Thread: Weekend Palette - Will it work ?
Portable weekend/travel palette.
Pushing the limits of the 62hp palette beyond the 12 native power slots w/ flying bus cable, with modules that didn't make the final cut on my main rack
Techno-dub-ish delirium
Random patch notes
- Total recall will handle decay of Brooks and Pico Drum high hat through Pons Asinorum; decay of pluck
- Remaining Pons tracks will be for modulation
- Tymp legio will hanlde BD with low bass and ducking
- Brooks for mid bass
- Pluck for lead
- Peaks not sure yet, but probably snares or modulation
- Pico Drums 2nd track for bell or snares (if Peaks is on modulation duty)
- Arp...well...arp cv distributed to both Brooks, Tymp and Pluck cv/oct (they'll all have different triggers)
- Running order and Steppy - sequencing duties w/ one track of Steppy for reset variations
- Pico dsp for drum fx
- Electus (or I'll flash it for Desmodus) for fx on the pluck
- Brooks will be handled with LPG 1U and Pons Asinorum
I'd put the 2 sequencers, total recall and Arp on the same flying bus cable
Will it work ?
Any suggestions for changes ?
Thx a lot !