my journey is complete?

I bought a used WMD performance mixer from perfect curcuit. $630. For all the channels and the effect send, it seemed as reasonable as the cost can possibly be in modular.

Im excited to put the voltage block right next to the mixer and start modulating the mixer channels.

thanks for all the advice and recommendations, everyone.

Slim, I realised your advice to go more HP. I bought another 6U Rackbrute case. I figure I can connect the twin rackbrutes and still be reasonably portable.

Im still in the market for a mixing solution, although my 'wants' from the mixer have evolved - here they are

*effect sends
* six channels or more
* cv control / vca functionality
* stereo panning from mono input
* HP is less important than value


wow- incredible website!

just what I needed, thank you!

for some context: here's a jam from this set-up. I wasn't using the beatstep pro in this case.

Hello - thanks for taking a look at my current rack. Im still new to modular (this year) and enjoying it so much.
My rack also has a beatstep pro and a mother-32 on the side with a EH cathedral reverb

Looking for suggestions for a mixer/vca module that can be a final mixer... my needs are not set in stone but here are my 'ideal' features:
* six channels or more
* cv control / vca functionality
* stereo panning from mono input
* something close to 8HP?? 10HP???
* BONUS - sequential sequncer ability?

Sound design goals:
Percusive-focused minimal Drum and bass to complement my Moog mother-32 (with a digi reverb on the side) doing lead melodies. I may remove the blm 'rings' clone and replace with another VCO that can do folding. I really just like a sidechained bassline breathing along with the maths+drums and mother32 sounds on top. I see myself bringing in one more smaller HP drum module for a snare/clap/samples.

Right now im working in mono but would like to go stereo at the final mix. I see the utility and sense of a desktop mixer but I would like to make this rack an all-in-one-rackbrute that can leave home easily.

I am willing to make room by removing my Manhattan Analog mix, one of the Happy Nerding MIA, and the BLM Resonator.
However, I'd also like to add a wave-folding VCO and a small clap/snare/sample module. I LOVE my Malekko quad VCA (small and feature-rich) but I think a mixer would better serve me.

Ive been looking at modules like:
* AniModule M1xXOR
* ALM Jumble Henge
* Pittsburgh Modular Stereo Okapi
* Hikari Atten/Mixer
* Mannequins COLD MAC

Any ideas are appreciated, I am flexable! Also open to recomendations on a VCO and snare/clap/sample element or cool rythmic stuff.


I'm slowly enjoying all of your YouTube videos including this one yesterday. Very nice vibes.

as a newcommer I really appreciate your thorough patch explanations/breakdowns.