You'll notice that I changed a few things (as in most of it):

OK...only the Akemie's and M32 remain from the original. Everything else is different; here's why...
The Akemie's Castle is an algorithmic FM setup. As such, it wants envelopes. Lots. Chowning FM eats envelopes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So I fixed the modulation section to accomodate that. There's now ten AD envelopes, plus the two Doepfer VCS modules (each is more or less the same thing as half of the Maths, but this frees up 4 hp) and a triple VCA. All of this is supposed to be used together! This takes care of the complex modulation that will make the Akemie's really open up and go.
Lower tier had me removing the Endorphin Shuttle Control in favor of an Expert Sleepers FH-1. Same idea, but perhaps a bit more flexible and definitely smaller. You'll want to use two MIDI channels here: one feeds the FH-1 via USB, and the other goes to the Moog via the usual DIN.
The two VCFs after the Moog are for the Akemie's outputs. Optimally, you'd want to feed these to the L and R inputs on the Mixup (ie: 1 and 2), then you can feed the Moog to the L #3 input for mono. Result at the output: your Akemie's is in stereo with the Moog bringing up the background in mono.
Power was added, also, just in case this was an unpowered cab.
This should work a lot better. It gives you a true two-voice rig in stereo, with the ability to put the FM CVs and a lot of the triggering under the FH-1's control, with some clocking tie-in from the Moog (which can send its clock back down the FH-1 to lock up your main sync, allowing you master tempo control from the Moog's internal sequencer). The modulation is very capable, also; not only do you have the twelve mod generators, you also have three VCAs (summable) which can be used to obtain modulation amplitude control, which will make the FM programming really nuanced and complex-sounding. Definitely an improved version!