Keep in mind that you have to deal with that tiny OLED Screen.
I bought a mxmxmx micro O&C and I really didn't like to work with that Screen. I sold mine.
Keep in mind that you have to deal with that tiny OLED Screen.
I bought a mxmxmx micro O&C and I really didn't like to work with that Screen. I sold mine.
Actually, MG's already got me working on something of a "how-to" on constructing a proper, functional modular. It's coming along slowly, though, mainly because I'm trying to work on my studio refit in amongst everything else that threatens to suck the brains out of my head at present. But a collaborative effort might not be a bad idea...would just take some judicious editing to mash the various docs together into a single one, but working from a multi-user perspective could be quite useful.
Thanks for turning me on to Ornaments & Crimes - looks very cool.
Now I'm torn as O&C definitely has more interesting and diverse functions than Steppy, but Steppy is nice for easy changes to patterns on the fly right on the module without having to edit menus.
Will have a think about that.
@gesta is a great seller, I received modules well packaged, delivery was fast and communication was a breeze. Thanks again ! :)
--- Voltage control all the things ---
Hi JonoVizion,
Yes the Octasource is perhaps a bit of an overkill but of all fancy modules you got planned here, keep the Octasource, that module is just sick, sick in a fantastic way, I enjoy that module every time again and again when I use it. It gives you a lot of fun and psychopath of an LFO it is.
I actually like the Doepfer A-124 (SE) VCF5 - Wasp filter module a lot. It's a filter where you get respect for, I really enjoy it and it's reasonably priced.
The Disting mk4 is in my opinion a great module "for emergency cases", let's say you need an extra LFO, or an extra delay module, or an extra... whatever, you can use the Disting for it. Then when you used the Disting for let's say one particular function a lot, then you need for that function a separate module. For that purpose I do think the Disting is a good module.
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Thank you for the feedback Garfield. I was looking to have Plaits and Rings do the the heavy lifting of noise creation but I will look to incorporate a basic VCO besides the Disting. I thought the Octcasource would be a bit of overkill on a case this size but I will also look to a basic dedicated LFO. As for filters I was looking to either Rings or Disting to fulfill that role based on pathing but can you recommend any dedicated Filters that you like?
Hi Lugia,
Ha, ha, interesting post and thanks a lot for sharing that picture of Isao Tomita, that gave me sweet memories of his early music. Tomita was for me also the one who torpedo-ed me into two music arts: electronic music (like Tomita, Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Kitaro, Vangelis, J.M. Jarre, i.e. the usual "suspects") and classical music.
So I was surprised I managed to get two more of Tomita's CDs when I was recently in Japan; one of it is the CD Dr. Coppelius, didn't even know about that one till I bought it :-) Pity though he died a few years back :-(
I was just about to send you and Ronin a PM (personal message; which I never tried so far though) about... should we perhaps together write a "starter's manual" for beginners into Eurorack? I wouldn't mind to start with that and perhaps you and Ronin can add your bits? Then for the obvious new rack questions from people starting just into Eurorack, we can refer to such kind of manual :-) Would save us a lot of time for the first round of replies ;-)
Is there any possibility to share Word documents? Then, as I mentioned already, I don't mind to start with such "manual" and you and Ronin might want to review it before we release it here somewhere in the forum?
Please let me know your thoughts about it and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi JonoVizion,
I miss a bit the classic components in your rather small rack. Please check the basics of oscillators, LFOs (I don't see any in your current rack), envelopes, filters (I don't see any in your rack), VCAs, etcetera.
I see you got VCAs, envelopes and I think I saw one oscillator. Then you got quite a few "fancy modules" but getting your basic components done first is my recommendation. Then later once you got more experience you can add some more fancy modules depending on your needs.
The rack I feel is too small, so consider at least 3 rows and if possible a wider case. Keep one row empty first for future expansion.
Yes, I know the Octasource is a great module and is in fact a kind of crazy LFO. I got that one myself and I love it but you need just a classic/default LFO too. Consider to add at least one other oscillator, so you have at least two ("normal") oscillators, you will need them.
Good luck with the planning and my advice is to read up on synthesizer basics (if not done already) and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Nerophix,
Since you are not sure, perhaps you should indeed consider to get one more semi-modular, to see if this Eurorack is really what you want? For example the Neutron from Behringer is a fantastic device. I started with that one as well and though I got now a Eurorack system, I still use the Neutron regular in combination with my Eurorack stuff.
The Neutron is reasonably priced and is not so expensive as a good start in Eurorack. So after using the Neutron (or Model D for example) for awhile and you feel really excited to go further, then yes, Eurorack might be perhaps something for you. But if it isn't at least you didn't spent so much money (and efforts) into a Eurorack.
At the end, it's up to you. If you decide to go directly for Eurorack, I would recommend a larger case, the one you show is just too small. You don't have to fill it up completely first, keep for example one row free for future extension.
Tough decision to make, so I like you to wish good luck with that decision. Don't rush it and take your sweet time for it. Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Naugrim,
Great, I wish you much fun with your modular system! :-)
I hope you haven't ordered all modules yet, so you kept most of the top row free and planned it at the moment only? Get some experience with your new system and you will see that here and there you might want to change your current planning for that top row.
Enjoy your rack and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
hi Lugia, your mind has discovered a lack of necessary functionalities : modulation sources and mixing
(btw: the buff mults are there to "fill the gasps" and indeed redundant
thanks and i'll start projecting right away, Dirk
OK...go here:
What you're looking at is a collaboration between Bob Moog and the composer Joel Chadabe that was installed at SUNY Albany back in 1969. This was known as the "Coordinated Electronic Music System" or CEMS, and was the first modular rig specifically intended to do what we now call "generative music". Chadabe's "Ideas of Movement at Bolton Landing" was one of the first such works that explored this process, and you can hear that here:
Now, for those trying to build a proper generative very close attention to those pictures of the CEMS. Yes, those ARE eight Moog 960 sequencers. Yes, that IS a custom triggering/timing system at the top of one rack. And so on...
"Ideas of Motion..." actually sounds rather simplistic when compared to present-day generative work. And that's because it is. Even with this large Moog rig, you don't get too much going on.
So...if the result from this monster system is actually as simplistic at it sounds, what's actually going on here? many generative builds, there are a lot of modulation sources here, notably in the form of those eight Moog 960s that also control pitches and the usual sequenced stuff. But the sound generation aspect is pretty simple, which is typical for that time period; it would be another year or two before Dr. Tomita started showing everyone how to do really nuanced sound on the Moog. And as we know, nuance needs more of...everything, tbh.
So, sure...Eurorack makes things physically smaller. But not functionally. Not even close. To get Chadabe's results in "Ideas of Motion...", you still need much of what you see in those pics of the CEMS, or similar. Then, to get that ambient sonic complexity, you need the nuance of later, let's see what Tomita was up to in the mid-1970s:
Even if you shrunk all of what you see in that pic down to Eurorack dimensions, you would STILL have something pretty damned big. I mean...that's a IIIp, a 55, and there's even more that's not in the frame. Slap THAT together with the CEMS's control systems, though, and you'd have a top-shelf generative ambient rig. But the problem is that you'd really need to be working on that scale to get something that's musically effective. True, we have denser functionality on modules these days, and everything's smaller and so on, but you'd still probably be talking about a rig that would take up a whole Doepfer A-100 12U Monster Case at minimum.
Now, hopefully this explains why some of us keep saying that you can't do a proper, musically-interesting ambient generative setup in a two-row 84 hp cab. Even if you could jam a lot of the "voicing" in with 4 hp and smaller modules, you would still have issues with supplying enough integrated timing/sequencing/modulation sources to make it do something interesting. Hopefully this explanation is helpful to those of you contemplating this concept. Note that I'm not saying "don't do this"...instead, if you're going to do this, look at this as an example of how TO do it, understand the scale you'd be working on, and THEN start working out ideas. Anything too much smaller isn't going to work as well as you'd think.
Why all the buffered mults? Really, you only need one of those to make sure you're not getting voltage sag on a CV path that's critical to tuning. And if you yank a couple, you then have room for a comparator, and maybe a discriminator. These are very useful in time-heavy rigs, since they can "read" moduation signal behavior and output more gates/triggers based on those, which can then be run thru the Plog for more Boolean complexity. The 2hp Buff at the top-right probably could be changed out to an unbuffered mult, also.
The other glaring issue here is modulation sources. I see a Maths, a single ADSR, the Black Modulator, and the Pam's...and with all of the other sources and such in here that really would benefit from more elaborate modulation, that would seem to be the "somethings missing" you've noticed. There's 10 VCAs, for example (yay!!!), but only those mod sources to control them (boo.). So, something's got to go so that you can get more cyclical sources. My suggestion would be to lose the Shelves (which is sort of an odd fit here) and then drop in a Batumi (four LFOs) and perhaps a Doepfer A-141-4 (quad VC ADSR) which would then balance out your modulation needs. This also eliminates any pressing need to use the Pam's as an LFO or EG source, which then frees it up for more elaborate timing/triggering trickery.
Lastly, that Pittsburgh that you've got more modulation sources, you could step up to a much better mixer that offers VCA control over levels, panning, AUX send/returns, etc...Toppobrillo's Stereomix 2 drops right into that 24 hp space and allows a lot of stereo placement and effects tricks than the Lifeforms System Interface. And if you lose the Pittsburgh Outs, you can then swap to a Happy Nerding OUT, which gives you not only the same functions as the Pitt unit, it adds metering and a second stereo bus which would allow you to easily parallel another effect in onto your final output mix. That would let you do something such as having both the Erbe-verb and the DLD on the same stereo pair...just put the Erbe-verb on the Toppobrillo's AUX send/return (they're really perfect for each other...mono in, stereo out on the 'Verb, the opposite on the Toppo's AUX) and fly the DLD in on the second stereo bus on the OUT. Anyway, just a few suggestions that came to mind...
Do you have an example where it does not work?
In general:
* if you upload a JPG, where the pedal is placed on an evenly background, the software tries to autocrop the pedal and change the even background into transparency.
* if you upload a PNG there is no auto image processing involved.So if the autocrop does not work uploaded PNGs that were edited with an external software indeed give the best results.
Also check where you get the dimensions from.
Instead of giving the right dimensions of a pedal, shops like Amazon often just list the dimension of the package.-- modulargrid
That's just the thing, it doesn't work for ANY pedal that I add. I always get the dimensions directly from the pedal manufacturer's website. I use a PNG image with a transparent background, but then when I enter the dimensions and submit the pedal,
it doesn't get resized properly. Is that all you have to do is enter the dimensions, or is there something else involved? I'm sure it's probably an error on my end. I'm no photo editing expert.
I would appreciate any feedback on my rack. My goal is to produce ambient-generative sounds. Down the road Id like to play with Brains/Pressure Points. Thanks!
i made a new modular rack to add with amother 32 , is it better ?
i still d'ont know if i go for a semi-modular or if i start eurorack but i made it for fun and maybe do it one day :).
Here's an example from me :
(sorry must have deleted the old one)
The model feT on the left was my old (and now unnecessary) attempt at adding the pedal, with the 93 x 116 mm dimensions of the Hammond 1590BB. Next to it is a pedal with a 118mm height that's clearly completely different, and next to that is someone else's attempt at a model feT, with 148mm height that's still not as tall as the 118mm of the Sea Machine in the middle.
Do you have an example where it does not work?
In general:
* if you upload a JPG, where the pedal is placed on an evenly background, the software tries to autocrop the pedal and change the even background into transparency.
* if you upload a PNG there is no auto image processing involved.
So if the autocrop does not work uploaded PNGs that were edited with an external software indeed give the best results.
Also check where you get the dimensions from.
Instead of giving the right dimensions of a pedal, shops like Amazon often just list the dimension of the package.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
@ChristophRemmery, great seller and fine gentleman! Was a pleasure.
thoughts are usefull
hi, i want to extend my existing eurorack with a third row (the bottom row mostly)
i'm working a lot with sequencing and whistles, bells, blows etc waveforms; percussive sounds
mostly by DFAM ("stand alone"); still i've that gut feeling that somethings are missing ...
any ideas?
thanks, Dirk
Hi Guys,
Thank you for all the information. I have made some changes as recommended so please let me know what you think.
I should have been more specific and mentioned that the SV-1 is the Blackbox addition so it is not in the 104hp case.
It is a basic bread and butter case I far anyway, so any further functionality tips is appreciated.
I am currently watching the Chris Mayer "Learning Modular" tutorials which have been very helpful but he only covers so much, right.
Great seller @loopspool
Easy communication and quick delivery! Recommended!
Still can't figure this out. Can someone please explain to me how you're getting the pedal image to the correct size? Even after adding the dimensions, the image is not the right size. Are you using some kind of photo editing software or???
I ordered the modules and 7u case just as designed. Very excited to get started. As you can see, I've started to design the top row as well!
That amount should be plenty.
Also, unless you have a specific use for Steppy, you might want to replace it with a 4Robots (1U Intellijel friendly) version of Ornaments & Crimes. It's a multi-utility module that includes a quantizer, basic sequencer(with CV, gates or envelopes), and a lot of other nice features that you can use with yoru system. You might need to ditch the USB 1U... but that's not a big sacrifice. It's a bit more than a standard O&C. But I love mine. The sequencer is basic... BUT it'll be great for those times when you don't want to mess around with your computer and just jam out on your synths. Or if you want a sequence going internally that responds to... your logic module! :)
The 4Robots version can also scale beyond +5 volts to I think around 8volts... giving your envelopes some more bite.
Thanks for the thoughts and questions
For mixing, the Pico III has 2 x 3 channel mixers plus a 2 channel mix out.
For attenuation, the Lapsus Os gives me a 4-channel attenuator/attenuverter. Do you think I need more than that?
Good thoughts on the Monsoon and logic. The 0-coast has a simple 2 in-2 out Maths circuit but without any logic.
...bought a Doepfer module from @TonvaterJan - everything fine - thanks a lot!
How do you intend on mixing everything? How will you attenuate or invert modulation signals? Depending on what you have in semi-modular... I think I'd want the Monsoon and the logic module first. Most semi-modulars don't have logic circuits.
If you want polyphony, buy a polyphonic synth. Ganging monophonic synths or even Eurorack isn't very efficient.
I wouldn't be afraid to get into Eurorack. But another semi-modular synth would be way less expensive than diving fulling into Eurorack. There are a lot semi-modular and even synth-voices (complete synths in Eurorack format).
I would probably go with a skiff and pick up modules to supplement the Mother 32 where you feel it is weak or to give you options with alternate filters and effects. Effects like wavefolders, distortion, ring modulation, CV modulation, attenuverters, etc. can spice up what you have.
Hello all,
Would love your thoughts on this planned setup. This is designed to be used in combination with the semi-modular gear I already have so is light on basic modules like VCO/VCA. For example, with the 0-coast, System III and mini-brute, I have 5 VCOs to play with.
My goals are to extend my semi-modular setup to have more room for experimentation with rhythms (Marbles, Logic, and Steppy plus my BSP and KeyStep), sound processing (Monsoon, Rings, MMF), and be able to perform live (hence the Palette case) with my other gear. The compressed versions of Rings and Plaits get in the way of easy live playing but the Lapsus Os gives a lot of flexibility in quickly modulating parameters of other modules like those. Drums are through TR-8S and/or Live depending on setup.
Would love thoughts on this general setup and on which to get first. With my budget, I can afford the case, 1u modules, plus one or two other modules now. Thinking of starting with Monsoon and Marbles then adding others next year as I can afford them.
P.S. Thanks to all the posters and commenters here. I have learned a ton just from reading this forum.
Cheers to @ChristophRemmery for the ADDAC601 - super fast shipping (international EU delivery in two days!) and everything packed really carefully and in top condition. Definitely recommend!
Probably not. If you read the info on Doepfer's site, you'll notice that this isn't exactly a "traditional" gesture controller. It has some obvious drawbacks, especially regarding the capacitance, that would tend to make it less of a "proper" rod or ring. It seems to me that it would make infinitely more sense to use a Moog Etherwave Plus to send proper CVs and gate to a modular, given that the Etherwave has its aerials in optimized positions already and the circuitry is designed to deal with this sort of thing. Plus, it's a wooden box (NOT metal) which should be easier to control and calibrate, and it can be located away from metal or other things that might cause an unexpected signal.
-- Lugia
Oh, thanks for explaining.
"Control eurorack with Etherwave Plus" is what I am doing right now. But when I saw again those A178, I got a spark of a hope that I possibly can dramatically reduce a size of my road case (minus one etherwave, which is definitely more room to put a more pairs of socks). But I still want to be able to play all things I can do on a "normal" Etherwave.
Again, thank you for keeping me in place!
Hello !, thanks for all your advises.
i already do some VCV rack but maybe d'ont patch like it should be, for the moog i already mastery it because i'm not new to sythesis i already do some digital sythesis (FM8,Massive,Serum) but i wanted to do live music and have a different way to do it. i think you are right i'm not ready for eurorack, so what do you think about buy an another mother 32 or a DFAM to expand it and to have more possibilities, because i feel very limited and i would like to do polyphony and make live music without computeur or looper.
what do you think about that ?
What Maths is is a simplified analog computer that's been set up to work in a Eurorack synth environment. As such, it outputs complex voltage curves (like an actual one does) but it doesn't use Boolean logic per se. Boolean works well in a digital environment, but it wouldn't really be useful in an analog one unless you had some way of translating voltage levels/behaviors into on/off pulses, such as with a bunch of comparators.
Marbles is similar...but again, not a Boolean device.
-- Lugia
The more you know!
Thanks Lugia.
What Maths is is a simplified analog computer that's been set up to work in a Eurorack synth environment. As such, it outputs complex voltage curves (like an actual one does) but it doesn't use Boolean logic per se. Boolean works well in a digital environment, but it wouldn't really be useful in an analog one unless you had some way of translating voltage levels/behaviors into on/off pulses, such as with a bunch of comparators.
Marbles is similar...but again, not a Boolean device.
Hi Naugrim,
You are welcome. How about that one from Doepfer, the A-130? It's reasonably priced and if you build up enough experience with it and you want a more fancy one you can consider that for the future.
With logic modules I meant logic functions like: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, etcetera. You don't straight away have to buy it but keep it in mind. Once you have build up experience with your rack then you might want to look into it to play around with CVs and make it more exciting. I am myself rather new on that field as well and still have to do quite some homework in that area before I would be able to give you better advice than this.
Make Noise Maths goes into that direction but is not a "pure" logic module on its own; Maths is just a wonder on its own :-) Marbles I don't know it well enough but I don't think it's a logic module as such.
Generally I would recommend to not fully plan the second row yet, keep some blank space left, you will need it in the future to adjust the ideas (and experience) you have now. So in the future you can add a few modules without having the issue of straight away need to buy a new case...
Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Nerophix,
Pfeew... With a budget of Euro 700 I would recommend to put your plans on hold and save first a bit more so you feel financially more comfortable. A good rack is already Euro 700 (Intellijel 7U for example). If you go for low cost Doepfer, the A-100LS9 is at Euro 349, that's about the smallest I would consider if I were you. With that there is only Euro 351 left for your budget, for that you wouldn't get all those modules you displayed in the rack...
Sorry, I wouldn't know what MMG or Clouds can be replaced by.
For "classic" modules and looking at your budget, please have a look at some of the Doepfer modules, they are reasonably priced and are good products. I got several modules of Doepfer myself and I am quite happy with them.
I still recommend to play first a lot more around with the Moog, that gives you more experience and also for yourself a better idea of what you want and meanwhile you can try to save some more money to increase your budget. Then next year if your budget is hopefully in 4 digits area then plan again, by then you should better idea of what you want regarding your experiences with the Moog.
Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Honestly, this build has some very serious problems. You only have one mixer, a linear one. There are no VCAs here for either audio or CV/mod level control. Having the M32 in the cab with everything else is expensive and a waste of space...unless you like paying to power and case a device twice, don't do this. There's nothing to correct the crosspatching issues between Eurorack and the Moog. And why in god's name is the P/S in the _middle_of the row where you'll have the power cable subject to easy disconnection while patching? have the M32 already. Do you feel that you've exhausted the possibilities it offers, and this is why you "need" Eurorack, or is this just "something cool" that looks right...until you run smack-dab into the wall of technical issues and MONEY that Eurorack poses?
I strongly suggest some considerable time be spent with VCV Rack before going further. The extreme "Sexy Module" problem above indicates to me that, while you have an idea of what's needed, you don't understand what else has to be there to make those "classics" work in the way they can. There are a LOT of "boring" modules that modular synths require in addition to the snazzy ones; get a copy of VCV Rack and you'll see what I mean.
Drones are easy; probably one of the very best primers on how that's done well has to be Klaus Schulze's "Cyborg". But then, "Cyborg" also shows how you have to keep a degree of variation in the soundscape to maintain listener interest.
Eno's processes are really different, though. He tends to think more along the lines of interacting systems (probably a lot of his Stafford Beer influence coming thru there) and how to get them to continually output a changing result across time. This is why you have the odd interlocking sequencer parts working how they do in "Discreet Music" and then, of course, the inequal-length tape loops of "Music for Airports". As opposed to Klaus Schulze above, Eno's works of these sorts are just as capable of NOT being listened to actively as otherwise; try this with "Cyborg", though, and the results just sound like your HVAC system is malfunctioning or something similar.
Hi Garfield Modular,
Thanks for your insights! Could you recommend a linear VCA? And as far as logic goes, does Maths and/or Marbles fit the bill?
As for the in/out, yes, that's a definite purchase in 1U. The other option would be to get the ES-9 coming out, but then everything doesn't fit so snugly. :)
I'm not expecting to compose a symphony on this thing, just do between 1 and 3 voices at a time. I'll pipe them into Ableton when I can add additional tracks from VCV Rack or Reaktor Blocks - or just other non-modular content.
At the end of this journey I want to make a system that I can sit down and tweak until I find the sounds I'm looking for, not something I need menu dive with. I think I have that with this simple system so far (aside from Pamela's Workout).
I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
Hello, thank you for the answer !, yes the moog is compatible with eurorack and it's the only "module" that i have.
i have other questions for you:
What "classics" modules do you recommend me to add and what module should i remove ?
whats first modules should i buy to start because i have 700 € to start (including the case but i am going to build it myself)?
For the MMG what module can i buy to replace it ?
The clouds by mutable is too not more available but i see some clones on ebay.
thanks again :)
Hi Naugrim,
First I thought "what a small system" but having a good look at it, for the fact that's so small, it's quite complete. You got your VCOs, LFOs, filters, envelopes and VCAs/mixer. You could consider a linear VCA for CVs, a logic module might come in handy and the obvious as you mentioned yourself already, a sequencer and a few effect modules.
Regarding the 1U definitely look into Audio input/output in combination with (if you go for it) Intellijel 7U case to make sure you got everything you need. Or are you going to do that via your computer too? But you mentioned that if you are not connected to a computer, so I still would consider that (audio input/output module I mean).
It's not a huge system, rather small, so don't expect wonders from it, however you got the most basic modules covered. So get experience with it and with that experience then decide how you are going to fill up the second row and that second row will be faster full then you might think or want ;-)
Good luck with the planning and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Nerophix,
You got quite some nice fancy modules in this rack ;-) That's nice to see but it certainly has disadvantages too...
Depending on what you have already, but assuming here you have no other devices just that what you are planning here in the above shown rack then you got yourself too many fancy modules planned and too less classic and basic components like oscillators, LFOs (okay I saw that Doepfer A-145, that one together with the Moog that might be enough to start with), filters, envelopes (yes I saw the Maths but that one is too nice to use just use it as an envelope; of all the fancy modules at least keep this one, nice module), VCAs, audio input & output module and in your cases you might want to check if the Moog can be directly used with a Eurorack system, if I am not mistaken that's not 100% compatible, so better check that first before you start.
You also got far too less space. So why not leave the Moog out and put that back in it's original casing, that saves you a lot of space that you really will need with the above mentioned modules.
Regarding the music you like to create, I have no experience with that so can't help you there, perhaps other members can give you some advice into that direction.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention the Make Noise MMG, are you sure you are still able to buy that one? I can't find it with my regular dealers, so you might want to check that too.
Kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
The short answer is there isn't a single module to add that will give you drones or ambient sounds. That's a discussion that seems to happen in every new post. I'd get in some more wiggle time and then start scouring the internet and Youtube. You might even want to boot up VCV Rack and take a spin on that platform. I think you might find you need a stack of modules to do it well or an innate understanding of the architecture of drones (Brian Eno level).
I'm building a single 104HP row that I'm going to be using primarily with Ableton (thus the ES-8). I will expand it to another row sometime next year, but this has to be it for now. I'll sequence, process effects, and provide additional LFOs and envelopes through Ableton and the Push 2.
Take a look and let me know if there are any 1U "must haves" I can get for this case (it's the 7u Intellijel case that has 2 104 HP rows as well as a row for 1U modules). Also, am I missing anything obvious? I feel like this is a pretty basic design.
Additionally, my goal is to make melodic ambient music. I also like to have interesting percussive sounds. I would have liked to include the Plonk as well, but decided to go with Pamela's Workout to provide a clock and sequencing for when I'm not connected to a computer. This is the module I'm least committed to, seeing as I'll be connected to the computer most, if not all, of the time. Not to mention the fact that there is quit a bit of menu diving.
If you have any thoughts on other modules I should add to the second row, that would be appreciated as well. I was thinking of some additional voices (plonk for percussive sounds and a "gnarly" sounding oscillator for drones), another filter, reverb and delay, a tactile sequencer (I'm liking the Polyend Seq and the Sequentix Cirklon as well as Erica Synths new sequencer, but might consider another in-case module if it was easy to use).
This is my first modular synth, so I'd value any of your thoughts on my plunge!
Thank you for a great reply! It was very helpful.
I totally get the idea that it's a lot of money for just one functionallity, when the Elektrons already have very powerful sequencers. The reason I'm thinking about Bloom as an alternative, is that I would like to have the opportunity for creating happy accidents, to create music more intuitively. I've been interested in Marbles earlier, but I think Bloom might just be a little more interesting. I've just looked a little into the Squarps, but don't know a lot about them. But from what I understand, they are similar to the Elektrons (at least the Pyramid), that the sequencers are very powerful (when you know what you want), but perhaps not as intuitive as Bloom (when you want to just follow the flow, and see where it takes you).
I've also been very interested in Eurorack for a long time, so this might be a way to start. I could then add, say an 0-coast, which would be a cool combo with the Bloom.
Hello, i would like to have your opinion on my rack.
to start my eurorack i already buy the moog mother 32 so i built the rack around it.
My goal is to have a ambient sound (like r beny for exemple) but also techno stuff ,so i wanted to make a polyvalent system
What do you think about it ?
(sorry for the english it's not my first language)
(the picture may only show the mother 32 click on it to fix it)
Thanks guys, DixieII+ actually seems a very powerful option, and I'm considering traditional LFO&ADSR modules too.
Lugia you're right, but to make a long story short, removing PICO System III is unfortunately not an option (at least for now).
I'll check Intellijel Noise Tools opportunities; thanks for pointing it out.
Is there any suggestion for a module to build ambient drone and pads ? Maybe a granular synthesis tool ? (I am looking at MI clouds clone - not so easy to found in europe - or morphagene).
Thanks again for your help
TBH, you're making this more difficult than it should be by having that PICO System III in the Eurorack case instead of its own case. That eats up far too much panel space for something that's already got a cab and power on its own. By taking that out and putting it back where it belongs, you then have ample room for modules that will work to expand this AND which can be big enough to be easily controllable and well-featured. Another consideration would be to remove anything that doesn't have clear and apparent functionality; while o-scopes are nice if you're doing complex sound design where you need to know waveform content, they're pretty much pointless for a gigging instrument. Lose that, then you have space for the clocking, etc that's on the Intellijel Noise Tools tile...which, fwiw, is a far more functional and essential module than the Zeroscope.