1) 2x veils because I got overloaded with options for 2nd Quad VCA. Wasnt 100% on the Malekko read bleeds noise
2) Is 2x Disting + O&C to much - flexibility
3) Is 2x PNW overkill? I can always start with 1x PNW & 1x Veils (or other Quad VCA)
4) Having PNW, Disting, and O&C feels like a bit to much menus. Can I get away with 1 level deep changes?
5) Still have Endorphin.es complex OCI, will still look at others (tiptop), thanks for pointing me to the Brenso. Still researching
6) Kept plaits for 2nd easy to select voice
7) Still have queen of pentacles in there, I like the idea of nob turning etc. over keypad interfaces. Had 3 analog drums, and 4 samples I can switch around.
8) Effects - resonator, data bender, etc. What module would you switch out to get one in, and which one?
9) Get rid of O&C 1U and get some buffered or un-buffered mults?
-- endyii

The beauty of modular is you can do whatever you want

Drop one Pam's and one Veils to leave room for Beads

Take a look at Falistri instead of Maths. If you choose Falistri a CV attenuverter / mixer would be a nice addition. Something like Frap Tools 321 or Happy Nerding 3x MIA

Mults would be a waste of space.

another idea just for fun

ModularGrid Rack

Left side is sequencing (Varigate + Voltage Block) and drums (BIA & LXR)

Right side is a complex oscillator (Brenso), a little modulation (Nano Rand & Falistri) and effects (Arbar, Data Bender & Freez).

Pamela's New Workout, more modulation and some CV attenuation/mixing would be great additions

Keep the MI modules. Plaits and Beads are amazing

Added some suggestions to your rack.

ModularGrid Rack

Quadratt - Tame wild CV from Mimetic and Pam's before sending to BIA and SD
Midi - for clock syncing and melody programming from other devices
Stereo Mixer - to mix and connect to the palette 1/4 jacks

Pam's - Clock and synced modulations
Euclidian Circles - 6 channels of mathematically derived gate rhythms and manual step sequencing
Mimetic - stepped CV sequencing and modulations
BIA - kick or bass lines
Sample Drum - drums and breaks
Versio - awesome FX unit that can be reprogrammed with alternate algorithms

Patch to send modulations like crazy from Pam's and Mimetic. This will bring BIA, Sample Drum and Versio to life

If you'd rather focus on melodies and note programming, then swap out Versio for Scales or Pico SEQ. Maybe drop Pam's since you don't like menu diving, then add one of the note sequencers and keep some effects in the palette.

then... get a bigger case :D

This looks like a really good starter system. There are a lot of opportunities to discover sounds by sending modulations from Pams to BIA and Sample Drum.

What do you feel like you're missing?

The 1u Midi interface would allow tighter integration with your Roland and Behringer

A dedicated audio mixer might be useful. There's an Intellijel 1u option or Mixup are designed to work with the case outputs

If you want to do manual rhythm sequencing Steppy or Varigate would be a nice addition. Take a look at Zularic or Numeric Repetitor if you want to discover interesting rhythmic patterns. Euclidian Circles does rhythms based on mathematic divisions

If you want melodies Varigate can be set for 2x Gate + 2x CV... and it can act as a master clock for Voltage Block. Some other good melody sequencing options would be: Scales, Pico SEQ, Super Sixteen or Bloom. People love or hate Bloom so research before you buy


You would be very wise to take everyones advice and get a Tip Top Mantis. You'll thank yourself as your module collection grows... BUT... Personally, I enjoy creating individual "instruments" from smaller cases, so I took a run at what I think would be a fun little 84hp inside the NiftyCase

ModularGrid Rack

PICO Seq is a surprising little sequencer. Pam's for all sorts of clocks and timed modulations. Plaits because authentic Mutable Instruments are the best (boo Uli). Forbidden Planet from your original build, but I like Lugia's MMM filter choice better. Maths because Maths isn't too complicated. Veils VCA as suggested above. Beads for granular and reverb. PICO DSP for another layer of FX. Mixup to finish everything off

To hit your 1500 Euro budget most modules can wait since you're planning to sequence (and presumably record / add effects) with Ableton. A great start would be: Plaits, Pam's and Maths, then add modules as you learn what you need

This took a bit of time, which was mainly spent on brainstorming module shrinking and function combining. But to do a proper build, those are important.> -- Lugia

Another work of art from @Lugia. You could charge for rack optimizations / critiques

You could save space and money in your rack by getting an all in one drum synth and sequencer like Tukra

Gives you 8 drum voices and sequencer in one module not bad price either. Then you only need a quad VCA and few utilities.
-- sacguy71

Whoah... This is awesome. Thanks for sharing

Some suggestions:
Stages & 3xMIA instead of Maths
Pamelas New Workout & Varigate 4+ (or Steppy) instead of Circles
Quad Drum & Plaits instead of Erica Synths Drum modules

Something like this would be more fun and flexible IMO:

If you're interested in synthesizing your own drum sounds check out Percall paired with raw sound sources.
mylarmelodies created a really amazing small system including Percall

Check out Bloom as a sequencer. It's a love it or hate it module, but can work really well for unorthodox acidy bassline sequencing.

+1 for Bastl Waver

Frap Tools 321 would be a nice addition. I also pretty much always recommend Zadar

Fun alternates for Maths would be Stages or Zadar.

I'd start with Pam's, Zadar and Disting. Then add a wicked effect module like Mimeophon, Beads, Nebulae or Arbhar.

I'd probably fill the 16hp with a MN Mimeophone or the new 14hp MI Beads, then swap out the 2x 2hp for a Disting Mk4.

Pam's is always a great choice

Oh...and I saved you $90.
-- Lugia

Hah! Great critique with whip cream and a cherry on top.

Thanks, helpful to see someone going in a similar direction and some other interesting modules to think about. Yes, agree about the Mutable originals - could be a good use of my spare space.
-- ntrancer

Yeah, jump in! ES9 + Plaits with VCV is plenty to get started. Check out the great M4L utilities for CV in Ableton. Once you've spent some time with VCV you'll have a better idea for the next few modules. Maths (or another DUSG), a quad VCA and effects would be my choices

If you're anything like me, the direction of my rack quickly changed after getting started. It's much more "out-of-the-box" than I expected. Glad I didn't buy everything at once.

Hopefully you'll get lucky and Lugia or another legend will take an interest in your rack and rip it to pieces (with love of course).

You'll get much better advice from others on this forum, but I'm on a similar path with the ES9 + Ableton + Piston Honda

My suggestion would be to start slow. Get ES9 and Plaits then figure out where you want to go

Honda paired with a Zadar or Kermit for modulation is an amazing standalone drone machine

Authentic Mutable Instruments modules quality and ergonomics are worth the expense and HP.

I was headed to this rack, but got sidetracked
ModularGrid Rack

You'd be wise to listen to Lugia's advice.

Marbles is a natural for what you described, but also check out Bloom if you want deliberate direction to your generated sequences. Warning: Bloom is a love it or hate it module. Read the reviews

Zadar is amazing and can add slowly evolving complex modulation to your ambient soundscapes

Everyone needs Maths or another DUSG

Effects to check out:
FX aid is a favorite for traditional effects.
Make Noise Morphagene, Mimeophone for creative effects
Qu-Bit Nebulae
Instruo arbhar or Lúbadh

Frap Tools 321 is such a simple, useful and beautiful thing

Scale + Flip + Shift + Combine


Pam's and O&C are great, but Varigate 4+ is more fun.

IMO Percall is essential for a minimal viable party. You're going to want a function generator eventually. Take a look at Maths, Rampage, Falistri or something like Stages.

This could use some refinement, but here is an alternate idea
ModularGrid Rack

Check out: Maths, Plaits, Pamela's New Workout, Disting

You can do a basic mix and output with 4ms Listen instead of the array of modules needed in the current configuration