Looks like you're having a good time with what you have and would continue to with what you're proposing.
What's your thought on a sequencing / final mix rack? Kind of a beginning and end of chain type of thing?
With the addition of BitBox you also add 8 potential additional outputs and having a clean space to bring that all together could be cool.
If you go with the Hermod (no exp. but read/see good things) does that impact how, when, how often you use other modules that can clock, control, etc... and is that their best use or could a dedicated or just something else work better?
Maybe some/all of this also depends if you're using a DAW or MIDI in someway?

-- Dub007

Hmm...great points of thought for sure. Do you have any ideas for a module fulfilling that mix rack idea? In my studio setup, I have everything receiving start/stop from Ableton, but can also 'drive' from my Beatstep Pro to my modular setup (which has PAMs), but wondering if I can switch that 'drive' control from BSP to Hermod and then use BSP to sequence other things as well but maybe I'm overextending the sequencing capabilities by doing that? Was thinking if I added Queen of Pentacles I could use the drum outs from BSP to 'dedicate' to that module (or the three substitute modules I call out above).

I am in the DAW most of the time now when I'm in the studio but would like to possibly perform at some point without having to taking a laptop (which I currently don't even have because I'm on a desktop in my studio).

Definitely open to suggestions all the way around :)