Hi JB61264, Eexee and JimHowell1970,

I am glad it works now :-) Nothing more disappointing as a module that might not work, thus so glad that you managed to get it work the way you want & need it!

Yes, I agree here with Jim, Doepfer modules are good and because most of the modules are so "pure" it's indeed, Eexee, good for starters and for a good learning curve however also for when you are beyond the starting experience. Their utility modules are pleasure pure to use and usually easy to understand.

I also agree though on the sometimes poor documentation. The older modules of Doepfer were actually good documented in both German and English, though indeed the English translation might not always be perfect in most cases it's good enough to get you going. Though I can read and understand both languages, I always start to read the English version first since I believe all (electronically and computer related) documentation should be world wide in English only (and no, my mother tongue is definitely not English related), but that's just my humble opinion as a technical guy. Only if I don't understand the English explanation, I check the German explanation to see if something got lost in translation, which is sometimes the case but not always. I found even for one or two modules (can't remember which one that were) where the English manual provided more interesting information than the German one. Recently for many newer Doepfer modules, I come to realise that the documentation gets of poorer quality or it's just not existing as JB discovered already for the A-140-2. That's a real pity indeed.

JB, for the A-140-2, you can indeed rely on the A-140-1 documentation, the principles are the same and after having read that, you will realise that the A-140-2 works pretty much in the same way however I agree, each module should have their own complete module manual.

Have fun with modular and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
