
Given that you don't want to go slow. I would suggest focusing on straightforward playable modules rather than modules with a steep learning curve. Otherwise you'll end up spending hours learning how modules work rather than actually making music.

As you dislike menu diving, and you are Visual, there is a chance you won't like complex modules with lots of combos. You should consider prioritizing playable modules with one function per knob. That way you can approach each module like a little instrument.

In that perspective and based on the modules I know (only 4 in your racks!)

  • Desmodus is a keeper. Love it.
  • Bloom, I like it and the company is great, but based on my comment above I would replace it with a Turing Machine and a quantizer or something like that.
  • Queen of Pentacles, I still use it but it can get boring, as there is not much to modulate. Mem card is in the back which makes it cumbersome to change the samples. I'd replace it with a basimilus and a couple of Tymp Legios.
  • Pico DSP, I like it in small cases, but I would let go of the small modules. You have a lot of real estate and again, larger and more playable modules can help get to the music.

One last comment. Given that you'd have 3 cases full of modules. I would suggest keeping it all in there. No midi, no external gear. That way you can really focus on your setup, patches etc.

Hey, just my 2 cents :)
Have fun!