I'm looking for some general thoughts, advice, and tips to improve on my rack evolution.
I posted awhile back and have looked back at that thread a few times and slowly the lightbulbs have come on, so hoped trying this again might provide me more to think about going forwards.
The last few years exploring eurorack has been very enjoyable for me, I've made a few mistakes along the way, but each of them has taught me something and I'd say that I've very few regrets. Something started to click recently and subtly I started to change the way I used my system, from a bit of a random playground where I wanted a bit of everything to try, into something a little more structured.
This is my current rack:

and my overflow rack:

The Metron and Arpitecht unlocked something in my brain, I swapped out my pico drums for the LXR and I now feel like I have something I can really work with as a foundation. I've had the same patch plumbed in for a month, and it has been really satisfying trying different things with it, making small adjustments and building out a couple of tracks that I can move between. The sl3kt is either driving the same melody to godspeed, twin waves and plaits, or splitting them up for the occasional variation.
Mixing however is a pain, in my current patch one veils I'm using just to mix dry & wet signals & sidechain on the non drum stereo mix, the other I'm using to control the level of the godspeed, twin waves and plaits before everything ends up in the jumble henge --> disting --> octatrack
The main things I want to change are to add in a matrix mixer (I'm happy to wait for the ritual electronics one) and a better pre-output mixer. I've looked at the performance mixer, and the cosmix pro, but really cant decide which would be the best fit / compromise.
Things I'd probably plan to take out to make space in order: Plaits (this was one of my first modules, but I've only recently started to enjoy it, so this is a tough one, but I do think I have too many sound sources in one case), bin seq, fractio solum, 2hp vca, freez, contour or tides, plog, ears and at a push the quad quantiser which isnt getting a lot of use right now.
One example would be like this, dropping the muxlicer if I were to go with the larger mixer:

Generally the choice of what mixer to get is baffling me no matter how much I look into it.
A final thought before I hit post... If I could find space for some kind of compressor / sidechain I think that could help simplify my end of chain too and relieve some pressure on an inverted envelope being multed to the vca for godspeed, twin waves, plaits and lubadh.