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You can just patch your attenuated LFO right into the VCO 1 CV input. The LFO will be added to the sequence, but only VCO1 will drift. So if the SEQ PITCH MOD is switched to VCO 1&2 you'll get a nice detune effect between both VCOs.
If you mult the LFO into VCO 2 CV, too, both VCOs will pitch drift together (mult with e.g. a multiple module or a stackcable).
Mind that the LFO should be attenuated VERY much. Typical LFOs swing between -5 and +5V which means 10 octaves in V/Oct terms. So the drift might be way too drastic. In my experiment I did to verify this concept the attenuator is open just a hair - literally. So you might be better off with two attenuators in a row to have more wiggle room for fine tuning ;-)

Moog released a firmware update (1.1.0) for Subharmonicon. Great improvements!
Just wanted to let you know I ran into an issue with the SysEx process (with solution, if someone has the same problem):
I have my Subharmonicon built into a larger Eurorack case and the SysEx transfer didn’t work at all (Mac mini M1, SysEx Librarian 1.5, Focusrite Scarlett 2i4)
...Until I put the Subharmonicon into the case it came in – then the transfer worked flawlessly!
So if someone runs into that same problem, that might help.
You can put it back into your Eurorack case after the process is finished, if you don't like cluttered desktops ;-)

Ah, great! Thanks Lugia for setting my GAS on fire ;)
Am hooked on DFAM and Subharmonicon for quite a while now.
But the Spectravox sounds just awesome! Totally blown away :D
Please, Moog!!!!

Maybe you should consider leaving out Voltage Block in a case this small. The Moog Triptychon has got at least 5 sequencers already. And Pams can do some quantized pitch stuff, too, and all sorts of gate and trigger sequencing naturally! Thus you'd get much more HP to play with and put in more utilities (MI Links for starters?) Or better still: leave empty and see which of Disting's features you might like a dedicated module for and fill those HP along the way... Nobody says you have to start with a full case ;-D

May sound boring, but I find myself using dedicated attenuverters a lot with DFAM... And mixers are always in full use for mixing modulation sources and mixing the Subharmonicon's VCO outs for chords or pads. Consider a matrix mixer (like AI Synthesis AI008) as you can route FX sends with it. Farkas is right: an FX module might come in handy as well. Or you can use effects pedals via ADDAC Pedal Integrator or similar devices.
And a precision voltage adder might be very useful (like VPME T43 or Doepfer A-185-2).
Cheers and all the very best for 2022 erveryone :-D

The sweetest analog hi-hat sound imo comes from a DFAM, but since I use my DFAM more and more for lead and bass sounds, there is a Patching Panda Hatz2 module in my rack. Can achieve very nice open and closed hat timbres, choking and accents. Available as a ready built module or DIY kit. Just recently I ordered a kit by Skull & Circuits named Metall-o-tron II to pass the time in any upcoming lockdown. Haven't built it yet, but am looking forward to it :)
In terms of HP economics the 2hp Hat can't be beat obviously, but I like to keep it all analog.

In Europe it's in stock in a few stores (e.g., martin pas in italy). Don't know where you are located. Probably you'll find it used, too. Like here on MG Marketplace (right on the module's info page below the description) or on, eBay maybe...

I ordered from Ladik several times in the last months and shipping from Czech Republic to Hamburg, Germany always was super fast (even faster than from Berlin to Hamburg). So my guess is on Covid (very high numbers in Czechia) and the usually huge amounts of parcels around this time of year. My fingers crossed for you sacguy71!

I can confirm Farkas' description of the Polivoks II. It's a bit dirty and I can't get it to fully close, but it is quite versatile especially for gnarly bass or lead lines.
A hugely underrated filter in my view is the Pole-Zero by WMD SSF with integrated VCA. It's got a nice small footprint and affords a wide range of sounds from smooth to overdriven saturation. I find myself coming back to it in nearly every patch and use it mostly for polyphonic stuff or leads. The integrated VCA is a nice feature as well and it tracks V/Oct quite nicely.

Hi Farkas,
I can REALLY recommend that XAOC Sarajewo you've been eyeing anyway. When you sync it to your PAMs and then step modulate the delay time... man - so many interesting and harmonically rich sounds! And a very hands on unit with absolutely no menu diving involved - which I love!
If you want to put some polyphony into your rack (and maybe sell some of your "outrack gear") I'd recommend Subharmonicon - best inspiration and harmony machine ever! Though it's 60 hp and carries a hefty price tag... Instruo Harmonaig and Saich make a great pair as well. I find it pretty handy to have those polyphonic elements integrated in my rack, but I guess you are good with your external polyphonics, so never mind ;-)

Really inspiring – ace job!

Oh yes, working out power consumption for individual cases can be a pain when you use the combo-rack method. Got 5 cases at the moment. I tend to duplicate the huge rack and then delete all modules down to the one case I want to check...

I did it like farkas, but you can open two separate browser windows, set them up side by side and then cut, copy and paste modules using the keyboard shortcuts. But is a bit tedious, so I'll stick to my way too huge 'combo'-rack...