Thanks again, Jim. I hear you about the rack size, but I was gifted the 3u, so it is what it is. I am also going to be building it up slooooowwwllllyyyy, so in a year or two, I'll see where I'm at and possible sell my 3u for a 6u or mantis.

I'm going to start with a Manis, Pam's, and Maths, and begin the journey there... Then in a few months, I'll add a filter, maybe Wasp, quad VCA, and then I'll realize how important utilities are...

thank you for the your insight, Jim! i do have reverb and delay pedals and to save rack space i'm planning to keep effects as pedals, unless i can squeeze one in later on.

i was planning on using the keystep pro to sequence.

a second vco would be way down the line. first want to start with a manis and build around that and the mother32, grab a pams and maths or maybe make noise function to save space, and fill up the rack space ive got left with filters, vcas and utilities.

Apologies in advance for another ?wHaT sHoUlD i BuY? post, but here I am... I have done lots of research into modular but still find myself asking questions specific to my situation.

I am here to ask for your opinions on which types of modules you think I'd benefit from, and which types I don't need as much/to start. I plan on making a small modular rig (I don't have unlimited $$ for this) and will build slowly based on my needs. The rack will suplement some of my other gear. I want the rig two have max 2 voices and focus on modulating those VCOs and my Mother 32.

Gear for my modular Setup:
-Arturia Rackbrute 3U, 88hp (minus 5 hp power = 83 hp to fill)
-Mother 32 semi-modular
-Keystep pro

Other Gear in my setup
-Drumbrute Impact
-Minilogue XD

Module I Need:
-Manis Iteritas Alia VCO (I absolutely love the sounds from this module - gritty, industrial, obscure, etc. Plus, it has the built in envelope, which seems beneficial). This is the only module I know that I want to build around. The BIA is an option too, but the Manis has me sold.

Modules I think I should get:
-Pam's Pro Workout (looks immensley useful and I can't think of any reason I wouldn't benefit from it)
-Make Noise Maths (because every single person recommends it and by all accounts seems like a swiss army knife of uses for 20hp
-After Late Beehive Plaits Clone (Hard/expensive to get an original MI Plaits so I'm all for this clone based on mostly positive reviews I've read)

I plan on using this modular rig to supplement my existing setup.
I've got the Minilogue XD for chords, Mother 32 for basslines, Microfreak for whatever else I need, and Drumbrute Impact for drums.

I want this rig to provide lead melodies/arpeggios and atmosphere. Modulate the Manis and Mother 32, and possible the Plaits clone.

-What are some other modules that I should be focusing on for modulation? Or after I get a Maths, hypothetically, should I turn my focus to VCAs?
-How many VCAs do you think I'd need for this type of setup?

I appreciate you taking the time to read through this, hopefully not too redundant beginner post. Thank you in advance to any and all comments and recommendations.
