Hello modularies,

I'm looking for a sequencer module (under 16HP preferably) with step input capabilities, i.e that has an input that can record the incoming voltage and store it to the current step.
The reason behind this is I want to be able to quickly input sequences directly from my WMD Monolith keyboard via its V/oct output into the sequencer.
Advise me!

Has anyone bought this module of Error Instruments. How's the overall built quality and reliability? Also, on all the demos the guy posted on YT the sounds seems really low-quality and distorted. Can you record/playback some cleaner sounds?

Dear Irish mate,

Thanks for posting this, I had no idea, so buying from Belfast is now a nope situation but Dublin and most of the island is still good. Very nice, I for one am glad to still have you with us
-- toodee

I have to admit I do not know the situation when buying from RoI to Northern Ireland and vice-versa.

Hello my European fellow.

Since the start of the year I have noticed that I've been receiving much less messages re. my modules for sale. And in the few I have received, one of the questions is always "will I have to pay custom fees?".
This makes me realise there is a lot of confusion regarding Brexit across the continent, and this is affecting us Irish people. So I wanted to clear things out:
- The Republic of Ireland is an independent country which is not part of the UK.
- It is still a member of the EU, and we use the same Euro currency as most EU countries. There is NO custom fees when buying from RoI.
- Northern Ireland, however, is separate from RoI and IS part of the UK, therefore you'd probably have to pay custom fees.

On a side note, all this is explained on every single of my ads, which means that people do not read ads properly before getting in touch. So please, RTFA people! :D


I think I'd be great to have a section in the marketplace where people can post ads for cases, enclosures, etc in the various modular formats. Not sure how easy it'd be to set it up to be as sophisticated than for the modules but at least having a forum subsection for this would be a good start. What d'ya think?

Wow, never even saw that feature existed, thanks for pointing this out mode_analogue! That's much handier for sure.


I'd be very handy to have the ability to easily duplicate a module if one wants to, for instance, create a 2nd version of a module with an alternative panel (or colour) without having to recreate the module from scratch and fill in all the details again.

The handiest will be to add a duplicate button on the module edit page to instantly create a new instance of the module that is all pre-filled and one only have to change, say, the picture.