This is very interesting and looks absolutely brilliant! Thank you! :)

However, the system is turning out quote a bit more complex (and expensive) than I thought it would be.

So if I may throw in some additional constraints...

I think it would be useful for me to be more limited (although not too limited) to begin with, and explore fewer modules. I'm also thinking that it could be a good idea to add a Mordax DATA (or similar), so that I can see a visual representation while experimenting with the modules.

Basically, I'm curious about what could be an minimal but viable variant (interesting to work with, and at least somewhat flexible in terms of what kind of sounds (pads, basses, etc.) can be produced). Let's say we had to cut it down to only one sound source, for instance, perhaps getting rid of µRinks, SMR, Clouds and/or Stereomix.

It may be a silly idea, but could the system work with only µRinks as a sound source?

Or what could the system look like if we only built it around Jupiter Spirits?

Some other thoughts:

Is that a fan in the Erica Synths case? (I would prefer if the case I'm using is silent. Perhaps they all are?)

If the system is smaller, could a skiff case could be a good place to start?

Are there any other cases that you can recommend?

Also, I wonder if ES-8 is preferable to ES-3. That is, if it wouldn't be better for me to connect directly to Fireface UCX (which connects to the computer using USB) via an ADAT connection. I don't know if there could be a conflict with having to USB audio interfaces.

Finally, Is it possible to add envelopes to Zadar (perhaps by patching the firmware), or are we limited to the evelopes that are preprogrammed in there? I'm guessing that the many envelopes and virtually endless modulation possibilities would compensate for that, but I still think it would be pretty neat to be able to do.

Thanks again!

I will take a closer look at the Squarp... it seems really compact - at least more than 101 and 102 together. And there would be a little cash left to fill up the missing M32 ;) Already did that with the Maths at the moment.

Thanks once more for your help and have a nice weekend!

With the DLD, just leave it as-is with 4ms's stock panel. It's not difficult to read, so I don't think the expense/hassle of repaneling it makes sense. It's also a pretty control-dense module, so doing the work to get all of the controls, jacks, lights, etc lined up and resecured just seems like a major hassle.

The uClouds is simply a tiny version of the same thing as the Supercell. The Supercell adds more function controls, but at the core both are still the same open-source firmware. Same thing goes for the other smaller MI clones.

As for the sequencer...the ER-102 Sequencer Controller is definitely a must with the ER-101, given that it allows for memory-based control over the ER-101. The 102 has the SD card slot for memories, controls for loop-point changes and grouping loops, opens up new modulation possibilities, and can also do CV recording of things such as joystick, knob, etc gestures. Just as a composing "scratch pad" for grabbing clips for later use, the ER-102 is worth adding; in performance settings, it's damn near indispensable. Of course, there are other complex sequencers out there, though...maybe have a look at Hermod's Squarp, which is sort of a version of their Pyramid sequencer that's been retooled for Eurorack purposes. Something like that would also open up more space, too.

Actually, this is what I came up with earlier today. Would've posted it sooner, but I've been dealing with equipment shipping nonsense:
ModularGrid Rack
First up, the layout here makes a lot more sense, locating oscillators in one place, modulation in another, modifiers in a third, etc.

I've added VCA mixing control over the Jupiter Spirits' VCO outs via a pair of Doepfer A-135-2s. The Maths was also replaced by Doepfer's version of the Serge/Ken Stone VCS module, which freed up 4 more hp while still providing much of the same functionality. There's also a very complex random/noise module down by the Expert Sleepers modules; random sources were missing previously, and to get certain organic "irregularities" in pads, a tiny bit of random drift in conjunction with the DPLR's delayed output will do addition to all of the other things that Ultra-Random Analog can do. As for the Expert Sleepers interface, I changed that out to an ES-8 with an ES-5 CV expander...this now gives you USB in addition to ADAT Lightpipe, plus four return channels to your DAW for timing, etc signals so that the modular can control DAW functions when needed (in conjunction with Silent Way or Volta, of course). The Doepfer VCAs are mainly for audio level control, so a third VCA/mixer for linear response for CVs is in the lower row. Next to that, you'll notice a Mutable Stages, which can do multiple sorts of modulation duties, and a TriATT, giving you attenuation, CV offsets, and inversion, plus mixing over three inputs.

Rings got shrunk down via a Codex Modulex uRinks...same module, better price and footprint. Optomix remains for LPG and audio summing use, allowing you to mix down to one audio channel with LPGs or to create a stereo result with the same. Dual Zadar + Nins cover much of the Akemie's control, plus a Batumi + Poti are there for CVable LFOs. And while this seems short on conventional envelope generators, the fact is that you can use Silent Way/Volta via the ES-8/5 to send conventional envelopes from your DAW, allowing for more exotic modulation sources here in the cab. As for the little black 1 hp sliver on the left side, that's a Konstant Labs PWR Checker...allows you to see your power situation at a glance, which can be rather useful for a number of diagnostic things.

So...does this version make more sense?

Thanks, Lugia!

Great suggestions about the case, power, and MG case sizes!

I'm very curious about alternative solutions for Akemie's Castle, if you find the time. :)

Trying to get a better grasp of the different functions and concepts that you described, I started thinking about a simpler system with only Rings as a sound souce. Here is an idea:

ModularGrid Rack

In such a system, would we prefer combining Maths and Batumi (with Poti), or just use Zandar (with Nin, acting as an envelope and a LFO)? Perhaps we need more than one envelope in order to effectively control these modules? (To what extent can Maths control multiple modules, for instance Rings and SMR, at the same time?)

Is there anything particularly important (perhaps a VCA or LFO) that we would want to add to this?

You've made some changes to the rack above. But those changes aren't reflected in this thread.

If you're using the modules as place-holders... umm... okay.

But there are some issues in your approach. The first thing is power and HP. The more modules that you cram into a smaller space, the more you'll be dealing with issues like heat, overtaxing your power supply (supplies), and simply running out of headers to plug everything into.

If your end goal is to create an advanced system, I would first concentrate on finding a much large case or multiple cases.

The 2HP modules tend to run deep because they are only 2HP... you'll end up compromising on features since there's only so much real estate in two rack spaces. Again, those micro-pots are going to be an issue even if your fingers are child-like in size.

Populate your rack with units that you'd actually want. It's a bit like designing a parking lot to only work with sub-compact cars then expecting a full sized vehicle to be able to comfortably park in there. My opinion is that you're setting yourself up for an expensive lesson in Eurorack if you pursue your ambitions down this path.

Hi Lugia

First of all thank you so much for taking your time and the detailed answer! It helps me a lot and I really appreciate it.

I struggled with the descision to put the M32 inside, too... I just thought I could easily remove it when the case is full but maybe it is better to leave it outside and invest in some longer cables instead :)

I checked out the clones of Rings and Plaits - looks good. Do you think the sound quality is comparable? The uClouds sounds great! Can you use this as a simple reverb, too? Because my intention was to have a reverb for the M32 and in the description I could not find something about this other than for example the Microcell Granular Processor.... also not too big.

Regarding the sequencer I would invest in the additional ER 103 if necessary. As an alternative I could use the Octatrack but I really like the idea of having everything in one case better. Taking the amount of space into consideration - would you say this is a good solution?

I didn‘t quite understand what you said about the Dual Looping Delay - would you keep it or take something smaller (I chose it because of the additional looping possibility and how it sounded in some of the videos).

Once agin thank you very much for your advice!

Always start on MG with a case that seems too large. You can always pare things back down on here before committing money to hardware.

VCAs look boring, yes. But they're essential. They're what you MUST USE to create changes in level for both audio and CV/modulation, they can be used as ring modulators (of a sort), they can allow automation of panning, mixing, etc. Lots of people try and get away with one or two...and regret it later on.

That's an expensive case you're looking at, btw; if I configure it with power at 126 hp x 2, I get a cost of UKP 680 with VAT. Then there's this: which has a much beefier power supply (2.5 A on each 12V rail), better depth (140 mm max!), real busboards, etc. OK, so it's not curvy...but remember: what you can do sonically is the important factor here. Think practicality.

As for the me think about that. The biggest problem is basing this around the Akemie's, because it's such a space hog, but there'll be other ways of making this work...

Lots of problems here...first up, don't consider putting the M32 in the Intellijel cab. The space in that is expensive, and the Moog already has a case. Save your Eurorack hp for things that 100% require it. Next, the tile row; that USB tile is "standard" and Intellijel uses a different spacing for their tiles, so that won't fit in there. Also, the other Line Out tile isn't necessary, since the stereo I/O tile works with the 7U case's 1/4" connections. See here: for reference. Also, with the stereo line inputs, the Ears is could just make do with an envelope follower such as Plankton's ENVF to extract envelope CVs. That also saves 2 hp. Plus, check your module depths... Intellijel lists a maximum (over the power supply) of 53mm, but the real fact is that you'll need space (even with the Intellijel supply having loads of headers everywhere) for your power connections as well as airflow. Leave space in the case for these.

That ER-101 won't be any fun at all without the companion module, the ER-102 Sequencer Controller. The Plaits and Rings both have third-party builds that take up less space. In a small build like this, it's important to reduce size as best as possible. Also, leaving the M32 where it belongs will help with this. And don't go with replacement panels at the start of all of this; leave the Dual Looping Delay as-is to help avoid potential hassles that might arise from a panel swap.

Speaking of saving the Supercell necessary? It's a very large module at 34 hp, and if you want the granularization of the Clouds, you should also look at a reduced-size version of that. For that, see Tall Dog's uClouds; they also do a uRings, but Codex Modulex does that and the Plaits in 8 hp each for less money.

Now, as for what's not there that should be...VCAs, LFOs, mixers are all pretty much absent here, and are all pretty necessary. Yet another reason why that M32 belongs where it should will need that 60 hp for things that require it. This build also seems to have a case of the "Big Sexy Module" problem; if you build this as pictured, you're going to be fairly disappointed due to the fact that Big Sexy Modules require quite a few boring, utilitarian modules in order to get them to really shine at what they do. I also see very little in the way of envelope generators, save for the Stages, and EGs are important to make some of these (such as the Morgasmatron) do what they're capable of.

Don't look at a bunch of YT videos as your prime info source, btw...while some are good, a lot of them are rubbish as well, and there's no real rating system to cull out the ones where users don't know what they're doing. Simply because someone can post a video doesn't mean they're an expert (although I can think of a few examples where the posters might think they are). Instead of studying these, hit places online that allow you to study classic synths with classic architecture, synths that (in some cases) have been around for nearly 50 years that are still coveted devices make for much better templates than some random musings on YouTube. Instruments like the ARP 2600 (one of the best teaching synths, btw), EML 101 and 200, Buchla 100 series, the Minimoog, etc provide much better models to extrapolate on. Also, unless you have some galloping terminal illness, it's not a good idea to rush the process of learning what to do and then doing something immediately. TAKE TIME to examine options, study, create multiple iterations of builds, etc...otherwise, you'll wind up with something expensive and unsatisfactory. No one gets their first build on MG right. Not even people who've been doing this for decades.

Ultimately, my suggestion would be to delete this and then start again. But before doing so, take some time to look at what you're doing musically and then start building based on the strong points you see in your current gear as well as those you encounter while browsing through MG. You'll find that what you end up with after proceeding carefully will be quite different from what you have here, but at the same time it'll be several thousand dollars well-spent on an instrument that gives you many years of discovery and use.

Thanks for the advice! I'm not actually planning on getting most of those specific 2hp modules pictured, they more just represent fairly brand-agnostic utility type bits. In the end I'll likely get whatever's small enough to fit that I can find for cheap (eg tiptop drums or somthing), so I don't imagine the knob size will be too much of a problem. As to where I'll get the hp to back this plan (beyond just the 10ish I have here) I'll most likely drop the least used ~15% of modules, only I can't plan for what those will be yet, so, for now 2hp it is. (I also have fairly small fingers so that's all a touch less of an issue for me even if I do go for the full 2hp line I've shown above).

On a broader scale what do ya think of the rack as a whole? I'm looking for something sequencer heavy I can use to record songs in a multitracked fashion, but not entirely useless when untethered either. Does this about cover that in your mind?

I want to make r benny/ann annie ambient, but my style is more loop-based. I have a miniloude that, to start, I plan to run into the bitbox and loop/process. Any thoughts/ constructive critism would be really appreciated.

Thank you so much for your reply - it was very informative, and I learned a lot from it!

I'm considering the 6U Walnut Eurorack Case Peter from SynthRacks, which is a powered case available in the widths of 84, 104, 110 and 126 HP. I had a width of 84 HP in mind, but it seems like I will need a larger case eventually, so perhaps I should buy a larger one from the get-go?

I'm guessing something like this is pretty much what fits in the 84 HP case:

ModularGrid Rack

I had to take out the ES-5 expander to fit these modules. I wonder at which point I'm likely to benefit from the ES-5 expander.

Does this seem to be a viable setup or am I missing something vital?

How important is a VCA?

Here is a 104 HP version:

ModularGrid Rack

Here is a 110 HP version (with a bit of an awkward layout), that I think should contain everything but the VCAs:

ModularGrid Rack

I'm also thinking about what the "essential" minimal setup would be here. Perhaps it would make sense to approach this with either Akemie's Castle or Rings in mind, and build up the system from that.

Hello community!

After having built up a little studio over the last couple of years (mainly Sub 37, Analog Four, Analog Rytm, Octatrack, Waldorf Blofeld, OP-1, Kore 2, Ableton with Push 2 and a Scarlett 18i20) I got myself a Mother 32 to give modular a try - as feared i got hooked instantly and ordered a case to start with. Because I really enjoy going out of the basement at times to tweak in the wild and to be able to maybe play little gigs outside I chose an Intellijel 7u 104hp. I also like the thought to combine it with another unit in the future :)

Maybe because I‘m new to this and coming from the DAW I was oriented towards more or less conservative and melodic sounds with dark and wide ambient soundscapes until now but I think the more experimetal stuff could develop after diving deeper into the knobs and cables.

Before knowing modular I listened to Carbon Based Lifeforms, Solar Fields, Aes Dana, Huva Network, Minilogue but also Stefan Bodzin, Worakls and Astrix or James Holden. Now exploring the modular world I really enjoy Colin Benders, Caterina Barbieri or YouTube artists like R Beny, Alan Dear, State Azure and Lightbath.

After watching hours and hours of modular videos I came up with an idea how to fill the first case - not knowing if I produced total bs... I think I will place the Mother inside at first to be sure having everything necessary to start with just to take it out later when the space is needed. My first sketch looks like this:

So my main questions are:

Does this make sense to you having said the things from the beginning?

Did I forget something essential or will I not be able to get a bleep out of it this anyway?

Do I use some modules wich more or less do the same?

Do you recognise modules wich already have successors available?

Are there too many VCO‘s to begin with?

Also the idea of integrating a Circadian Rhythms and some drum modules is tempting, but having the analog rytm I think it would be wise to use the space for filter and effects in the beginning and let the drums come from outside the case - if this makes sense...

Sorry for maybe noobish questions, thanks an awful lot for your advice and nice patching,


Ergonomics. Your rack is dominated by 2HP units. If you have 2HP to fill or if its a module that doesn't see a lot of time between your thumb and index finger... fine. But take a step back and think of how much you're going to be tweaking a knob and you'll grow to hate working with those micro-pots... especially if they are crowded together.

A lot of Eurorack is finding the "sweet-spot" by turning a knob. So be careful about making HP the main consideration. You'll get more modules... but they'll lack in functionality and ergonomics.


Congratulations on getting the sync going. I looked over the 2S patchbay and there's also sync (clock) out. This will be useful if you have to share sync with other modules. If that's the plan, then look into clock dividers/multipliers. I use the Temps Utile for this as it can divide, multiply, sequence gates, Euclidean, etc. Sometimes you will want modules to be triggered at a different rate than your master clock and not all modules can divide/multiply on their own. Also check into the "reset" functionality as a useful way to always keep modules in sync. This will be useful if you need to reset a secondary sequencer to its beginning position or reset an LFO to the beginning of its cycle.

At the moment I have a 2 input audio interface (Scarlett 2i4). It's not very practical for recording multiple parts at once. I'll be upgrading to an 8 input interface by the end of the year. Another option is the Expert Sleepers ES8. It has 6 inputs at synth level and can output USB audio to your computer or ADAT audio to an interface that supports an ADAT input. You'll have to decide what's practical... especially if you're using a computer that can't stack multiple interfaces. Again, read, read, read...

The main riff is Plaits played by René driven by a euclidean pulse from Pamela´s New Workout. It's kept interesting by loads of slow modulation, of course. Drums from the Elektron Rytm. The bassline is Make Noise DPO through Joranalogue Filter 8, sequenced from Ornament & Crime Sequins. The melody is played by hand on my brand new Arturia MicroFreak.

Hey There,

is there any module like the Doepfer A-158-1 Bus Access that brings external CV & Gate signal to the internal bus? And if is there on in black too. I know it's all about functionality and sound but my whole rack is armed with black modules now and the last missing link will be grey? Anyway Doepfer has discontinuous this module so anyone must offer an alternative module!

man thanks in advance for your help

Nice and efficient deal with @ccvv!

Chowning FM really needs envelopes galore to be used properly. A pair of Xaoc Zadars with their Nin expanders would team up very well with that and not occupy loads of space. That would give you eight envelopes with full CV and memory storage in 26 hp. However, having a Maths for more modulation possibilities (such as with the SMR) is a very good idea. As for the SMR, yep, it's a very good stereo filter for pads, sort of like an amped-up version of the Korg PS-series triple resonator with loads more control.

As for granular modules, Tall Dog does an 8 hp version of the Mutable Clouds. Also, they do an 8 hp version of the Rings module as well, which would give you back 6 hp to use for something else.

Veils is a decent VCA mixer, but you save a bit by getting Intellijel's Quad VCA...essentially the same thing, $10 less. However, this would not make a decent output module, as you need to step your levels down to line level and, optimally, provide some isolation at the output to reduce noise and crud. In fact, given that both the Clouds clone and the SMR (and the Akemie's, for that matter) are full stereo, what you actually need is a stereo mixer...something with CV over levels, FX sends, and panning. Toppobrillo's Stereomix seems like a good choice, having all of those functions plus a few useful additions such as mutes. Now, with that, you would want to use the SMR then the Clouds clone after the Stereomix so that you can tamper with the sound of the summed pad. Plus, consider adding something for the Stereomix's AUX send/return that can add some stereo as well. One module that comes to mind here is SSF's DPLR, a mono-in stereo-out delay/chorus module, which you can use to fatten up pad sounds selectively and under CV control via the Stereomix's AUX level CVs. As for an output, have a look at Happy Nerding's Isolator, which gives you a ganged stereo level control, headphone amp, 1/4" TRS outs, and transformer isolation (which, I note, you can overdrive a bit to get some nice saturation) in only 4 hp. One argument for having a Quad VCA, though, would be that you don't have any other VCAs in this and those might come in easy for controlling both audio and CV levels as needed. Since you can break out VCAs from that as needed, that would take care of all of your individual VCA needs in this small a build.

As for other additions, I'd suggest some LFOs...Xaoc's Batumi is a pretty useful and space-saving quad LFO; adding its Poti expander would add a few more functions that you'd find handy. You can also swap the LFOs from this with the envelopes from the Zadar for a different control method over the Akemie's, although the Zadar can loop its envelopes. Adding a second poly-VCO might be useful as well...something analog such as Recovery's Jupiter Spirits paired with a couple of simple 4-1 mixers (such as 2hp's Mix) so that you can create a stereo mix out of the triangle and saw waveforms the poly VCO outputs. Perhaps pairing this with a MakeNoise Optomix would be a good idea, as that would allow you to have lowpass gates over this stereo voice for a different note attack sound against the Akemie's, or against the Jupiter Spirits if that makes sense for the patch you're working on. Note also that the Optomix will also need some very basic envelopes; the Doepfer A-140-2 gives you a pair of ADSRs in only 8 hp with CV over overall time.

As for one thing to avoid...try and make do without multiples here, as this build is going to be pretty tight. Instead, use stackcables or inline mults. Passive is fine; since the oscillators are all being fed direct from the ES-3, buffered mults aren't necessary.

Lastly, is this going into a powered case or do you need to add on a power inlet?

Hi, I think the Black Sequencer should be 38 HP in size... not 40!
-- murff

I had to make a new module page.

It simply wouldn't take the altered 38hp down from 40hp without messing up the vertical placement. So I made a new module page (w/ the correct hp)

I'm looking into building a small system for ambient pads, FM sounds, and just generally "interesting" sounds (I guess everyone wants interesting sounds :)).

I have started with this:

ModularGrid Rack

Some questions:

Which modulator(s) would work well with (Mutable Instruments) Rings and Akemie's Castle? Would Maths make sense, for instance?

Does 4ms Spectral Multiband Resonator work well with these two modules, and what other modules would make sense in combination with this module?

Are there any granular modules that you can recommend? Clouds, perhaps, or Morphagene?

I'm planning on sequencing (and to some extent controlling) the modules through Ableton Live (and Expert Sleepers ES-3), so I'm mainly looking for modules that don't overlap too much with what can be (conveniently) done from within Ableton Live.

Also, what would be a good output module? Would (Mutable Instruments) Veils work, for instance?

I've also been looking at Planar 2.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! :)

I tried editing the hp down to 38, then re-uploading the image (it was cropped as well as the IRL image allows) with the 38hp spacing. Both times, the resulting module was too short in height. So I've left it at 40hp for now.

If it is indeed 38 then hopefully Erica Synths puts up their usual rendered module in its place soon. :)

Thread: Change Log

Pedal Power Specs

Added current, voltage, acdc and plug polarity fields to the pedal data model so we can collect power specs for pedals.
This is the prerequisite for the possiblity to calculate power draw of pedalboards in the future.
Like we can do this on module racks already ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

New track! This one is really the essence of my efforts in eurorack. Simple melodic riff driven by some euclidean pulse, basic trip hop beat, straightforward bassline and a clean melodic line added after recording the patch.

This is what I do.

Hi, I think the Black Sequencer should be 38 HP in size... not 40!

How I multitrack is pretty much how I've always done it, even back in the 2" tape days. I'll have separate instruments on each track that comprise the basic parts of a piece, recorded in one pass via an Orion32 (if external to the DAW) or direct in Live (if I use internal sources), or both as needs be. Once all of that's down, then I'll start doing overdubs while at the same time starting to work out what processing to layer onto the initial tracks. At this point is where we diverge from tape technique, though. In beginning the mixdown process, I try and combine related tracks as submixed stereo stems...say, all percussives on one group, bass and pads on another, "ear candy" bits on a third, and so on. By submixing and then subprocessing these stems in this way, you actually have quite a bit of control over the main mix with a minimum of faders in play and a minimum of CPU load because, once the stems are tracked, you can turn off all of the processors you used on the individual channels in the stem, plus your submix is now under the control of a single stereo fader pair and, when needed, you only need to add processing across the two tracks of the stem.

Stems are sort of a given these days with a lot of producers and engineers, but it wasn't that long ago that they were a rare thing, doable only when you have the massive budget needed for extra multitrack machines, tape, etc. With all of that tech out of the way, though, you can generate stems whenever you like and however complex you can deal with inside your DAW of choice. Then, once your stems and solo tracks are ready to go, the mix gets're not juggling a couple dozen faders all at once. Also, DO automate things such as levels, etc within your stems so that that 2-channel result is exactly the way you need it.

Mind you, this tends to take buttloads of practice to get used to envisioning how your mix should work prior to even mixing it. Ability comes with time and diligence.

Now, as for normalization...that process raises your overall track levels relative to the highest level. So, if it takes +8.5 dB of change so that the loudest peak comes up to your normalization threshold (and never, EVER normalize to 0 dB...always leave "excursion room" of 0.5 to 1 dB below 0 dB in case something gets raised by dithering, codec artifacting, etc), everything in the track gets raised by that amount. This doesn't equal apparent loudness, though. It just means that your peak level is where it goes and everything else went with it.

To increase apparent loudness, you need to use some form of compression. So, let's say you're cutting a track and your peak levels are hitting -1 dB, but your overall level outside of those peaks is about -12 dB. That's a pretty wide dynamic swing between peak and average, so what you'll want to do is to compress that 11 dB swing down to, say, 4.5 dB. Once properly compressed, your peaks should be back at that -1 dB level, but your average will now be raised by 6.5 dB, ergo the apparent loudness of the track is higher. Ultimately, you could even "brickwall limit" a mix so that everything is squashed into 1-2 dB of swing (or less, if you're some kind of sadist), but when you lose your dynamic swing, the track will just sound like a loud band of sound with no variance.

Mind you, all of this is for nothing if you don't have adequate monitoring while tracking and mixing. Especially the latter. Trying to get a good result with a pair of computer crackerboxes is akin to trying to read an important document without the aid of reading glasses if you're blind as a bat at close distances. You literally will not have any idea of what you're doing outside of certain inferences about what the end-result will be on everyone else's listening platforms.

And one other point along these lines: once you have your rough mix set up, you'll want to put your last set of processors on the DAW's mixbus, with the program compression last. That way, any changes to the signal levels caused by equalization, enhancers, stereo imagers, etc will still get dealt with properly just prior to being tracked or rendered.

Optimally, I prefer to break out of digital for initial mixing of stems and then for controlling stem levels; I simply like having the faders in hand for tiny adjustments. And doing this sort of mixing in analog on a quiet system with 24-bit audio (even at slower sample rates) still puts any noise and garbage signals way down in the mix where they'll disappear into the Least Significant Bit ranges when the track is reencoded at 16 bits for CD and other distribution methods. That is, if I want that; sometimes certain noises and noise amounts can actually add a bit of a presence.

Make sure to leave 3hp for the Batumi's expander, Poti. This adds some useful waveform selection and sync functions. As for slewing, you'll have part of the Maths to use for that, when necessary, but a useful addition for that might be Ladik's C-012, which is a dual slew lim with switchable up/down/both CV detection.

Pity, I realised it too late, so I missed it this year. I really hope I can make it for next year! Any other interesting modular events in Europe worth of knowing? It's still so long time to wait till next year...

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks a lot Lugia! I will check out those modules and a few others. I need time (currently a bit busy) to figure out about the output modules. For Happy Nerding I was planning perhaps one or two modules so I certainly will consider their output modules. I haven't planned Bastl modules into my system yet, if you have any good experience with any other output module, you are welcome to let me know (regarding getting rid of the DC signals) :-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks Ronin1973, all that information has been super useful!

So far I've been able to sync my synth with Reaper. In fact it was easier than I expecte, both the Minibrute 2s and the Drumbrute Impact have USB port and all I had to do is select the device in the Reaper settings and send clock signal out from the DAW.

I've also been experimenting with recording my songs in multiple tracks, one track at a time as I don't have any audio interface yet, but it has allowed me to test things out and make sure I understand why I need the audio interface and what I need it to do.

I also have more doubts and questions though, how do you guys do the multi-track recording? do you group multiple instruments in one track or do you strictly use one track per instrument? I find myself easily mixing more than 5 tracks at a time, would I need to get an audio interface with that many inputs? or should I be doing overdubbing with the DAW?

In my mind I would be doing everything with the modular synth and once ready, I would use the DAW for recording all at once in multiple tracks, so I can do the final equalisation in the computer. But I'm not sure that's doable with an audio interface that only has a couple of inputs.

I'm also facing an issue I forgot to mention in the original post. It is about the volume of my recordings, when I listen any of them, all sound way lower than any other audio so on my phone I would need to go full volume to listen it properly. I'm already 'normalizing' the audio in Audacity, I'd expect it to bring the sound to the max volume, but it doesn't seem to work that way, what am I missing?

Excellent experience with @uebl here. Very friendly and forthcoming guy and a breeze to deal with!

Haha! I was JUST reading about the Quadra + Expander over on Muffs because I agree a little variety here is good. I like the idea of going that direction. I lose extra attenuverters (and slew?) but I can get the 2hp or doepfer versions or Function to replace. The Verbos Multi-Envelope will be coming soon as the first expansion to the Verbos System too, so 3 interesting flavors will be available with each system standing on its own.

Still I’m quite interested in a Batumi even with the ES-8 which has quad LFO’s available. Mainly because I love sliders and the visual feedback.

Thanks for your input, it really helps!

Some mixers are AC coupled. Some aren't. The best way to make sure you're not passing DC to your amp, though, is to make sure of this in the source itself. In this case, you're looking for output modules that have transformer isolation or offer balanced outputs (which generally implies transformer isolation). Happy Nerding offers two that are worth consideration: the Isolator is a basic, two-channel transformer-isolated output level attenuator, and their OUT not only offers this, but adds a headphone amp plus a second parallel stereo input which can be used as an effects return, plus you get stereo LED level metering. Also, Bastl's Ciao! does this w/o metering, but has input clip indicators for both stereo in pairs and a potential second stereo (3.5mm TRS) line out and a few headphone monitoring tricks that can allow you to have one stereo pair going to the outputs while the other can be monitored on headphones, allowing you to work on an entire second patch at the same time that the other is playing. Any of these would be very useful.

Not a bad set of choices for an expander cab. One thing I'd suggest for your open space would be another complex function/envelope generator such as the Intellijel Quadra + Quadra Expander mkii, Sputnik Quad Function and Trigger Generator, or the Doepfer A-143-1 (if you can fit a 50mm depth in your case). Since the Shared System will have a Maths, having a different strategy to create complex envelope/modulation curves might be an asset. Also, if we're talking about the original Shared System, you might consider updating to the Rene mkii, as it works together with the Tempi module to unlock a bunch of cross-communicated features. Keep the original, though, as having extra sequencers should never be a problem.

Hi Wiggler55550 and Lugia,

Thanks a lot for the information. Okay fair enough to take a "decent" or "good" output module to bring modular audio output to a line input on a mixer or to speakers, all fair enough :-) It's good to know for certain. I am still worried but at least I got an idea of how to handle this a bit better --> getting good output modules.

Now when I would consider to buy an output module, do I understand you correctly to watch following matters.

Output modules:
- should be AC-coupled based
- just a simple attenuator should be avoided (for using as an output module)
- any other matters to be aware off or to be checked?

If the manual of such output doesn't mention that's AC coupled or not, is there any way of seeing or recognising if it does or doesn't?

About mixers, Lugia, are you saying most mixers are already AC coupled? So I guess that should be mentioned somewhere in the (technical) manual of the mixer? Since I am planning to lead all outputs of the modular system to the mixer first before it's going to my audio installation, I should be fine or is there something I still should be aware of and/or take care off?

Thank you very much in advance for saving my audio installation! :-)

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This will become a 9u case filled with modules that expand/support the Verbos System and the Shared System.

Expert Sleepers ES-8/ES-3 provides envelopes, LFOs, Arps, sequencers etc. with Ableton Push 2 for knob control.

Also includes Eurorack pedal versions of Retro Mechanical Labs Electron Fuzz and Hyde Filter which connect via the Retro Mechanical Labs GPI. There’s also a Make Noise Mysteron, STO, and Moog DFAM.

A Roli Seaboard Rise connects via Softube Modular and sends CV thru Expert Sleepers/Apollo to talk to the system.

Pros: very powerful, many possibilities in terms of cv type stuff

Cons: Not very immediately accessible, hard to get a new sound just by hitting a switch or something, although cv possibility space is massive but soniclly not so much, doesn't seem fun

Thanks a lot for the information! I can't wait till this one becomes available to check it out more detailled. Any indication on the price yet?

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I didn't see this up on the module list yet, so I did my best guesstimate on its HP width.

Just as an update, this is where I am now. Have a 4MS PEG that I had to move out of the rack to fit the Z-DSP, but will put it back as soon as I find the resources to put the PP+Brains in a skiff instead.

ModularGrid Rack

this not small

I have the 420. I got it on sale for $679. I wouldn’t pay full price for it.

It’s extremely solid, well-built and the power is great. But they use proprietary screws, although they’re available in multiple places. It’s quite difficult to screw in a thicker module while using washers. You’d have to measure and get longer screws and make sure you won’t bottom out the rail.

Other than that huge issue, it’s nice. Therefore I’m mixed on it overall. But I can’t complain lately because I managed to find some thinner washers that have worked and now my modules aren’t going anywhere.

Edit : unfortunately I can’t answer other questions or comparisons as it’s my first case. I decided to go prebuilt for sanity’s sake and it was the most HP for the money.

Basically, the Pittsburgh Structure line was designed (and for a time, built) by Monorocket, who had a reputation for making extremely solid cabs with very ample power supplies. The Structure 420 shows this, both in its built quality and the fact that you get an overload and short-protected 6000 mA on each 12V bus, and 5000 mA on the +5. Compare this with the v.3 power supply on the A-100 p9, which is 2000 mA on the +12, 1200 on the -12, and 4000 mA on the +5V rail.

I think you should seriously consider Pittsburgh's Structure 344, though. 5000 mA on each 12V rail + 3000 mA on the +5, same protections + extra RFI filtering, and you get a really well thought out 1U utility row with some very sensible utilities provided. More expensive, yes, but the extras + the form factor (more like a Doepfer p9 in size) make a good bit of difference. fact, I have used (and plan to after the studio upgrading here is finished later this summer) a pair of tube bandpass filters in the analog side of my mixchain which I set up to roll off everything from 10 Hz down and from about 15 kHz up. The filtering eliminates potential low-end losses due to detrimental subsonics and/or DC, as well as countering the 'brittle' sonic issues that result from excessive high-frequency aliasing, particularly in the octave immediately prior to the Nyquist frequency. Plus, this puts 11 active 12AX7A stages per channel into the mixchain to add some extra euphonic even harmonic emphasis, thereby warming things up a tad and deepening the presence of the higher-mids and highs.

Hi there,
Anybody have this rack ?

Is it better than Doepfer A 100 p9 case ?

What do you think ?

I had two issues with my doepfer rack a 100 p9, so i'm thinking to buy this one for replace the both doepfer.
Let me know your "reviews"


Nice smooth and fast deals with @Hrtl and @aierror both fantastic.

Otherwise... how would we all be able to use modular synths if nobody can listen to it because a DC signal might destroy our speakers... it's somehow a bit confusing to me to be honest...
-- GarfieldModular

As Lugia said, using a transformer coupled output module is a safe and professional way to avoid DC problems in studios and going into a P.A. system (if a bit costly). In real life all mixers I have used, even cheap ones, remove DC from their outputs. If things sound gnarly out of your speakers when they shouldn't you probably have DC in your signal going into the mixer (or other monitoring device). A scope will help you see that.

Back when the first synths were concocted by Bob Moog and Don Buchla, you didn't encounter a lot of DC-coupled amps. Those came along a little later, as solid state electronics for power levels typically used in amplification became more common. As a as a result of the idea that you should be able to tap a CV at any point in a patch where it might be present, including the output...the idea that the output stage of a synthesizer should be DC-coupled was rather typical, and even persists to this day with some module designers. And that's yet another reason I strongly suggest to users that they make use of a proper output module, because these tend to be (but not always!) AC-coupled only. When you have a transformer or other isolation device before that final output point, the potential for DC-caused failures drops to zero...and you also get a bit of iron in the signal path that might sound good if pushed into a bit of saturation, plus that also helps with noise and ground-loop issues. Note that this isnt the result you get by simply using typical attenuators to step the levels down for output...that, in fact, is guaranteed to pass any DC that is present on the input side of the attenuator, just scaled down but still quite capable of causing harm.

Hi AJfish114,

I saw nobody replied you yet, I am new to modular synths as well and I am in a very similar position like you as well, planning a modular system, checking out modules etcetera. I have the kind of luck of having a quite large music shop not too far away from where I live and where I can test quite a few modules (not all though). Some feedback from me:

  • Regarding Malekko - Varigate 4+ or 8+, it really depends on what you want, if you don't mind to "dive a bit in the menu" then this might be good. If you are interested you can go in this forum to the Modular Discussion section and then look for the thread called "Sequencer search, with repeat option". Up to you if you want to read the entire thread however I just got a good advice or two from some members here, please scroll down to almost the bottom of that thread starting with the reply from Lugia on Monday, the 20th of May and the reply after his one, the reply by Ronin1973. Especially the latter reply, read his opinion, I think that might be very useful for both of us, since we are new to this :-)

I have tested the Varigate 8+ a bit, without a manual (and being new to modular synths) this isn't an easy module to understand, you really need to get the manual next to it and get started with it. So if you don't mind that plus the menu structures, then you should be fine.

  • The, the Furrrrhhh generator or however it's correctly spelled ;-) I had a chance of testing that for a very short time, first there was no noise at all and I had to turn one main knob quite a bit (it's actually an encoder that's why at first I didn't got sound out of it because someone just turned it for "hours" to one side :-) ). But once you get sound out of it, oh yes, beautiful oscillators and oscillator mixes you can get out of that module. For myself I feel it's a "bit" too expensive but I really can understand why you would like to have it, good one!

  • The Maths module from Make Noise is on my wishlist as well, I had a quick look at it and tested it just shortly only at that shop here not far away from my home. This is a complicated module, nothing against that, only not sure if we as beginners should consider that to start with, I will start first with some easier modules from Make Noise (are there any? ;-) ) and then a year later or so I also will consider the Maths. It seems to be very powerful in its possibilities. You can't really do anything wrong with getting that module is what I understood from people I have met at that store. One person I met said this must be part of any modular system... well not sure if that's correct but I guess it indicates that it is a module we should consider for sure!

  • The wogglebug from the same brand, that's a fun module, at least in my opinion. I just checked my written down comments I made when I had tested this module, yes, I had tons of fun with it, just for myself I must ask the honest question to myself: "Do I really need it?" Not sure, but it's good mood fun this module; so up to you really.

All other modules you have shown or mentioned I can't comment on because I haven't tested them yet.

From ALM those Alkemie's modules, I haven't seen them yet in the shop, they might not have them so I wouldn't be able to test it. If you have the change of testing them or once you got them, I would be very curious about your comments on these modules, please keep me updated, thank you!

Good luck with the search for the perfect setup! What I have learned so far is... that finding that perfect setup might be a kind of illussion. I think, and that's what you are doing so that's good, start small (meaning, keep some budget to buy later on some more modules once you have gained experience with your new setup) and extend by gained experience with the modules you seem to need and/or like, something like that I will do too :-)

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Hello Wiggler with a lot of fives ;-) Thanks a lot for your reply!

Bad as in permanently kaputt --> that's bad indeed! You make me even more worried...

So that seems to be pretty bad indeed... perhaps I should approach this issue from a different angle then... what can I do to make sure that there wouldn't be a pure DC signal at the output signal of my (upcoming) modular system? Any "protection" module for that, or is there an easy trick to make sure of whatever goes out towards a line signal wouldn't have any "DC issues"?

Otherwise... how would we all be able to use modular synths if nobody can listen to it because a DC signal might destroy our speakers... it's somehow a bit confusing to me to be honest...

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