You're wanting to build up a system around a Moog Grandmother. All well and good...but to do what, exactly? Don't ask what modules are the ones you should have based on generalizations like that, because the methods for a build is created should always take the MUSICAL requirements in mind FIRST. For example, if you want to direct your musical efforts more toward something rhythmic and danceable, that gamut of modules isn't going to be the same as what you'd need if you were doing industrial/noise, or ambient, or sound design work, or...well, you get the idea.

Creating a modular system for your specific needs is not a simple process. If done correctly, it's not on the order of simplicity of going to the grocery and getting ingredients for a recipe. It requires you to really understand what your music is now, and where you want to go with it in the long-term as long as you want to avoid a pointless outlay of piles of cash on modules that you find aren't ones that work for your purposes. Plus, how well do you know that Moog? That's not been out that have you fully explored its own potential to a suitable limit where you really understand what functions it has that you want to expand upon?

Those are things you need to start on before starting in on slapping together hardware...even in a virtual form such as on MG. Spend some time in things such as VCV Rack (a modular emulator...very useful for exploring module functions and combinations). Spend time on here alongside that, looking into which modules are for what best purpose, alone and in combinations with other modules. Spend time looking at important 'historical' instruments, and find out why they were assembled with the module/circuit complements they have. And expect this to TAKE time; I know people are enamored with instant gratification these days, and ample Magic Plastic + synth retailers galore might seem to make that possible, but the plain fact is that rushing into that situation without ample preparation is a recipe for massive annoyance and fiscal ugliness...and certainly NOT any sort of gratification, unless you're a masochist.

Step 1: remove everything that's already in its own case from this case. Putting these into a Eurorack cab is a major waste of rather-costly space that should be allocated for modules that aren't cased already.

Step 2: remove any discontinued modules...Clouds, for example.

Step 3: if this is an Intellijel powered case (the layout looks like it might be), eliminate the uZeus, since you don't need to put a power supply in a powered case.

Step 4: start over. Do a lot of research on what modules do which functions before building the next attempt. Watch videos and listen to examples of modules from various manufacturers and other users. Study existing builds here on MG by experienced synthesists, also, as well as classic systems to see how they're built up. Expect to spend A LOT of time doing this, as even those who have a lot of time and experience with synthesizers know that you can't nail a modular build on attempt #1. Or even attempt #10, or #20, etc etc. This is a PROCESS of creating an instrument; simply because you can buy a lot of this off the rack with ease and ample cash these days doesn't mean that creating an optimal build is equally easy. The more likely thing that would happen without proper research and prep is that you'd be doing the same thing as putting your money in your backyard grill and setting it on fire.

Also, ask yourself if you know your musical output well enough to predict what an appropriate instrument for it would consist of. And not merely at this moment in time, but in five years...or ten...or twenty. These things COST, and it's best to have figured out that your money is being well spent in advance!

Thread: SnowRack

So, I managed to piece together an A-100 Mini System used with a 9u case. Feel pretty good about it as a start. I won't rack the Boog. LOL. I figured my next module would be the Expert Sleepers ES-8 so I can incorporate VCV.

Hey Forum,

I’m new to modular but I want to build a modular system around my Grandmother. That only modular I know I want is ALM Akemies Castle. I am looking at upto a 7u rack in size so open to suggestions and certainly considering Maths and the Strymon unit for effects (although it takes up a lot of space). So open to suggestions and in terms of sequencing I was thing of Intellijel Metropolis.

Anyway please do leave me your thoughts on this one.



I'm looking for feedback while planning my first eurorack. Experimental and sounds, I receive all kinds of advice, or instruments that I could add or change
Thanks !

I'm not affiliated with any of the players mentioned. BUT... there's a bundle now for MiniBrutes plus Rackbrute 6U for $800US (Minibrute 2 or Minibrute 2S).

It includes patch cables and a travel bag. At Perfect Circuit, you can also get 10% off for the holidays (have not confirmed that it works on the bundle... just enter the code from the banner and see).

So for $720US, you get a great Eurorack starter set. I think that's a FANTASTIC deal, personally.

Thread: URL Update

no answer?

Thread: arsenne


Expert sleepers FH-2 is a beast. I use it with my Digitakt.

No real reason, actually...Plaits should also work nicely given that it can sweep through changes in a generative system. Its predecessor, Braids, didn't exactly have that ability. It's also worth noting that I put this together about a day or so before Codex Modulex dropped their 8 hp version of the Plaits...given that, I'd suggest that if you go with Plaits, use theirs, which would allow you TWO of them in the Rubicon2's space with 4 hp left over.

Thanks, I'm completely new to modular, so I appreciate the input. If I may ask, what is the advantage of Rubicon over Plaits? surely the modal selection input of plaits makes it more suitable for chaotic/generative, Is there something I'm missing here? Wouldn't it also provide a little more space? not questioning your judgment, I just want to know the reasoning

Thread: SnowRack

There's nothing wrong with buying a pre-built system. The Doepfer A-100 looks pretty tasty. There are quite a few manufacturers who make a pre-built system: Make-Noise, Roland, etc. Generally they come in a rack that's either full or mostly full. So to expand, you'll need to purchase another rack or replace existing modules. You can always keep the pulled modules until your ready to add another case.

If you have the funds up front to go that way, it's a pretty good idea.

A unique and inspiring exploration synth, no other modules required. Never heard before music is guaranteed.

Oh okay, that makes sense! Thanks again for those tipps. Sounds like a ton of fun. Can't wait to try it out myself and hear the result!

Thread: SnowRack

In the view where you're working on your rack, you'll see a small menu in the upper-left, above the rack image. Under "Edit", select "Edit rack", and there you'll find the controls to change the rack parameters.

Highlights: 3 Things
1) Many firsts including:
i. first patch with Polyend Seq+Poly
ii. first implementation of multi-tracking
iii. first time using ADM10 as a VCA for just one voice (Kick)
2) Seq felt very intuitive and fun to use

Things to Improve: 3 Things
1) Take more time with patching to improve Intentionality (perhaps setup the patch one night then finish, document and record with it on night number 2)
2) Try to use more modulation from within the rack (did not use Synthrotek ADSR, Maths, either Disting, Tempi, Planar 2, or much of the internal ASD envelope in Mother 32) (used a lot of effects and sidechaining within Ableton to compensate, which hurt the audio quality)
3) Rings still feels cumbersome, not sure yet how it fits in the overall sound of the instrument


Rings Modes = Monophonic, Modulated/Non-linear/Inharmonic Strings


Audio Routing - First Implementation of multi-tracking in a patch of mine

Quad VCA
OUT 1 -> Focusrite Input 1
OUT 2 -> Focusrite Input 2
OUT 3 -> Focusrite Input 3
OUT 4 -> Focusrite Input 4

ADM10 (Kick)
OUT -> Focusrite Input 5 (Back)

Mother 32
VCA OUT -> Focusrite Input 6 (Back)


Colour Scheme

Track 1: Rings
- Long Red out from Poly (Gate & Pitch)
- Short Red out from ODD and EVEN to Quad VCA Inputs 1 & 2

Track 2: Mother 32
- Long Green out from Poly (Gate, Pitch, & Velocity)
- Medium Black from Dixie II to M32 LFO Rate

Track 3: Bastl Cinnamon
- Long Blue out from Poly (Gate)
- Short Blue out from Lowpass Out to Quad VCA Input 3

Track 4: Hi-Hat (Plaits)
- Long Black out from Poly (Gate)
- Short Black out to Quad VCA Input 4

Track 5: Snare (Peaks OUT2)
- Long Yellow out from Poly (Gate)
- Short Yellow out from Peaks OUT2 to MIX3 Signal Input A

Track 6: Kick (Peaks OUT1)
- Long Stackcable (Purple) out from Poly (Gate)
- Short White out from OUT1 to Audio Damage ADM10 Kompressor


This is the first patch involving Polyend Seq & Polyend Poly, where MIDI Out 1 from Seq goes to Poly, which transmits 6 Tracks on 6 MIDI Channels to various destinations around the Modular.

Seq Parameters
- Initially, 6 Tracks at full 32-step length (Tracks 7 and 8 OFF for visual convenience)
- Pattern 1-1 with all Tracks routed to Out1
- Tracks are arranged as follows:
1) Rings
2) Mother32
3) Bastl Cinnamon Cutoff CV
4) Hi-Hat from Plaits
5) Snare from Peaks
6) Kick from Peaks

- Since little is known about Seq (will study it in 2 months' time), achieved variation mostly by changing individual track lengths by odd and even values (should attempt Steevio's Primes approach as an exercise)
- Changing pitches for Rings and M32
- Velocity values for Track 3 Bastl Cinnamon Cutoff CV
- Varied Gate Lengths and Velocities for Mother 32


Thread: SnowRack

Are you talking about MG rack build? How do you edit the rack size?

Thread: SnowRack

84 hp cabs are very common, but with the wealth of stuff out there these days, it makes more sense to go bigger, such as 104 or 126 hp. Back when you just had a handful of Eurorack firms, cooking up something basic in 2 x 84 made sense, but these days it seems to me to be a better idea to go bigger. And after all, if your MG build uses a 126 hp cab but you find you can cram what you need into 104, you can always edit the cab size back down.

A 104 hp cab would work. Also, have a look at Erica's 126 hp offerings...they do a single row 126 hp case with a serious power supply (1.25A on both 12V rails) for not a helluva lot of money. Then you can add a few more widgets...bonus! ;)

Thread: SnowRack

Also, the reason I put the Model D in there is because thats the only unit I own.

Thread: SnowRack

I've been playing with VCV. I enjoy it.

Thread: SnowRack

Thank you guys!! This is exactly the kind of feedback I need. I'm extremely new to this. I was thinking of getting the pre build Doepfer A-100 things. Is that a good direction to start? Or by pieces. Thanks

Thank you.
I had the two 2hp Adsr originally and I can’t remember why I took them out. So basically I should get a 104hp and add an output. Thanks it’s very much appreciated

@djthopa is super fast and super friendly. Thanks!

It varies from VCO to VCO. Some are very good about having a very low voltage drop due to the exponential converter. Others, not so much so. But four VCOs does start to get you into the zone where having a buffered mult to divide your VCO CVs is a wise idea. Better safe than sorry, if tuning is critical.

Yes...but have a look at this variation instead:
ModularGrid Rack
This changes the arrangement to help with signal/programming 'flow'...control left, output/final processing right, etc. I swapped out the Maths with a pair of A-171-2 VCSs, each of which is more or less half a Maths. This then allowed two more 2hp ADSRs, which will be useful for the A-135-2 Quad VCA Mixer to give you dynamic control over your outputs and/or the Clouds redux. No space for an output module, though, so you'll either have to run into an outboard attenuator or a mixer that can handle synth-level signals. Use a handful of inline mult widgets, and you're set!

Both, as they're not the same sort of thing. The Sisters is a very weird sort of multimode-meets-formant arrangement, great for overall spectral reworking. But the Optomix is actually a pair of lowpass gates with a summing mixer, which means you can take your Sisters outputs on into that and apply the percussive Buchla-esque 'plooks' with the Optomixes LPGs. Put a normal Sisters output on one LPG and the "Centre" on another, and you can tandem your sound back and forth percussively in patterns between "clean" and "FMed" filter responses. Fun stuff!

Say you I'd like to have four oscillators that can play at the same time, in order to keep them in tune over time and over different octaves they require an active buffered multiple correct? Or at what point do they require a multiple to stay in tune? Maybe I'm confused

Thanks @phines @Lugia. Yr help is very much appreciated. Of course, it may all change in the actually execution of the plan. I'll be sure and come back here to show you the progress as it happens. Cheers! :D

any help would be appreciated but would this work out?

received my VCA-4MX from @Groove_Addict
Portugal to the USA has you on pins and needles - but, I got it!!

Thanks, man!!!

Thanks for the positive feedback. Really glad to hear I'm going in the right direction, especially from such an experienced synthesist like you Lugia. The quad VCA will be on the "first to buy" list :)

Morphagene seems like a great choice too. I'll give myself some more time to think about that. But I gotta agree, Rainmaker seems to be an amazing delay module with endless possibilities. Definitely going for this one.

As for sequencing. Outboard gear is an option, thanks for the suggestions. At first glance, I like the Squarp Pyramid. But since I will be moving the system from my apartment to my studio quite a bit (which is another reason why I went for the Intellijel Case), I think the best option, in the long run, will be a sequencer in the system itself. Just not sure which one to get. Voltage Block + Varigate looks also nice. So many options.....

One more question: is the Sisters Filter enough to start, or should I put the Optomix on the "first to buy" also?

Thanks @Jamma for the module Tiptop audio ONE! Mint condition and fast shipping!

nice, thanks a lot! follow up question: is there a hack to convert the xor into a mix 1+2 out?

they are limited and exclusevely made for ModularAddict.

here is the link:

Thread: SnowRack

Total agreement here, Ronin...that Model D really has no place in a small cab of that sort...or, potentially, any cab. Consider that a Minimoog (which it's a copy of) is actually a very simplistic build, one which these days could theoretically be assembled in Eurorack in half the space of the Model D (or less!). Leave it in its own case where it belongs, use the space for something more productive.

As for that, again, Ronin's spot on. There's a serious, crippling lack of modulation sources, VCAs, timing/logic, filters, processors (pretty critical for ambient!), mixing and utilities. Stop working in this direction; instead, take some time to explore what other experienced MG users are doing, as well as looking at classic modular and patchable synths to see how they're designed and what implementations those designs help create. VCV isn't a bad idea, either...start with emulating something basic such as the Minimoog architecture in it BUT with the patchability that modular allows. See how this functions on that simple level...then begin experimenting with how to extend that. Translate the results into practice builds back here in MG. Also, examine what artists you enjoy and respect use, how they use it, and again how you can build onto that to make something that's very much your own.

You won't nail a design in 'one' unless you do massive research, and even then, it would be a real fluke to get EVERYTHING right. Make mistakes. Make lots of them. Screwing up on MG = no money lost. Not so much so if you try this with real hardware first.

You did your research well here...I don't see anything that I can really fault in this build. As for the VCA implementation, go ahead and put the Quad VCA in, since VCA control is such a basic function and you'll want all of the basics in place before making the final decisions.

As for the later bits: the Nebulae isn't a bad choice, and another option to consider if you can find the space would be MakeNoise's Morphagene. Replacing the Rainmaker, though...I wouldn't. If you want an insanely-comprehensive and complex delay line, that module rivals even some of the most complex and celebrated outboard gear, and that makes it an optimal pick for its purpose.

Sequencing: have you also considered outboard? I'm planning for a KOMA Komplex, myself...the concept seems very open-ended, capable both in studio and live work. It would also free up space for additional modules in the cab itself, while defining the sequencer as a proper controller by placement. But there's plenty of possibilities beyond that one, like the Squarp Pyramid or Kilpatrick's Carbon.

Either the 2hp ones or the Intellijel. With the former, you get quantity. But the latter offers functionality in that you get summing and a variable response curve.

Thread: SnowRack

Here's what I see... I'm not trying to beat up on your decisions. But I see a lot of issues.

First, don't rack mount the Behringer. Your Eurorack space is expensive and the Boog is huge. Use that rack space for more modules. You can always patch to and from the Boog next to your rack.

There's a complete lack of LFOs. There's one in the Boog but it's extremely basic.

Envelopes. You have one envelope. But it's just a standard ADSR with no frills. Check out the Tip Top Audio Z4000NS. You get a ton more features including the ability to modulate each stage of the ADSR. That will be helpful for ambient in my opinion. You probably want more than one ADSR in your rig.

Filters? Filters can shape, blend your sound and modulate it when connected to modulators. There are many types and set-ups. I would investigate a two channel multi-mode filter.

Sequencers? Are you going to run this as a stand alone rack or connect it to your DAW? Both? How are you going to generate CV, gates, triggers?

VCAs? What's on the Boog isn't going to cut it.

Utilities? Buffered Mults, logic modules, envelope followers, quantizers, etc., there's an entire subset of utilities that you should have.

My thought is this. You're not ready to put together a rack. You need to learn more of the basics before spending your money so you're not wasting it or regretting your decisions. I would download VCV rack (it's free) and start patching. I think there's a virtual "Clouds" simulator in it as well other digital versions of Mutable modules. Put in the rack 2-4 ADSRs, a sequencer, two to three VCOs, and lots of VCAs. Make some things and modulate them.

ModularGrid Rack
Hi Everyone

Looking for some advice, tipps & tricks before jumping into the world of modular! Heads up - Long post ahead!

Some Background information:
I've been researching and learning about modular for about half a year now. Mainly from watching tons of videos, checking out this forum, reading Pacht&Tweak and now I finally want to get my hands on some modules. I think I got some basic knowledge built up but I learn a lot faster if I can actually try out some stuff I read and hear the outcome. I've been producing mostly electronic music (dub techno, micro house, deep tech) with Ableton and some outboard gear like the Nord Lead A1, Korg MS-20 mini and TR8.

What kind of sound would I like to achieve?
I really like the sound from Plaits and Tides. Absolutely love the chord modes on those modules, which I would like to use for making rhythmic, evolving patterns / soundscapes. I really like the sound of clouds. So I decided that I would get a secondhand Module or go for the microburst or microclouds, whichever is easier to get my hands on here in the Europe. I want Plonk to be my source of percussive sounds, which I would like to run through Rainmaker to create some interesting rhythm. Love how you can modulate the pitch of all 16 taps from Rainmaker. Batumi will be my main source of modulation. I also really like the way Nebulae works, especially the option to manipulate speed and pitch separate. I want to use Nebulae to record random samples from Plonk to create little Sample Packs. I once read that with a firmware update, you can record directly onto the USB stick. With Sisters I think I got a great sounding Filter, but I'm also open for suggestions. And I really dig the analog sound of the STO in combination with the Optomix Lowpass Gate, which also gives me some mixing capabilities.

Starting Plan:
For the Case, I want to go with Intellijel's 104HP 7U Case (+12 V output at 3000 mA, -12 V output at 3000 mA and +5 V output at 1500 mA. - I think that should give me enough headroom?)
For the first Modules I'm considering Plaits, Tides and Plonk as my soundsources, the 1U tiles for Midi, Ins & Outs, VCA/Mixer, a multiple, as well as a headphone amplifier for some utility. In the Future, I want to set-up Pamelas New Workout as a slave from the 1U Midi Module, which syncs to ether some hardware or Ableton (I hope that makes sense?). I also want to start with the quad VCA (or is the 1U tile enough for the start? From all I hear, you can never have to many VCA's :D), the Envelope Generator from Erica Synth, Batumi für modulation, and Clouds for effects. Does it make sense to start with these modules or am I going to fast?

I want to hold up on the eloquencer. At the moment, I'm not sure which sequencer ist the best choice (I'm also thinking about voltage block or 1010s Toolbox). So for the start, I thought I would use Arturia's Keystep.
I want to get to know my other soundsources first, before getting the STO. And I don't want to start with to much.

Next up in line to purchase after getting to know my first modules in the Starting Plan would be Rainmaker and the Nebulae V2. I looked at some alternatives, like the Tape Delay Unit Magneto from Strymon, Morphogene, or the sampler from 4MS, but kept coming back to these two. Maybe someone with experience with these Modules can give me some insight to why they chose one over the other?

Sorry for the long post, but I hope I could give some insight on what I would like from my future Modular System. I'm really looking forward to not only a great learning experience, but also the little sonic surprises you get while experimenting with different patches.
Thanks a lot for reading and any kind of feedback will be highly appreciated!

where can i get the black panel for my moons?

Yes, nothing against the Malekko 4hp via; I just meant that you might have trouble finding one.
You can't go wrong with the Intellijel vca. Xaoc Tallin or the Malekko Vca in 6hp should also be nice.
I don't know the 2hp-vca, but this has the advantage to give you two additional vcas of course, which is nice...

Eurorack enthusiasts have 2 disreputable sources of quantitative data on the community: random MW polls and ModularGrid's "in rack" count.

I wanted to provide the community with something a little more reliable and robust. Do you have 5 minutes to take this little survey? It will close on 31 December, and I'll publish a results report in January.

Your privacy will be respected. The results of this survey will be shared in aggregate only; individual responses will not be shared with any other individuals or entities. I'm a data analyst by day, have no Eurorack-related business interests, and am receiving no compensation for this survey or its analysis.

Thanks Phineas! Great to have your point of view. And thanks for the complements, too. :)

At first I took yr comment to mean that a quantiser could replace the VCA, but I see what yr saying - I could go for a smaller hp quantiser and then free up some space for a bigger VCA. :)

Any recommendations for VCAs I should be looking at? Maybe something like this?

ModularGrid Rack

Or this?

ModularGrid Rack


Thread: SnowRack

Hey noob here. Building first rack. Going for ambient and soundscapes. Thoughts?

I've built a few of these modules. They are super-fun builds, and handy functionality. I've used the AND gate and the VCA on several patches to good effect.

Also super helpful when your rack is running low on HP or power...

The "OR" gate saved me the other day; i wanted to patch together to modules at opposite ends of my rack and I didn't have a long enough cable. So I used the OR like a cable extender. Of course, then I decided it would be interesting to plug an LFO into the other input,... :)

Would love to see these listed on Modular Grid! Mystic Circuits is already listed as a vendor, so should be possible.