I tend to stick with Elevator Sounds patch cables but their own brand ones only go up to 2m https://www.elevatorsound.com/product/elevator-sound-green-200cm-eurorack-cable/

It would be great if we could filter the Marketplace based on the function of the module

I've got the AI008 and I love it - fitted it with full sized pots and Bastl style knobs from Thonk

A 7mm hand reamer like this is perfect for making the panel holes slightly larger https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Straight-Groove-Reamer-Alloy-Tolerance/dp/B08JGM36J3?th=1

This is where I've settled for now

ModularGrid Rack

On the mixing from I went for the SSF Vortices and really liking it

FX Aid XL has replaced the Pico DSP

And I'm trying a uScale as a quantizer

I seem to have run out of space for now but still have a matrix mixer partly built so guess I'm going to need to expand the case soon

Looks like it’s on 19/20 Aug 2023 - https://divkidvideo.com/modular-meets-leeds-2022/

If you're close enough to Bristol, it's well worth taking a trip to Elevator Sounds and having play with the filters in their rack

take a look at the kassutronics quantizer.. nice lay-out of functions - awful wooden panel, but that's a taste thing - and double channel
-- T0MMI001

Thanks, I'd missed this had CV control first time I looked

Not sure about the buttons being in a circle and panels can always be replaced!

I always recommend the same, I have it and I am very happy.
There are 4 mono channels with CV, send and return, mutes and pan. They are also chainable, so you can grow using the same output. 4 channels plus master are 18HP, but the ergonomics are quite good, at least for me. The price-quality ratio is great.
-- ferranadsr

Thanks… the Tex Mix definitely isn't for me. I had one about a year ago, it was just too cramped and eventually got returned as it had a scratchy pot

I'll have a think about the other ideas, the only way the Pico DSP stays is if it can live of the right hand side of the case - it's just too small an fiddly otherwise

This is where I currently am after 18 months into my modular journey.

ModularGrid Rack

Case is a custom 6u 104hp build with Konstant Lab's BoardPWR for power. At some point in the next year I'm going to go up to a 9u case but that's about as large as I can go for the moment (limited space in the house)

As far as other modules I've got a Noise Reap Paradox, Make Noise STO, A-151 and A-183n that I swap in and out. Also got a Zlob Triple Cap Chaos, Triple Diode Chaos, CuteLabs Missed Opportunities and AI Systhesis matrix mixer to build.

I can also see me buying some more utilities like a Compare 2, Branches, logic and attenuators etc. and perhaps some filters e.g. want to play with a QPAS, probably want to play with a complex oscillator at somepoint but not sure I'm ready for them ATM.

Generally I try to avoid anything 4u and below that has a knob on it but there are exceptions, and as work in tech I'm more interested in modules with tactile controls rather than ones with digital interfaces.

Music wise I tend to listen to mostly electronica and ambient - Carbon Lifeforms, Marconi Union, Jon Hopkins, Urlich Schauss, even occasionally Steve Reich etc.

And the music (noises?) I'm mostly making tends to follow evoling ambient with occasional percussive elements but I'm really still experimenting, exploring and having fun!

I'm still new to this and open to thoughts, comments and other feedback on what I've got so far and where I'm thinking of going.

Quantizing is the area I'm least sure about and I think I'm actually pretty OK on the others below but writing my thoughts out helps me so feel free to prod at them


This is probably what I need to tackle first as I'm current using the Disting for this and I really dislike it (don't like the UI). Know I could also use Pam's for this but want something that doesn't involve menu diving and has immediacy so unless someone produces an expander with buttons think this rules out O&C too.

I've read multiple manuals and watched a fair few videos and I think what I really want right now is the simplicity of a couple of uScale IIs but as they're discontinued I'm looking at other modules - Intellijel Scales, Shakmat Bard Quartet or ADDAC207. Are there any others I should look at? Must have buttons to chose the notes though


The ergonomics of the Doepfer and ST Mix don't work for me as the ST Mix is too cramped.

Currently thinking of getting the SSF Vortices as it's got enough channels, and has voltage control for fading, panning etc. I can use the existing mixers as submixers if I need them, would use right angled cables for the lower sockets to keep the cables out of the way.


I think I'm going to replace the Pico DSP with an FX Aid (XL probably) but not sure what to do with the Echoz... I guess it's OK but wondering about replacing it with a DaisySeed based module perhaps patch.init so I can experiment with programming it


I'm having fun with the Turing Machine & SQ-1 but want a bit more CV control so thinking along the lines of TipTop Z8000 and perhaps Transient Modules S8 coupled with something like a Grids clone, Steppy etc to clock / reset / hold them (can also PNW for euclidean etc, clock dividers, logic too)

Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading this far…

I nearly maxed out the power with a Konstant Labs StrongPWR. It most likely provides more power than I can ever use in a 2x 84hp case. Why did I do it?
-- Arrandan

I went the same route for my case, the other thing is it’s expandable - can add a larger PSU, another power board and two more bus boards to support 12u cases

NB I think Noise Reap closed
-- JimHowell1970

It is but the designs have been open sourced with few restrictions


Bella Gliss might be an interesting alternative if you’re happy with crowd funding https://www.crowdsupply.com/augmented-instruments/gliss

Anyone know if the Enigma is compatible with a MK2 MTM Turing Machine?

I couldn’t see Juno listed in the merchants the deal applied to but can see Rubadub in there


Thread: Enough VCAs

You of course DO realize that, if you made the lower row a set of modulators and voltage sources, what you'd have there is a pretty substantial analog computer.
-- Lugia

I was about to reply to you with this link https://github.com/katef/eurorack-cpu

And then I saw who posted the rack 😛

You're going to need a master section to go with the Tex Mix stereo module - https://www.modulargrid.net/e/tesseract-modular-tex-mix-master-section

Befaco's ST Mix gives 4 stereo channels in a smaller space but doesn't have send & returns, mutes etc., and depending on where you're audio goes after it you might need an output model e.g. ALM HPO (you could of course be going straight to an outboard mixer)

It's one of my modular bug bears… too many modules that are built for manual control e..g mixers, have the jacks at the bottom

Excellent trade with @blib_blib, well packed, arrived quickly, and works as described


Bought a filter from @tom_android recently

Was well packed and arrived quickly (was very surprised, and pleased it arrived before Christmas)

Make: Analog Synthersizers (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Make-Analog-Synthesizers-Ray-Wilson/dp/1449345220) was a good read for me

Probably also worth asking in the Synth DIY Reddit, and DIY forum on ModWiggler too

Be handy if the marketplace could remember my choice of region and whether to include results from Reverb

I always tend to drill down to UK and no-Reverb so would save me setting this each time

It's good they helped you mate, but its yet another example of a product that obviously hadn't gone through a good enough quality control process.

Yeh, fully aware that my lack of issues may be pot luck, or maybe the result of the QC getting better over time / issues being ironed out

I think Cre8Audio get a hard time over their stuff…

I fancied playing with modular and with the NiftyBundle I got a case and some OKish modules to start building on for £222

Yes, I'm going to run out of space with only 84hp, and yes I'm going to need to replace Chipz and Cellzs sooner or later but as a place to start it's been great and very cost effective

Thread: NiftDRUM

If you wanted to drop the daisy chains I've read Befaco’s bus board will fit in a NiftyCase, suspect EO Wave's might too (whether anyone has them it stock is whole another question though!)