Nah, you're 100% spot on, 55550. I've said numerous times that I don't tend to recommend YT vids for learning about modular...and those examples you give are a huge reason why! I don't know how many "module demos" I've seen where there's no real demonstration of how the MODULE ITSELF sounds/functions, and I feel that a lot of these deceptive "demos" are leaving prospective synthesists with the wrong idea about what results they can achieve with the device(s) in question. And also, trying to demo something in ones' own huge rig just gets confusing once all of the wires and doodads are in place; if you're dedicated to BEING a modular demo Tuber, GET A PALETTE and use that for your demos. Stop burying the module(s) in the demo patches! And don't try and make some whiz-bang patch with the best, just hook the module in question into the simplest patch conceivable that'll show off what it does. For example, if demoing a VCF, just send a basic ol' square wave into it and sweep, because it would be nice to hear how it picks off the harmonics in the waveform. I can figure out what to do at that point.