Welcome :)
I am a bit of a beginner as well if I'm being completely honest. BUT if you don't know yet what you want your synth to do, I would say invest into a semi modular. That's what I did before I started filling a case. I went with a Mother32/0-Coast as my first synths. Going semi modular at first is a great choice if youre uncertain about anything. Diving straight into modular is confusing and expensive. But can be even more expensive if you dont know for absolutely sure what you need or where you're going with it. I regret nothing by going semi modular in the beginning. The Mother 32 is great for beginners. It can teach you so much about the building blocks of synthesis. And will teach you what you WILL need for basic building blocks for your modular. I learned the most just by repatching the Mother. But I do wish that I would have gone for the Mother32 and the DFAM. That things insane.
Anyways, yes. Go semi until you learn more and figure out what you want to do with your synth. Also I would highly recommend picking up a copy of the book Patch and Tweak. It will answer any questions you may have