
A few comments:

-- I recommend you view this post https://www.modulargrid.net/e/forum/posts/index/9769 which is a very similar topic and comments from a few months back

-- I personally could not justify a modular setup this small or this small budget. Why? IMO a small modular setup will tend to underperform versus VST options a fraction of the price, or standalone options for lower price, such as standalone groove boxes (MPC, Tempest, Analog Rytm MkII, etc.) and/or standalone synths (from Sequential, Moog, etc.). IMO it takes a significant sized modular rig to start to have interesting capabilities beyond what you'd find in a good VST or standalone hardware. I can't yet design a modular rig that interests me (or justifies itself capabilities wise vs. alternatives) for under $5k.

-- keep in mind, modular is probably one of the most expensive (conventional) ways to make synthesized sound / music, and it takes some real iteration, knowledge accumulation and feedback to get a coherent, useful modular rig. Modular can be really awesome, but it takes a real investment of time, and a significant investment of $s compared to other alternatives.

-- SORRY if this is a bummer to hear, and it is only my opinion. But I do recommend you spend some time thinking why modular vs. other alternatives. Then, I'd recommend looking at a considerably bigger case, and carefully consider how much $ and time you might really put towards modular in the next 2-3 years.

-- and btw, the alternatives are still very good. An Analog Rytm or MPC plus a nice hardware synth -- killer!

Just wanted to share some perspective so if you do get into modular, its a good fit for you and it works out well.

Good luck!
