Thanks Lugia, very much appreciated!
In fact swapped the peaks for the 2 micro adsr straight away.
Although Peaks had a couple of more tricks as KFOs etc so....a new 1U row took off...!!

Now , just to make sure this is going in the right direction, this is the idea:
a very "musical" synth capable of handling a few different voices and rhythm evolving with a controlled rate of randomness/repetitiveness and forced within scale/chord/beat/signature.
So, Pamela should be able to both:
- "harmonically and melodically" sequence:
Pico Voice for some fine tuned melodies/chords; Pluck for melodies/percussive textures; Micròn for basslines/chords
- trigger Bastl Tea Kick, 2hp Hats and Pico drums such to create polyrhythms and groovy beats
To achieve this it can also count on a few dedicated modulation sources. Plus a couple of Distig

Again, am i missing something?
"Structural" modules have been moved to the 1Urow - mixer, multi, in/out, power...

Thanks for your help!!