10 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V
$59 Price in €

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experimental envelopeable’ LFO

experimental envelopeable’ LFO

The Speedbump is a simple two-speed, dual waveform LFO that can be manipulated in speed by a simple decay-generator through a vactrol. When the decay envelope is triggered, the speed of the LFO will go high and ramp down in speed according to the length of the decay set. It is nice for generating percussive rolls or just plain weird modulations. In addition, the decay has a normal envelope output that can be used to drive VCA's or filters or other devices. The vactrol control has a switch so it can be turned off. The LFO has square- and triangle-wave outputs and a two-speed switch.

in 10 hp

see demo



submitted Oct 31st 2018, 22:02 by errorinstruments

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