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No! That Octasource is insanely useful...its ability to output phaseshifted results alone opens up a bunch of things that...well, just keep it in, you'll see! ;-) It's actually a variant on Suit & Tie Guy's Mankato VCF; see that for some further ideas/inspiration.
I shouldn't think it would invalidate the idea if a larger case is called for, though. Larger case = more possibilities. Plus, case prices have been on a positive downward trend as of the past year-plus. The keys to look for are space, beefy power capacity, and price. For example, Erica has a 6U x 126hp cab with serious power (2.5A on each 12V rail, optional 5V!) for only EUR 300 right now, direct from their site.
A processing "nexus" would be a significantly different sort of build than one normally sees on here, though. You'll want to concentrate less on audio generation and more on modification and modulation sources. This isn't to say that you'll want NO oscillators, but you can stick to a few fairly simple ones for AF modulation purposes. So, that saves a little bit there.
The thing that'll need space here is sequencing, timing manipulation (logic, skippers, Euclideans, comparators, divider/multipliers, etc), and modulation that's more of a "free-run" variety, such as a Batumi + Poti or a Maths (better yet, both). The Lancet expander needs to fit, as well. The Stages is a very good choice for envelopes, but putting in something really over the top for linked envelope generation would be worth your time, too...have a look at Erogenous Tones' RADAR + BLIP. They also have a very useful VCA bank/mixer in their VC8; that should deal with ALL of the VCA needs you'll have here, really.
Then for sonic modifiers, consider some of the more "interesting" filters like Xaoc's Belgrad or Intellijel's Morgasmatron, things that give you a lot of leeway on internal architecture. A Clouds clone would be useful in this, or a Make Noise Mimeophon or Morphagene. Note that a lot of what I'm pointing out are larger modules; if you use these, this also saves money in the long run by jamming multiple functions into a large space. For example, all of the Erogenous Tones modules above are about $1000 put together...but that $1000 covers 54 hp of space. Now, if you tried to do this with smaller modules, it would get more expensive and still come out covering a sizable amount of panel space, and you'd probably wind up with less linked functionality.
Last, choice might be Intellijel's Rainmaker, which bills itself as a "delay" but which really is a far more complex affair, especially when you start plying it with modulation sources. Also, definitely get some CVable waveshaping; Tiptop's got a very good one for cheap. Jam in a stereo VCA mixer like Qu-bit's Mixology, and there you are.
So,'ll spend money. That's the nature of modular ain't cheap. But if you "go big" with multiple function modules, the money can get spent on some very complex architecture.
2hp doesn't seem to be very interested in having accurate data of their modules here. If you're looking at adding any of their modules to your rack, be sure to manually check especially the module depth from their website. Most modules seem to be bigger than stated here, so you might be planning your rack with modules that will never fit the case. Unfortunately ¯_(ツ)_/¯
(And yeah, I did try contacting them about it several times, but I guess small companies need to prioritize.)
Hey Everybody!
I am new to the modular-World - purchased a Intellijel Atlantis and Doepfer A190-3 to start. I connected cv pitch with 1octave and Cv Gate with Gate, but if i Play the Keyboard it is triggering the Envelope, but the pitch stays the same. Already changed the Doepfer Module in the store - still got the same Problem.
Maybe someone has some advice? :)
Thanks in advance ❤️
I'm on holidays in the countryside so limited access to the interwebs.
Genius idea to remove the Doepfer and Erica VCAs to replace it with the Intellijel one, I got the Tool-Box in the new version.
I have one last doubt: is the Octasource too much ? Would you keep it ? Sometimes I think it's going to be as fun as it is crazy, sometimes I think that it might be a bit excessive and that a smaller/cheaper module could be enough and would free up some space for small utilities.
I'll start ordering all that when I'm back from holidays and able to receive parcels :)
Well... after several calls to various levels of the British postal service (face to face at local mail depot is best) it seems like the item was found and delivered to my office yesterday, a month late.
Thank you so much for taking a look, and for your reply.
I've been thinking about the rack size for sure. The thing is that I have an opportunity on a great value second hand 104hp case locally, and having looked at case prices it seems I might not end up paying more if I expanded later into a second case, rather than buying a larger one right now.
There may be a problem with that approach that I haven't clocked though, e.g. If I immediately need more modules than 104hp in order to do anything like what I want. Although if that was the situation it might call the viability of the whole thing into question given cost
You're 100% right that I'm thinking of it as a nexus rather than a standalone synth
Ah okay, now I found it, ha, ha, I selden or never got to that home page because after you login that becomes kind of invisible (or is that just me?). So perhaps that's indeed an idea to have that button "Discover Social Media Modular News" also somewhere in that top row buttons like: ModularGrid - Eurorack - Modules - Racks - Patches - My Modular - Forum - Marketplace - Modular News ?
That's my personal opinion, of course if all others don't feel that that's helpful then let's just forget about it, I know now how to get to that page, but yes, if you ask me, it's a bit "hidden" and might deserve a more visible spot :-) Up to you.
Thanks a lot for offering that news and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Oh that's fantastic, thanks a lot for your reply and providing me a list of "homework" to check out! :-)
A few I considered already like the Instruo Tona and the Intellijel Rubicon II however all the oscillators from your list are all good pointers and it looks like that I have to do a lot of reading, testing, verifying and making the puzzle of oscillators even more difficult but also nice challenging, I like that so no worries there.
A few brands might be difficult to get directly from a dealer here in Europe but I will check them all, especially those I can get here in Europe.
Thanks a lot again and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
For starters, you might want to up the size of the build. There's a lot you want to do here, and that'll take more space than this single-row cab. This sounds like you need it to be both a synth and something of a processing nexus for external devices to modify their behavior. If you've not got the cab yet, seriously consider upping the size by another row.
If you want true stereo, may I suggest using a stereo reverb instead. The Erbeverb has only one mono input afaik. It has stereo out, but it's not the same and may be limiting you.
Speaking of reverbs, they pair naturally with delays. In fact, a full blown stereo delay is the only thing I would be missing in your setup, if I wanted to do ambient.
As suggested by the others, a true stereo filter or a pair of identical filters does make a lot of sense for ambient. You could do nice stereo modulation with it. Although I would prefer a creamy 24dB filter for ambient. I would definitely try out the filter in person if possible. I have made the experience that you only really know if a filter or LPG is for you, by playing with it first.
If you want to handle sequencing only via midi, a Poly 2 or FH-2 will save a lot of space.
Hermod really shines when using it's sequencing effects section and when connecting the modular to external gear. However Hermods pianoroll is a little tedious. I would not recommend Hermod for sequencing without some kind of external midi input. If you plan on using it as a sequencer, I would definitely recommend trying it out first, as it may not be what you expect it to be.
And my final piece of advice, as you have mentioned yourself: The cool thing about modular is that you can start very small and learn as your system grows. When I got into modular I wanted to go all eastcoast, only to realize that I love westcoast. I would recommend getting a minimal voice first and expanding organically, constantly refining as you go along. However I agree with the others about getting a big enough case, even if it's almost empty at first.
I wondered if anyone could give me some feedback on my plan so far. I’ve done a bit of reading into theory and have played around a bit, but feel like there’s still a lot I’m not grasping. So I'd really appreciate any input.
I have quite a bit of modular-compatible hardware - Mother 32, Vermona Mono Lancet, MF-103, 3 x minifoogers, Vermona Retroverb, the Dreadbox Taff2. I also have the Korg SQ-1. I have the Nord Drum and would love to sequence that but understand there may be problems with sequencing by CV. I also have various non-CV-compatible synths and drum machines, which I’m looking to sync and sequence / play alongside. But I want to make the modular the heart of my setup.
The main things I’m hoping for are to sequence and explore repetitive / shifting polyrhythms (including melodic sequencing), the ability to rhythmically modulate my effects pedals (and any modular effects I buy in the future), and to some extent to explore droning and unusual texture.
I figure I already have two oscillator sources in the Mono Lancet and Mother 32, so for now that isn’t a priority, although I might look to a nice digital voice quite quickly. For patchable LFOs I have the Taff2, the MF-103, and the Mother. And for patchable filters I'll have the Mother 32 and Vermona again. In my head the SQ-1 would be the clock source, but I’m not certain if that will work.
Does my rack make sense, and will it function for what I’m after? Is there anything obvious that I’m missing that would be great for my aims? Anything I should be thinking about and looking at again?
One thing I’m wondering in particular is whether I need a sequencer in there, and how much that would open things up for me. I was looking at the Pittsburgh Sequencer but that only sequences in even steps. Ideally I’d get the A-155 and 154, but I think that may need to wait in terms of cash and space.
Yeah, maybe I rushed the question, but you guys got the point. I was actually looking at the Erica Dual VCF evaluating a rather "simpler" filter but capable of being used also as a true dual filter processing two audio signal independently.
As always you guys gave me constructive comments and new ideas and ascpects to think about! :)
-- Pescasphere
The Morgasmatron gets my vote. I own one just for the sake of disclosure. It's nice to have two identical* multimode filters. On channel one you can add overdrive and channel two you can phase reverse. You definitely can use it on a stereo source and modulate each side slightly differently. It also has a convenient switch to operate on a single signal in series or parallel.
Each channel is also capable of self-oscillating and has multiple filter options. So it's a good all-around workhorse of a filter module.
Yeah, maybe I rushed the question, but you guys got the point. I was actually looking at the Erica Dual VCF evaluating a rather "simpler" filter but capable of being used also as a true dual filter processing two audio signal independently.
As always you guys gave me constructive comments and new ideas and ascpects to think about! :)
If one logs-in at, from there how to get to that page without using that link?
-- GarfieldModular
The Modular News section is linked on the homepage, under the News from the Labs section, above Top Modules.
Button is called Discover Social Media Modular News
Yes and no. First of all, DC coupling only really comes into play when you're trying to send/return CVs, etc to your DAW so that software such as Silent Way, Volta, or CV Tools can directly address the modules. I use a MOTU 828 for this, myself. Expert Sleepers also has an extensive line of modules and expanders that can do this; they're sort of the...well...experts at it.
Now, all that a VCA is going to do is to control a signal's level. Linear ones (with DC coupling) are what's used for CVs and modulation signals, and exponential VCAs (AC coupled, quite often) are used for audio so that the level changes seem correct to our ear, since we perceive apparent loudness in logarithmic changes. So a VCA won't get your signal to the Presonus interface as such.
Now, I'm going to assume you're talking about Intellijel's Quad VCA here...this is a 4-VCA module with variable responses (which makes it useable for ANY signal type) which can also function as a mixer, with some configurability when patching. But again, you can't take the output directly from this and send it to the Presonus, as synthesizer signal levels are considerably hotter than what the interface is wanting to see at its inputs. Instead, the module you need for this is an output module...something that can step the level down from the +/- 10V (at max, as a rule) signals to the +/- 1.4VRMS line level that the Presonus is expecting. So, if you wanted a solution that all four of the Quad VCA's outputs can connect through, something like a Ladik P-520 or a pair of their P-530s would work.'s very important to not pass DC in your audio path! DC can do things like wreck speakers and amps when it's present in audio signals and screw up levels and stereo balancing in recording. This was always a big danger with the ARP 2600, for example, since it had a DC-coupled audio path through the entire synth and could output DC offsets along with the audio signal, potentially causing speaker burnout, amp damage, etc. So choosing an output module with a balanced output, such as a Happy Nerding Isolator or an Intellijel OUTS, is important. These contain isolation transformers that output balanced audio on TRS jacks, which the Presonus should also have, and not only do those isolation devices prevent DC passage on to your DAW, they also help kill noise and eliminate ground loops. I always recommend that people use isolated, balanced outs for their output modules.
So if you wanted to pass audio directly from the Quad VCAs individual VCA outs, you would need a pair of those 2-channel isolated types. But if you're using the Quad VCA to mix your audio while it's still in the modular, just one isolated output will suffice. Hope that's somewhat helpful!
Depends on the dual VCF in question. Some of them, like Doepfer's A-106-1 or the Intelljel Morgasmatron, have their basis in the Korg MS-20 Sallen-Key pair. While they have two VCFs, they're more intended to be used in tandem for thruput of a single audio signal but you can always screw around with that bit of architecture. Others like the Erica Dual VCF or Radikal's RT-451 are more like true dual filters with varying degrees of linking capability.
Frankly, I like the MS-20-based ones. That Doepfer, also, has an insert point in its resonance path that has MASSIVE abuse potential, allowing all sorts of things to be patched into the feedback path to majorly screw around with the behavior of the filter(s). Consider what would happen with, say, a monophonic delay line in!
Beefy VCOs with a twist, hm? OK...try some of these on for size in your build:
Instruo Cs-L, tona, troika
Dove WTF Oscillator
Make Noise STO (yep! good choice), DPO
Pharmasonic Digisound VCDO (I have the original...quite can step thru the fixed wavetables)
Pittsburgh Lifeforms Primary VCO, Lifeforms Double Helix Oscillator
Erica Black Wavetable VCO
VOID Gravitational Waves (probably the cheapest complex VCO)
Mannequins MANGROVE
Synthesis Technologies E340 Cloud Generator, E350 Morphing Terrarium, E352 Cloud Terrarium
Moseley Cosmopolitan
Intellijel Rubicon II, Shapeshifter
WMD Phase Displacement Oscillator mkII
Harvestman Hertz Donut mkIII, Piston Honda mkIII
Sputnik Dual Oscillator
4ms Spherical Wavetable Navigator
Rossum Trident
Hexinverter Mindphaser
1010 Music Waverazor
Trying to stay under $600 here. But this is a good cross-section of some of the more capable and interesting VCOs out there. You'll notice that some of these are actually not single VCOs, also...there are several dual oscillators (some in Buchla-like "complex" arrangements), a couple of triples, and the six oscillator 4ms module. Another not expensive thing you might add alongside one of these and your existing VCOs would be a Doepfer A-196 PLL module, which is a strange little thing (VCO, filter, phase-lock loop) that can do glitchy, sync-like behavior while tracking the audio of another VCO. See what works!
yes sorry I am confused too :(
so I already have a Presonus 18|10 which I believed is dc coupled.
I am putting together ( first eurorack) a list of modules that I will be needed,
what I am trying to accomplished is to take multiple audio signal output from some of the modules and record it on my DAW
I was wondering if a quad vca could accomplish that.
I was hoping for a few reactions. Any comments about oscillators, experiences with them (good or less good) is welcome. I am looking for one or two more oscillators and appreciate your input to this matter very much.
Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Thank you very much for being so tolerant with me, that's very kind of you.
I almost check every two or three days or so to see if there is any news regarding Ground Control and the Black Sequencer, can't wait for these modules to arrive in the shops and hopefully can test them. I hope either one of them is going to be my main sequencer :-) Let's see...
What can a dual filter do more than two single filters? Naturally depending on which dual filter, you might be able to mix the two filters' output or keep them strictly separated from each other. Not too sure how you meant your question? Or did you meant if it's worth it to have a dual filter? If that's the case, well I guess like oscillators, envelopes, LFOs, you just can't have enough filters, can you? ;-) Perhaps indeed you could replace the filter you have planned now with a dual filter, that might be indeed a good idea. Or take two different filters, so you get two different characteristics in your music.
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Ha, ha, sorry, it looks like we used your rack post for other synthesizer stuff discussions ;-)
How is your combination of the just new obtained modules and your 0-coast? Must be good, isn't it? I had now almost two weeks ago the opportunity to test the 0-coast from a good friend in combination with my Eurorack system, oh my, that 0-coast thing is a beauty! I love the sound that comes out of the 0-coast hence I am a bit jealous ;-)
Oh no! Now I also read you got an Octatrack?! I am definitely jealous :-) That same friend I was talking about brought his Octatrack too, also a great device. I feel it's not so self-explanatory and needs quite a bit time to get use to it, but if you are used to it, it’s a serious good device!
Ha, ha, the rules you set for yourself are very heavy ones, I would never be able to comply with any of those ;-)
Regarding “Never a module more than once (just for diversity’s sake)” yes, I fully understand that, I almost made that rule for myself too, still do that actually... just for me there are a few exceptions. I got the Xaoc Devices – Tirana II sequencer, got two of them so I am able to make an 8-step sequencer of it (instead of a 4-step) and I am even considering to get two more to make it a 16-step sequencer, but not sure yet.
For envelopes and oscillators I am willing to let go that rule too. In another post I was mentioning how happy I was with the Erica Synths Black VC EG ADSR, so I am thinking of getting another one. Same goes for the more simple ADSR of Doepfer, i.e. A-140-1.
Regarding oscillators, I can imagine it might come in handy at certain situations to have let’s say two or four the same oscillators, but I haven’t reach that stage yet. I read your comment about oscillators, I also consider the STO, perhaps Godspeed+ (Furthhhhh Generator is nicer I think but huge budget issue there...) and Dixie 2+ might be an idea...
I opened a post for exactly that matter: looking for a good oscillator in the Forum --> Modular Discussions --> Some good VCOs required, however I haven’t got any reply so far. Perhaps I put a little reminder in that post, hoping for some experts to help me there. You might want to follow that post, in case I get a reply there, to look for an additional good oscillator. If you are going to buy the STO, then please let me know how your experience is with that one, I strongly consider that one; but not 100% sure yet.
Enjoy your system, I hope you bought a bit bigger case than you displayed here? Otherwise you might need more space soon ;-)
Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
That Befaco mixer bugs do know that if you mix the -MIX and +MIX outputs as if they were L - R stereo, you'll get some hellacious stereo mis-phasing issues, right? It looks like this is intended as a final output mixer in the revision, which is why I'm pointing that out. If you're trying to put a stereo mixer in 6 hp, have a look at Happy Nerding's PanMix Jr. instead. Mind you, the Befaco is useful for getting simultaneously normal and inverted signals, but this is something that's better suited to modulation signal mixing, where the normal + inverse outs would actually be far more useful.
This isn't exactly making a lot of sense. On the one hand, you mention the DC-coupling on the Presonus interface as if this might be what you want to control the synth with (via Silent Way/Volta/CV Tools), but then you're also talking about VCA audio outputs. A bit of clarification might help...
They are small, that's true. Although I'm trying to limit myself in terms of skiff size as I'd be looking to travel with it.
As Ronin said the 2hp modules aren't too densely packed and as he has advised I've moved pluck but also moved another to leave more space around the knobs for disting.
As it is at the moment I am toying with the idea to build myself a skiff out of a leather suitcase to accommodate three rows. In which case there would be more space for slightly wider modules.
However for now I am also working with budget constraints. I'd like to have a full system by spring.
For now I have about two thirds of it already and I'm just about to sell: a tides, blinds, ableton push 1 and a couple of my lesser used guitar pedals to get a few of the smaller modules to quickly add utilities and functionality to what I already have.
I have: tides, veils, Rene v2, tempi, yarns, nano rings, plaits, pluck, quadatt2, disting mk4, nebulae v2 and the York modular eg.
About to get: 2hp TM, switch, verb, MI links, make noise function and the mixer.
Cg funk: noted. However I do also own a 0-coast. This already has a: function, contour + more. With that and an extra function in the skiff I pretty much have a maths (more or less).
I built my own skiff and I'll prob keep doing that as that's something I can do and enjoy so making a larger one would only cost me my own time plus the price of rails..
Pluck moved. I've also done away with the passive multiple as I could always get an external one or two.. Like those intellijel ones? That made space for poti as I think you're absolutely right that having one would help with batumi's functionality.. Not having to take it out of the skiff to change settings is worth the little money it costs and the 3hp of rack space.
I expect I will be upgrading my skiff in the next couple of months.
When I'll do that I will prob end up selling on some of the 2hp modules to replace them with wider ones.
It's all work in progress.
On the plus side what I already have is giving me a lot of fun as is.
I made a couple of recordings I'm quite happy with.
As I mentioned previously I have a couple of guitar loop pedals so I have been recording a jam on those then jammed again over the top of it. So in terms of vcos I'll prob just be using a couple at any one time (for now). This works quite well when performing as it naturally forces you to develop an idea in stages then to build another layer over the top.
Thanks for all the super expert input and advice so far. It's great to feel part of a greater community where others like to share their knowledge and generally discuss things in a productive manner
Thanks Lugia, you are really showing me very good points I never thought about...I will surely consider the 7U case option very carefully, you opened my eyes about it!
Thak also to you Garfield, you don't have to apologize. Every comment I recieve from people more expert than me is extremely valuabe. If I was sure about my choices I wouldn't have posted asking for advice. I actually am keeping my eyes open with much interest about Gronud Control and Black Sequencer! As I said, the sequencer is something I'm still trying to leran more about, so if you have any other advice about it I will surely be glad to hear them!
One more thing. Do you guys think it would worth it to look for a dual filter in order to filter more voices independently?
Hi, this setup looks technically capable, yes, but it also looks like it would be a little bit annoying to actually play it. That nRings and Pluck do not look like much fun to tune IMO. Too many tiny knobs all packed together like that... just consider how hard that's gonna be to do anything once it gets filled in with patch cables.
I think you've got some pretty cool and ambitious ideas, I suggest that you'll be better off just looking at a larger case to start with. One that isn't already packed to the brim with mini-versions of everything.
You'll know you have the right size case when it's just large enough that you'd prefer to have a Maths over a Function in the spot. That's the sweet spot.
The 2HP stuff isn't stuffed in pretty densely. Also, much of it is mostly set-n-forget kind of modules. You might want to move Pluck over one module so that it has a bit more clearance.
Also the Batumi has a 3HP expander called the Poti. It's not too expensive and gives front panel access to portions of the Batumi that can only be accessed via jumpers on the back. If there's 3HP to be found in the rack it might be worth it. Also, why you should have spare rackspace in all of your builds.
I'd watch out for all the smaller modules you have there - a lot of them are going to be difficult to use unless you have baby fingers
a lot of the 2hp demos videos show them with blind panels between
I find that having a module that has a bit of space around it (say a mutable one) either side is a decent solution - this goes for pretty much anything up to 4hp - disting is really fiddly unless you have space around at least the knobs
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
Also, just to keep things Under control and sustainable, I've set myself a few rules:
*Fixed budget every month
*At least make a few tracks with your current module before buying more
*RTFM and read posts on forum to learn all about your modules
*Only buy second hand
*3U only, if the new module doesn't fit, don't buy or sell others
*Never a module more than once (just for diversity's sake)
Thanks again, Lugia! Based on your post, I think I can learn more from the Disting, so I'll start there and swap in the MScale if I find that the tracking issues are giving me grief. You're right about the hp math not working well with the headphone module in there; as I expand the 1U over time I'll keep in mind that I may want to remove it to optimize the row.
I didn't know what an envelope follower was, but reading about them blew my mind as I hadn't really thought much about that application of modular. I may need to dust off the electric guitar down the line.
Oh wow, I was not aware of all these replies, there has been quite a discussion here!
Anyway, I'm happy to say I have finally made the plunge, started my system and this is what I have so far!
Sequencing is done with Ableton and my Octatrack. Having LOTS of fun with Stages which unveils new tricks every day, this is awesome!
The future as I see it:
*I hope to use this at home as a one or two voice sound design synth, and live as two seperate voices with my Octatrack sequencing and managing effects. All drums, ambiance, sub bass will be played on the octatrack too
*I plan on changing the A-190-4 with a Mutant Brain to be able to sequence two voices and get extra CV and gates for modulation
*A Mutable Kinks is on the way to add some randomness and interesting logic/maths operation to my system
*As a second oscillator I am looking at the STO, Dixie 2+, Ts-L or Godspeed+. Trying to figure which one will fit best.
*After that I wonder if an Optomix would be a better choice than the A-106-5 for the second oscillator, it would allow me to mix several outputs and free the quad VCA for other uses
*I am pondering the possibility of buying modular sequencers, I love the many exotic concepts I could have access too, the Marbles seems like an awesome option, but I'm wondering if it will suit my music, and if a combination of smaller more specific modules (2hp's TM, arp, euclid and tune, Tirana II, Noise Eng's Repetitors, etc) would be a better idea
Lots of questions I am hoping to find answers to in the following months, in the meantime, I have lots of music to make.
Last month I purchased a module (through bank transfer, which wasn't clever, seller wouldn't take PayPal), and tracking the package looks like it was sent, arrived in the UK and then was either lost or undeliverable. Royal Mail can't allow me to claim for a lost item until the seller contacts the postal service in their country, but the seller has failed to respond to messages.
Has anyone managed to fix this kind of situation? Best guess, the item is sat at Heathrow with an unreadable or wrong address. It just needs the seller to start the process...
hello, I am new to eurorack and I am trying to figure out how to be able to record multiple audio voices to my DAW (multitracking) at the same time (at least 4 separates) I have a presonus studio 1810 which I believe is dc coupled. will a quad vca do the trick ? I can mix using the audio interface and daw
Thanks in advance :)
Thanks a lot for your help in let me understand the NW1 :-) The Drifting through Space, is that made by you? It's a nice slow, droney one! I still don't get it how you can make it so slow?
Meanwhile I got a bit more out of the NW1, I also followed up on your suggestions, nice results indeed but that real slow output I can't get it, how you manage to do that?
I am using the Erica Synths Octasource outputs for modulating the NW1 (all CVs, currently modulating the Tune, Travel and Position). I get fantastic kind of science fiction sounds (kind of 1980's ;-) ) out of it but not that nice slow movement you can manage to get out of it.
I don't have the Mutable Instruments Clouds though, seems to be discontinued product, do you know if there is any successor module for the Clouds? Can the Clouds make it sounds so slow/droney?
Regarding the Intellijel Springray2, I got the small and the medium tank, both hidden back in my Doepfer low cost casing. The small tank can be at sometimes a bit "rough" :-) Whereby the medium tank is good in case you want to have it a slightly bit subtler. Tonight again let the NW1 run through the Springray2 and indeed that sounds good and thick if you want; lot of ways to configure (using the 6 knobs) the Springray2 from very subtle to not subtle at all :-)
My recording options are a bit limited at the moment. I try not to use my computer, I use it professionally already extensively and that's enough for me, one of the reasons I went for modular! :-) I could record it with the Erica Synths Sample Drum, wav format. Do you know if it's possible to send you a wav file via personal message within this website?
Kind regards, Garfield.
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I would keep the MScale. Using a Disting for that one purpose is a waste of the zillions of other useful things that it could be doing. Which, of course, means that you really ought to have a Disting in this for all of those other things. It's a Swiss Army Knife of functions in a very small space, which makes it ideal for smaller builds like this. Besides, the MScale is designed for this specific purpose, and you'd have to prod the Disting into doing what it does in all likelihood.
That Noise Tools tile is also super-useful...lots of function, little space. Plus, consider pulling the headphone module...this opens up space you can use to put a much better MIDI module in. And with the extra 8 hp left, you could drop in a stereo VCA for your overall output level control or for controlling the level on a stereo FX return...or get all pimped out with a pair of USB power ports and a couple of gooseneck lamps on each end of the 1U row! But my bet is on the stereo VCA, as that would fit in with Ronin's idea on processing, above.
One other point about the 1U row: with the inputs, consider adding an envelope follower. This then allows you to extract gate and volume contour CV from an inputted signal, which you'll want if you get the idea to use this as a processor (modular synths can be KILLER processing gear!). There's not an Intellijel-format tile with this, but there's plenty of small 3U ones.
Comparator? Easy-peasy...remove the Black VCA and the A-132-3, and replace them with an Intelljel Quad VCA, which then leaves you 6 hp you didn't have. Then, my suggestion for that 6 hp space would then be SSF's Tool-Box. So as a result of that swap, you now have one more VCA and all of the VCAs would then be variable-response for either audio or CV/mod work as necessary, plus the Tool-Box then gives you a 2-in summing mixer, a rectifier for positive offsetting and/or waveshaping, a comparator, an analog OR (gives the maximum of two inputs...feed it two LFOs and watch the mod curve craziness!), another inverter, and an electronic A-B switch. And all that for only $27 more than the current two modules!
There are ALWAYS solutions. They just require lots of poking at things. ;-)
Thanks, Ronin1973. The M32 does have a noise source in addition to the one VCO, but the 1U module you mention looks like it has a lot more than just noise to offer. Also, thanks for the recommendation on the Mimitec Digitalis. I'm definitely going to eventually want a dedicated sequencer module that's more intuitive to use on the fly than the M32's sequencer.
I definitely plan to take it very slow as I have a lot to learn about these modules before understanding where to go next, but I've seen enough warnings on this site and others to know that is easier said than done.
Yeah, I noticed the 80mm depth on the modules’ page and thought it was weird. I haven’t measured the actual depths myself, but the half of the 6U Rackbrute without the bus board is the deepest the case gets, so I’m guessing that 75mm is the maximum depth.
The Rackbrute manual (and the module page on modular grid) seems like it has inconsistencies in general. Pay close attention to the Power Supply section of the manual. It seems like you need to distribute your power between the two rows of pin connectors on the board. This way you don’t overload the power supply.
Maybe someone with more Rackbrute experience can clarify?