, I've gone in and made some changes based on your recommendations. One additional question - would you think that the Toppobrillo 4-chan vc stereo mixer (lower right) would be suitable for use as a VCA? I like the VC panning function.
That's odd, then...I would suggest contacting Expert Sleepers about this. Maybe they have some insight as to what the trouble might be. Annoying, I'm sure...because what it's capable of doing is quite nifty, but if the patchcords won't seat, well...
Nope, standard 3.5mm hosa patch cables... loosest holes on my rack. I even have to jam it hard sometimes to get it to work.... shitty...(happy)... but really it's not great. Maybe I was sold a demo instead of a new. ahahahahaha baaaahhhhhh hmmmmm?
Nah, not 64 voices. Let's say you have an FH-2 plus a full compliment of seven expanders, so 64 outputs. That means you can break all of this out into, say, eight monophonic channels...with each channel having:
1) note CV
2) gate
3) velocity CV
4) aftertouch CV (poly-capable!)
5) assigned modulation controller CV
6) release velocity CV (yep!)
7 and 8) two more sets of eight for special modulation purposes, assigned as needed.
Now, for a live gig situation, this is a bit over the top, but you'd still want the first four. But when using the FH-2 via a MIDI interface, you can have your DAW send all of that stuff and the FH-2 will break it down as needed. And for complex generative work, having massive incoming control signals to up the complexity ante is always a plus. Plus, having the X and Y inputs in use as a pair of 'sense' circuits, able to send CV back to the DAW, means that you can continue the generative architecture on into the computer itself; something such as Ableton Live + MAX for Live would allow you to build up specific M4L objects to listen to and react to those return 'sense' lines for the M4L object(s) purposes. That would allow a generative process with full control feedback between modular and computer, and endless control-order possibilities!
You must be using 1/8" plugs. The vast majority of Eurorack makes use 3.5mm, which is a hair bigger (0.137", as opposed to 0.125") and while the difference usually doesn't matter, some jack manufacturers make products which are less forgiving of the mismatch.
Technically, they are VCAs...sort of. They're implemented in such a way that they have (as a rule) two VCAs with an inverter in the control line of one. Each VCA gets an equal input signal feed, and the control signal works so that if one VCA is opening, the other is closing. In that arrangement, though, they're a pain to use for amplitude control. Plus, panners tend to use linear VCAs which, because our hearing reacts to sound pressure as loudness in an exponential manner, don't really work well for controlling the amplitude in audio lines. Exponential VCAs work best for that, although you can use linear VCAs if you're controlling them with an exponentially-weighted control signal, like an exponential envelope.
Plus, consider going with a VCA arrangement upstream from your final mixer that allows you to CV manipulate individual VCO outputs. With that Quad VCO, you could pair up an Intellijel Quad VCA which also functions as a 4-1 mono CV mixer, and with the right VCA control inputs (maybe using Doepfer's A-144 Morph Controller?) and VCO tunings, you can do things like swept additive harmonics over fundamental-type combinations from the other VCOs. Or a lot of other things besides!
That's a good suggestion! I had forgotten about the FH-1 and FH-2. I was looking at Bastl's 1983 and Polyend's poly, the 1983 has a cool "listen" function to keep vcos in tune and the poly had MPE support, but the FH-2 is capable of both those features, or a least has the ability to calibrate vcos. You've sold me getting an Expert Sleepers module. I don't know if I'll ever need to have 64 voices in a module context but it's nice to know there will be room to expand if I need to.
Also, I managed to get an Ants! for a good price. That gives me white noise and a S&H as well as 4 more oscillators and 2 LFOs (or 2 oscillators and 4 LFOs). I'm thinking I can pair this with an 0-coast and have a pretty killer little setup for now.
Maybe I'll get a Disting and take it easy for a bit. In the meantime I'll keep my eyes out if a FH-2 appears on the market for a good price.
Lugia - thank you very much for this. I mistakenly believed the 2 VC panners were also VCA's. Will update, and definitely research your other recommendations - thanks again. Much appreciated.
I note the absence of VCAs here...even with designs that replicate the old-school East Coast architecture, you're gonna want a few of those. My suggestion would be to yank the Chatterbox and panners, then put in a stereo VCA mixer that has the panning functions on CV, and use whatever space is left for a couple of linear, DC-coupled VCAs for CV amplitudes. Also, you might consider a bit of a nod to the West Coast (and adding some killer functionality) by pulling the A-145 and 146 and replacing them with Doepfer's A-171-2s. They're basically a rework of the Serge VCS via Ken Stone's redesign. I'm supposing you're planning on using in-line mults. Lastly, have a look at Expert Sleepers' FH-2 as a substitute for the Doepfer A-190-3...much more flexible, and expandable to boot.
And as for the second cab...what? You're considering stopping at TWO?
Hello. I have quite a bit of experience with "old school" modular synths (ARP, Moog), but this is my first foray into the world of eurorack.
My current design:
It's a pretty straight-foward synth at the moment, which is fine with me. After I get this built, I would anticipate adding more modules in a 2nd cabinet (that's not a problem is it?)
Any comments or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
We now have a marketplace with a nice search function and a notification feature!
-- modulargrid
I guess i'm over looking.. where's the search in the Marketplace?
-- dugoutcanoe
There is a drop down selection in the module finder titled "Available In Marketplace" where you can select a few different ares of the world or global etc. It's nice because along with the other regular selections like Manufacturer, Function, Width etc you can quickly find out if there is a module for sale.